The result of the survey: the country does not need the State Duma
Sociologists "Levada Center" came to a disappointing conclusion for Russian parliamentarism.
The population of Russia is not interested in the activities of the State Duma deputies that they value negatively. According to them, the country could do without the lower house of parliament, which can replace the president. This conclusion sociologists "Levada Center", a sociological study on "Public opinion on the activities of the State Duma and deputies».
Continued under the cut ...
Participants in the study, "Levada Center" were residents of 45 regions out of 130 settlements. They were asked six questions designed to find out the attitude of citizens to the deputies and the parliament. So, on the question of whether Russia, the State Duma, or the life of the country can be organized in accordance with the presidential decree, 43% of respondents said that Russia will be enough to decree, 39% - still needed, and 18% - the answer to this question does not know .
Most of the respondents, 35%, most do not care what they do for the State Duma, 16% - definitely not interested, 8% - could not answer this question. 33% of respondents believe that they are more interested in the work of parliament, and only 8% believe in this completely.
Basically - 49% - citizens are not aware of the political order, nor the preferences of the people's representatives. In general, about 45% of them are aware, only 3% believe that they know about it.
What MPs did in the past two years, they know only 5%. They have a rather vague idea about the affairs of 51%, do not know anything 40% and 5% do not know that in this regard at all to say.
Rather negative activities of parliamentarians assess 36% of respondents strongly opposed - 20%, and 29% found it difficult to express their opinion. Only 2% of the entire work of the State Duma support, but rather find a positive 14%.
The majority of respondents, 55%, believes that in the House there should be competition, neither of the parties should not belong to the majority of seats, and the adoption of laws necessary for the coordination of positions of all factions. Less - 17% - believes that it is possible to maintain the current system, and when decisions are taken by a majority vote the same party.
Parliamentarians survey estimate is ambiguous.
- I think that an objective survey, because the parliament, as well as the judiciary, today deposed. If you see a similar survey of judges and whether they are necessary, and here people say - no, it is necessary to leave one president because he appoints, Kara, and the decisions of his executed though the prosecutor's office, even the devil, - says deputy chairman of the CPRF Central Committee, State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin.
- We did not initially believe the polls, "Levada Center," because 9 out of 10 cases, they are biased because it is done under someone or something underneath. With regard to this survey, it just falls under the 10th case where its results can agree, but the explanation of this data is very simple: people will never loved power as a dentist, because initially all think that he make painful, - the vice-speaker of the State Duma from the LDPR Igor Lebedev.
- How can you comment on the assessment of the people? If it is, it is objective. Comment it - is like to comment on the rain or the wind. The reasons for this assessment may consist of various facts, including the general fall in public confidence in the government as such unpopular steps taken by the State Duma, and the presence of undeclared property, concealment of business - says Duma deputy from the "United Russia" Alexander Khinshtein.
The deputy chairman of the faction "Fair Russia", State Duma deputy Mikhail Yemelyanov, in contrast with the results of the survey do not agree.
- This is the result of biased coverage of the Duma and the parliamentary parties in the media. The real debate and the position of the parties are not indicated because it concerned some liberal political forces. They deliberately discredit the Duma opposition and crave revenge for their defeat in the early 2000s - said the deputy. According to him, journalists are working in favor of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who must collect all the protest votes.
Added: Deputies reaction to this news. From Gazety.Ru
The deputy from the LDPR faction Sergei Ivanov is sure that if a citizen does not apply to the deputy, then he is satisfied with his life. "If a person does not follow the work of the deputies, then it need not just apply to the deputy, because he has more or less well, and he does not need help»
"When the deputies show them in picking their nose, then sleep, then Zhirinovsky someone pulls braids. And all parliamentary work comes down to this. And the fact that members of the huge layers of legislation work out, that no one can see. Executive power is afraid of supervision by the legislature, so it is so profitable to put deputies in such a pejorative "- continues Solovyov. "And the media pecking at the bait, take some individual episodes and show their voters, who do not really understand what was happening because they do not follow the political agenda", - says the lawyer of the Communist Party.
The population of Russia is not interested in the activities of the State Duma deputies that they value negatively. According to them, the country could do without the lower house of parliament, which can replace the president. This conclusion sociologists "Levada Center", a sociological study on "Public opinion on the activities of the State Duma and deputies».
Continued under the cut ...

Participants in the study, "Levada Center" were residents of 45 regions out of 130 settlements. They were asked six questions designed to find out the attitude of citizens to the deputies and the parliament. So, on the question of whether Russia, the State Duma, or the life of the country can be organized in accordance with the presidential decree, 43% of respondents said that Russia will be enough to decree, 39% - still needed, and 18% - the answer to this question does not know .
Most of the respondents, 35%, most do not care what they do for the State Duma, 16% - definitely not interested, 8% - could not answer this question. 33% of respondents believe that they are more interested in the work of parliament, and only 8% believe in this completely.
Basically - 49% - citizens are not aware of the political order, nor the preferences of the people's representatives. In general, about 45% of them are aware, only 3% believe that they know about it.
What MPs did in the past two years, they know only 5%. They have a rather vague idea about the affairs of 51%, do not know anything 40% and 5% do not know that in this regard at all to say.
Rather negative activities of parliamentarians assess 36% of respondents strongly opposed - 20%, and 29% found it difficult to express their opinion. Only 2% of the entire work of the State Duma support, but rather find a positive 14%.
The majority of respondents, 55%, believes that in the House there should be competition, neither of the parties should not belong to the majority of seats, and the adoption of laws necessary for the coordination of positions of all factions. Less - 17% - believes that it is possible to maintain the current system, and when decisions are taken by a majority vote the same party.
Parliamentarians survey estimate is ambiguous.
- I think that an objective survey, because the parliament, as well as the judiciary, today deposed. If you see a similar survey of judges and whether they are necessary, and here people say - no, it is necessary to leave one president because he appoints, Kara, and the decisions of his executed though the prosecutor's office, even the devil, - says deputy chairman of the CPRF Central Committee, State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin.
- We did not initially believe the polls, "Levada Center," because 9 out of 10 cases, they are biased because it is done under someone or something underneath. With regard to this survey, it just falls under the 10th case where its results can agree, but the explanation of this data is very simple: people will never loved power as a dentist, because initially all think that he make painful, - the vice-speaker of the State Duma from the LDPR Igor Lebedev.
- How can you comment on the assessment of the people? If it is, it is objective. Comment it - is like to comment on the rain or the wind. The reasons for this assessment may consist of various facts, including the general fall in public confidence in the government as such unpopular steps taken by the State Duma, and the presence of undeclared property, concealment of business - says Duma deputy from the "United Russia" Alexander Khinshtein.
The deputy chairman of the faction "Fair Russia", State Duma deputy Mikhail Yemelyanov, in contrast with the results of the survey do not agree.
- This is the result of biased coverage of the Duma and the parliamentary parties in the media. The real debate and the position of the parties are not indicated because it concerned some liberal political forces. They deliberately discredit the Duma opposition and crave revenge for their defeat in the early 2000s - said the deputy. According to him, journalists are working in favor of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who must collect all the protest votes.
Added: Deputies reaction to this news. From Gazety.Ru
The deputy from the LDPR faction Sergei Ivanov is sure that if a citizen does not apply to the deputy, then he is satisfied with his life. "If a person does not follow the work of the deputies, then it need not just apply to the deputy, because he has more or less well, and he does not need help»
"When the deputies show them in picking their nose, then sleep, then Zhirinovsky someone pulls braids. And all parliamentary work comes down to this. And the fact that members of the huge layers of legislation work out, that no one can see. Executive power is afraid of supervision by the legislature, so it is so profitable to put deputies in such a pejorative "- continues Solovyov. "And the media pecking at the bait, take some individual episodes and show their voters, who do not really understand what was happening because they do not follow the political agenda", - says the lawyer of the Communist Party.