Spring rukozhopstva post
Background: I enter in a new building two years ago, the repair on the balcony once did, and then all the way hands did not reach him. And next Friday night, after a few beers, we decided with a friend, so go on any longer. It was decided to sheathe the balcony clapboard and bring it in the divine form.
Do not judge strictly, because they do not professionals, but rukozhopy all done via the Internet and intuition :)
Will be 29 photos.
The initial view
The initial view
The initial view
The initial view
The initial view
Parse trim
Parse trim
Screwed lags
Zvukoizoliruem and insulated foam. It was possible vibroplasta, the effect would have been better, but we were walking along the path of least cost.
another angle
Next, we begin to sheathe clapboard.
Photo-13. Sheathe
14. Still sheathe
15. Most of the work on the trim ends, the rest on a trifle
16. fasten the ceiling joists
17. And to the floor
18. Insulate the floor and begin to steal floorboard. Before that, propenyl all holes, unsecured foam.
19. After the move to the floor ceiling. Fasten drywall, pre prokinuv cable for lighting.
20. shpatlyuem, we clean, paint, fasten and connect the lamp.
21. I do not remember at what point completed the battens on the little things, but in this picture the whole lining has been brought to mind. Once the floor and the walls are painted with lacquer. Screwed threshold.
22. Next, the plinth.
23. Finishing Touches - sill and curbs on the ceiling.
24. Everything is ready
29. The whole process took:
-primerno 15 thousand rubles
-4 Days + weekend a couple of evenings
There are a couple of stocks:
- I forgot to insulate the ceiling, remember when I came into the lobby and found the remaining sheets of foam. I decided not to bother, so left.
-Elektrichestvo On the balcony is, only when the kitchen stuck in the socket. In fact outlet always stuck, but rukozhop, even in Africa rukozhop.
-internal corners near windows should be repaired than that.
You can kick :)
Do not judge strictly, because they do not professionals, but rukozhopy all done via the Internet and intuition :)
Will be 29 photos.

The initial view

The initial view

The initial view

The initial view

The initial view

Parse trim

Parse trim

Screwed lags

Zvukoizoliruem and insulated foam. It was possible vibroplasta, the effect would have been better, but we were walking along the path of least cost.

another angle

Next, we begin to sheathe clapboard.

Photo-13. Sheathe

14. Still sheathe

15. Most of the work on the trim ends, the rest on a trifle

16. fasten the ceiling joists

17. And to the floor

18. Insulate the floor and begin to steal floorboard. Before that, propenyl all holes, unsecured foam.

19. After the move to the floor ceiling. Fasten drywall, pre prokinuv cable for lighting.

20. shpatlyuem, we clean, paint, fasten and connect the lamp.

21. I do not remember at what point completed the battens on the little things, but in this picture the whole lining has been brought to mind. Once the floor and the walls are painted with lacquer. Screwed threshold.

22. Next, the plinth.

23. Finishing Touches - sill and curbs on the ceiling.

24. Everything is ready





29. The whole process took:
-primerno 15 thousand rubles
-4 Days + weekend a couple of evenings
There are a couple of stocks:
- I forgot to insulate the ceiling, remember when I came into the lobby and found the remaining sheets of foam. I decided not to bother, so left.
-Elektrichestvo On the balcony is, only when the kitchen stuck in the socket. In fact outlet always stuck, but rukozhop, even in Africa rukozhop.
-internal corners near windows should be repaired than that.
You can kick :)
