Wind Novorossiysk
In our classroom, the southern town due to geographical features such sour blow northern wind. This usually occurs in the winter, when temperatures in the minus 15-20 degrees. When a cold front meets warm air standing over Tsemess Bay, along the crest of the mountain range surrounding the bay is formed by local white cap called "beard". The wind speed reaches 35-45 meters per second that ordinary Novorossiysk - normal and usual phenomenon in which to work and you can go in a stall for booze and visitors of ordinary matter in the style of "fucking you here Chernobyl". Let us say rather strong breeze. Roofs tears, breaks and fells trees, passers-by car takes at the most unfortunate scenario, quite heavy advertising constructions on the streets sometimes fly as plywood.) At this point continuing violence of the elements.
14 photo.
For some photos of special thanks Tateshi Yokotaishi
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7 (by the way there is a monument to Limanchik Geshe Kozodoeva of the diamond hand. The episode with his walking on water was filmed here in Novorossiysk on Sudzhukskaya spit.)
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 10
14 photo.
For some photos of special thanks Tateshi Yokotaishi

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7 (by the way there is a monument to Limanchik Geshe Kozodoeva of the diamond hand. The episode with his walking on water was filmed here in Novorossiysk on Sudzhukskaya spit.)

Photo 8

Photo 9

Photo 10
