Where an artificial moon hung. The Island of Crimea
Solid or dust?
This issue was one of the most important in the Soviet space science in the early '60s, and he touched it the lunar surface.
The Soviet Union in those years worked closely over the lunar program, we had to get ahead of the Americans and the first to send the unit to an artificial satellite of our planet. But no one knew what the structure of the lunar surface, and there were two hypotheses - the first that the moon is covered with a thick layer of loose cosmic dust, the second that the solid surface of the moon ...
So in 1964, in the Crimea will be an artificial moon, on a mountaintop Balaly Kaya built the lunar station, and at the foot of installed radio telescope, with which, in the end, has received credible information that the lunar surface is hard and it can be send Lunokhod, the lander and man.
Subsequently, the station was used to calculate the absolute temperature of Jupiter and objects Cassiopeia, Taurus, Cygnus, and the study of the surface of Mars, Jupiter and Mercury ...
Will be 20 photos + text source.
Abandoned setting "artificial moon" can be clearly seen from the highway Sudak, Koktebel, and that it only did not speak to the question of the passing tourist. This relay, and a ski lift, and a part of the unfinished power lines, and even ... the remains of Noah's Ark (despite all the nonsense of the last option, believe in it !!!).
Once belonged to the progressive installation of the Gorky Research Institute of Radio Physics. Mounting it and located at the foot radio telescope began in October 1964. Supervised project Soviet scholar Vsevolod Troitsky, and at the time of construction of the lunar station was actually an experiment.
Some people believe that two years before the start of the "artificial moon" in Moscow there was a storied history. The meeting, headed by SP Korolev, which took place in the building of the Council of Ministers, tough question arose about the characteristics of the lunar soil, needed for the construction of lunar rover. We faced those same two points of view: first, that the moon is covered with a thick layer of loose cosmic dust, the second that the solid surface of the moon. SP Korolev had to make a decision, and the discussion continued. Sergei Pavlovich find original organizational solution: let the participants a piece of paper divided into two parts. It was necessary to subscribe (for history) under one of the points of view. And there was only one piece of signature VS Trinity. After that SP Korolev put his resolution: "The moon solid!»
But in fact, it had yet to figure out.
It is this mountain and this place was chosen for a reason. The fact that the experiment was based on the method of comparing the radio emission from the moon, and this artificial moon, using an artificial moon as a reference. But the experiments needed a certain landscape - an artificial moon shall be as high above the horizon, as the present, and the angle of the telescope had to be the same.
The top Balaly-Kai and foot of the mountain ideally suited for this purpose, and experiments can be carried out several times a day for several months.
To carry out tests on the top of Mount established a special metal structure, which consolidated the artificial moon - black disk with a diameter of 5 meters, the surface of which was covered with carbon foam radiopoglotitelem. Installation is a practical model for blackbody radio waves in the centimeter range.
The result of these studies was the precise definition of parameters and the composition of the lunar soil and the creation of a modern model of the structure of the outer cover of the moon. It was discovered that the temperature of the moon caused by the decay of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium and potassium) in its interior. In the future, the method of artificial moon was used for high-precision measurements of the effective temperature of the distributed radio galaxy.
At a distance of about 550 meters from the "artificial moon", at the foot of the radio telescope was installed, which sent waves on the disc and the real moon.
Now it remains only on the base of the telescope.
Such was the setting in the 60s at the peak of studies
Today, the object is completely abandoned, but because he is in the territory of Karadag reserve, it does not cut into scrap metal, and he miraculously survived at least in this form.
The upper part of the lunar station is located on the highest point of Balaly-Kai, at an altitude of 391 meters above sea level. Directly to the upper floor is metal ladder, by the way, already shaky from time to time and rust destroy it
The platform is supported by the drive once a small beams, reinforced with metal directly into the rock. It is paved with half-rotten wooden beams and planks and beams themselves are held with metal extensions.
The design is still quite tight, but being on her realize she was stand for long - under the feet of all the plays and flex.
Time and weathering slowly does its job
Streamers. Some still fully functional and able to support high iron beams, and some are already "given up" and the rust of "ripped" from the ends of the cables into the rock fortified pins.
Wooden beams and floorboards is also on the way ...
An amazing combination of collapsing creation of human hands and the eternal creations of nature.
Dying urban background object on an incredibly beautiful scenery.
Views of the surrounding valleys and Karadag
Below the vineyards, the Black Sea and the Karadag reserve the right light several buildings. Here there and located the telescope, as well as laboratory houses-trailers.
Remains of metal structures. Part of the rope, as we see, has torn
One of leaving metal beams in the sky, on which hung the artificial disc of the moon.
The opening, which hung drive
It was such graphite dies Artificial Moon
One of the extensions that support the high beam. Knowingly guides "treat" gullible tourists about Noah's Ark. Even here it seems that you are standing on the bow of the ship, soaring above the mountains.
Remains of the room in which to store the necessary equipment. It's amazing to see the long-abandoned facility as part of the whole.
Typically, even if looters, vandals all break, foul inscriptions and graffiti.
Well. in addition to the species, from here you can watch an incredibly beautiful summer sunset. Right from the nose of the metal "ship", which gave very valuable information to send another ship into space, right on the Moon ... ©
Last !!!
This issue was one of the most important in the Soviet space science in the early '60s, and he touched it the lunar surface.
The Soviet Union in those years worked closely over the lunar program, we had to get ahead of the Americans and the first to send the unit to an artificial satellite of our planet. But no one knew what the structure of the lunar surface, and there were two hypotheses - the first that the moon is covered with a thick layer of loose cosmic dust, the second that the solid surface of the moon ...
So in 1964, in the Crimea will be an artificial moon, on a mountaintop Balaly Kaya built the lunar station, and at the foot of installed radio telescope, with which, in the end, has received credible information that the lunar surface is hard and it can be send Lunokhod, the lander and man.
Subsequently, the station was used to calculate the absolute temperature of Jupiter and objects Cassiopeia, Taurus, Cygnus, and the study of the surface of Mars, Jupiter and Mercury ...
Will be 20 photos + text source.

Abandoned setting "artificial moon" can be clearly seen from the highway Sudak, Koktebel, and that it only did not speak to the question of the passing tourist. This relay, and a ski lift, and a part of the unfinished power lines, and even ... the remains of Noah's Ark (despite all the nonsense of the last option, believe in it !!!).
Once belonged to the progressive installation of the Gorky Research Institute of Radio Physics. Mounting it and located at the foot radio telescope began in October 1964. Supervised project Soviet scholar Vsevolod Troitsky, and at the time of construction of the lunar station was actually an experiment.
Some people believe that two years before the start of the "artificial moon" in Moscow there was a storied history. The meeting, headed by SP Korolev, which took place in the building of the Council of Ministers, tough question arose about the characteristics of the lunar soil, needed for the construction of lunar rover. We faced those same two points of view: first, that the moon is covered with a thick layer of loose cosmic dust, the second that the solid surface of the moon. SP Korolev had to make a decision, and the discussion continued. Sergei Pavlovich find original organizational solution: let the participants a piece of paper divided into two parts. It was necessary to subscribe (for history) under one of the points of view. And there was only one piece of signature VS Trinity. After that SP Korolev put his resolution: "The moon solid!»
But in fact, it had yet to figure out.
It is this mountain and this place was chosen for a reason. The fact that the experiment was based on the method of comparing the radio emission from the moon, and this artificial moon, using an artificial moon as a reference. But the experiments needed a certain landscape - an artificial moon shall be as high above the horizon, as the present, and the angle of the telescope had to be the same.
The top Balaly-Kai and foot of the mountain ideally suited for this purpose, and experiments can be carried out several times a day for several months.

To carry out tests on the top of Mount established a special metal structure, which consolidated the artificial moon - black disk with a diameter of 5 meters, the surface of which was covered with carbon foam radiopoglotitelem. Installation is a practical model for blackbody radio waves in the centimeter range.
The result of these studies was the precise definition of parameters and the composition of the lunar soil and the creation of a modern model of the structure of the outer cover of the moon. It was discovered that the temperature of the moon caused by the decay of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium and potassium) in its interior. In the future, the method of artificial moon was used for high-precision measurements of the effective temperature of the distributed radio galaxy.

At a distance of about 550 meters from the "artificial moon", at the foot of the radio telescope was installed, which sent waves on the disc and the real moon.
Now it remains only on the base of the telescope.

Such was the setting in the 60s at the peak of studies

Today, the object is completely abandoned, but because he is in the territory of Karadag reserve, it does not cut into scrap metal, and he miraculously survived at least in this form.

The upper part of the lunar station is located on the highest point of Balaly-Kai, at an altitude of 391 meters above sea level. Directly to the upper floor is metal ladder, by the way, already shaky from time to time and rust destroy it

The platform is supported by the drive once a small beams, reinforced with metal directly into the rock. It is paved with half-rotten wooden beams and planks and beams themselves are held with metal extensions.

The design is still quite tight, but being on her realize she was stand for long - under the feet of all the plays and flex.
Time and weathering slowly does its job

Streamers. Some still fully functional and able to support high iron beams, and some are already "given up" and the rust of "ripped" from the ends of the cables into the rock fortified pins.

Wooden beams and floorboards is also on the way ...

An amazing combination of collapsing creation of human hands and the eternal creations of nature.
Dying urban background object on an incredibly beautiful scenery.

Views of the surrounding valleys and Karadag

Below the vineyards, the Black Sea and the Karadag reserve the right light several buildings. Here there and located the telescope, as well as laboratory houses-trailers.

Remains of metal structures. Part of the rope, as we see, has torn

One of leaving metal beams in the sky, on which hung the artificial disc of the moon.

The opening, which hung drive

It was such graphite dies Artificial Moon

One of the extensions that support the high beam. Knowingly guides "treat" gullible tourists about Noah's Ark. Even here it seems that you are standing on the bow of the ship, soaring above the mountains.

Remains of the room in which to store the necessary equipment. It's amazing to see the long-abandoned facility as part of the whole.
Typically, even if looters, vandals all break, foul inscriptions and graffiti.

Well. in addition to the species, from here you can watch an incredibly beautiful summer sunset. Right from the nose of the metal "ship", which gave very valuable information to send another ship into space, right on the Moon ... ©
Last !!!

Putin once again rejected the petition for clemency Lieutenant Sergei Arakcheeva
Chinese tourniquet.