11 occupations, which today no longer exist
11 pictures
Man Service also lost the need. Waking up on time is now helping us different gadgets.
Ice Carvers. Today the ice is not transferred from place to place, and use special refrigeration equipment. By the way, the profession of ice carver was very dangerous, many people pozamerzalo lakes.
Man radar. Detection of enemy aircraft was fully automated.
Hunters rats. Tens of thousands of people in Europe engaged in the control of the rat population, helping society avoid the spread of many dangerous diseases. From plague, however, this did not save
Lamplighter. It's not been invented electricity, extinguished, lit street lamps and refueling specially trained people with long poles.
Milkman. Modern methods of preservation and storage of milk were previously unavailable, so the milk had to be delivered to the client from the cow as soon as possible, otherwise it will simply turn sour.
Timber rafters. It is now developed the technology and infrastructure for the transportation of logs, and in the good old days of rafting timber for its processing was carried out manually
The telephone. Operators of telephone networks were an integral part of its work. Although invented phone for a long time, the need for a telephone operator for long distance calls has disappeared recently - what some 20 years ago.
Thief corpses. In the 19th century, staff and students of medical universities it was hard enough in the legal field to receive the bodies for training. So they hired pohiteteley corpses that were dug in the night had just buried the body.
Lecturer factory workers. Roughly speaking, this profession is "outgrown" in the teacher. The owners of the factories often hired lecturer for the money, that he entertained / taught laborers. Do you think, in good faith? But no - and then not without trade unions.
Well, the last
Guys, setting pins in a bowling alley, replaced by machines.
Of course, some professions are still found in our world, but many are gone
Man Service also lost the need. Waking up on time is now helping us different gadgets.
Ice Carvers. Today the ice is not transferred from place to place, and use special refrigeration equipment. By the way, the profession of ice carver was very dangerous, many people pozamerzalo lakes.
Man radar. Detection of enemy aircraft was fully automated.
Hunters rats. Tens of thousands of people in Europe engaged in the control of the rat population, helping society avoid the spread of many dangerous diseases. From plague, however, this did not save
Lamplighter. It's not been invented electricity, extinguished, lit street lamps and refueling specially trained people with long poles.
Milkman. Modern methods of preservation and storage of milk were previously unavailable, so the milk had to be delivered to the client from the cow as soon as possible, otherwise it will simply turn sour.
Timber rafters. It is now developed the technology and infrastructure for the transportation of logs, and in the good old days of rafting timber for its processing was carried out manually
The telephone. Operators of telephone networks were an integral part of its work. Although invented phone for a long time, the need for a telephone operator for long distance calls has disappeared recently - what some 20 years ago.
Thief corpses. In the 19th century, staff and students of medical universities it was hard enough in the legal field to receive the bodies for training. So they hired pohiteteley corpses that were dug in the night had just buried the body.
Lecturer factory workers. Roughly speaking, this profession is "outgrown" in the teacher. The owners of the factories often hired lecturer for the money, that he entertained / taught laborers. Do you think, in good faith? But no - and then not without trade unions.
Well, the last
Guys, setting pins in a bowling alley, replaced by machines.
Of course, some professions are still found in our world, but many are gone