Picnic at an abandoned missile silo in Gulbene
To celebrate the arrival of spring with the guys decided to get out of the city of Riga on the nature and frying sausages. The destination was the city of Gulbene district, namely in an abandoned missile base.
Immediately warn, photo made on Sapper shovel.
62 photo.
At 7:30 arrived to stop our pride - low-floor tram (about 2, 8 million euros per share).
The tram was waiting for me comrades, by the way, how to get to the declared residents of Riga is 0, 60 euros.
So we drove to the center and go through the station's square, called "Origo", at five minutes to eight hours.
The bus departs at 8:30 am, having bought the tickets (7, 55 Euro) go for about three hours. Therefore, part of the expedition decided to sit out on the track in individual booths (they say it's a good sign)
Here is our bus, those who were once in Riga, surely remember him
Our platform number eight, left 15 minutes before departure, and people had already gathered well.
Sitting in the last row found that the bus has free WiFi. The street was well dripped
After passing through Riga we went to the Vidzeme highway, the landscape along the way about the same
We pass once very famous restaurant Sēnīte (Senite) where liked to gather all sorts of criminals, since it was considered a very elite institutions. It is now abandoned "mothballed, as waiting for aid from the European Union amounting to 7 million euros»
Ride through Sigulda, autumn come here a lot of tourists as well as the nature is very beautiful: the mountains you can watch beautiful paint yellow-red-orange-green deciduous forest. In the photo a shopping center with cinema "Chocolate»
But for Sigulda, surprisingly, we turned winter
The first stop, and then the snow piled on top of two fingers
From Riga has 104 kilometers
The second stop in the city of Smiltene. They free up space, and an elderly couple sitting in front of us moved over away from us with the words "Tālāk no Krievijas" (away from Russia)
Upon reaching the desired stop, the bus left us happily sad blinking turn signals
And we have to walk several kilometers peshkarusom
Turning off the road approached the edge of the forest, with occasional pines
Continue forward through the beautiful woods
But on the way there was a pechalka - as they say "Caterpillar knocked down, the movement is not possible." The blessing was with a small repair kit, now called the "Repair your feet in the field»
What followed was not an easy path through the swamp with fallen trees and a beautiful lake
After going through all of this we are almost getting to the target, but the way we blocked the plate "Property of the Ministry of Defence. STAND! Protected object! Entry and entry is prohibited! »
We decided to bypass the forest. They went to an abandoned military camp. All the houses are in the same state. Sharp said not at home, but just the walls that remained of them
The most interesting is that there was - abandoned "hangar»
It is interesting for its graffiti
But here we are. Cover missile silo. As I explained, there were medium-range ballistic missiles P - 12
See the inside is not comfortable, so it's better to have 4 points of support
Mine turned out to be half submerged. Second, too. Third, too
What would have an idea in size:
But the fourth was almost dry
In appearance they do not differ. Is that all the metal that could - have cut
One of the inputs to the inside of the hopper, but to it later. Now our main goal - a picnic
Brushwood after all wet winters and honestly, I do not particularly represented as a lit fire. The solution was simple - a gas burner for cutting noodles + (Rollton / Mivina), it is ideal for kindling
Right at the very mine
Glade covered, and all the fried sausage
Eat and clean up the garbage, we look at the site plan and climb inside
First we went through the main entrance, but they all turned out to be drunk and had to go through the place where once stood the oxidizer tanks
Long corridors to the mines themselves. If I am not mistaken, the red shedding on the wall - the boundary of the start floor below underneath the cables have been laid. But since everything is plundered, we go to the full-length
Steep stairs down to the mine
But she was not weak flooded
Surprisingly, we have found we are not part of the sawed metal stairs, perhaps the only thing that remains something of iron among all the abandoned bunkers available in Latvia
Another mine is almost completely flooded. Cover
And just below the water already
Three mask if I'm not mistaken sludge-mask SHMP
And finally, it is not flooded mines. But to go down will not work, because there is an elevator and stairs are long gone
Not far from the mine found a hose, apparently pumped out the water in the hope that you can still make something for scrap
Last look at the mine through the bushes
And last look inside the mine. Depth strikes, threw back a couple of stones - were flying 4 seconds, which means the shaft about 37 meters deep.
And that's actually why the property of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the entrance is strictly vospreschёn - shooting range for
Way back again in a military town. There was a bust you know who
A couple of pictures of the landscape
And waiting at the bus stop
He came late, cost the ticket back to the 6, 95 euros because did not go to the center
In Riga back to 9 o'clock in the evening, and there in our absence has dropped a lot of snow and get a real winter fairy tale. Perhaps everything. Thank you all for your attention.
Immediately warn, photo made on Sapper shovel.
62 photo.

At 7:30 arrived to stop our pride - low-floor tram (about 2, 8 million euros per share).

The tram was waiting for me comrades, by the way, how to get to the declared residents of Riga is 0, 60 euros.

So we drove to the center and go through the station's square, called "Origo", at five minutes to eight hours.

The bus departs at 8:30 am, having bought the tickets (7, 55 Euro) go for about three hours. Therefore, part of the expedition decided to sit out on the track in individual booths (they say it's a good sign)

Here is our bus, those who were once in Riga, surely remember him

Our platform number eight, left 15 minutes before departure, and people had already gathered well.

Sitting in the last row found that the bus has free WiFi. The street was well dripped

After passing through Riga we went to the Vidzeme highway, the landscape along the way about the same

We pass once very famous restaurant Sēnīte (Senite) where liked to gather all sorts of criminals, since it was considered a very elite institutions. It is now abandoned "mothballed, as waiting for aid from the European Union amounting to 7 million euros»

Ride through Sigulda, autumn come here a lot of tourists as well as the nature is very beautiful: the mountains you can watch beautiful paint yellow-red-orange-green deciduous forest. In the photo a shopping center with cinema "Chocolate»

But for Sigulda, surprisingly, we turned winter

The first stop, and then the snow piled on top of two fingers

From Riga has 104 kilometers

The second stop in the city of Smiltene. They free up space, and an elderly couple sitting in front of us moved over away from us with the words "Tālāk no Krievijas" (away from Russia)

Upon reaching the desired stop, the bus left us happily sad blinking turn signals

And we have to walk several kilometers peshkarusom

Turning off the road approached the edge of the forest, with occasional pines

Continue forward through the beautiful woods

But on the way there was a pechalka - as they say "Caterpillar knocked down, the movement is not possible." The blessing was with a small repair kit, now called the "Repair your feet in the field»

What followed was not an easy path through the swamp with fallen trees and a beautiful lake

After going through all of this we are almost getting to the target, but the way we blocked the plate "Property of the Ministry of Defence. STAND! Protected object! Entry and entry is prohibited! »

We decided to bypass the forest. They went to an abandoned military camp. All the houses are in the same state. Sharp said not at home, but just the walls that remained of them

The most interesting is that there was - abandoned "hangar»

It is interesting for its graffiti







But here we are. Cover missile silo. As I explained, there were medium-range ballistic missiles P - 12

See the inside is not comfortable, so it's better to have 4 points of support

Mine turned out to be half submerged. Second, too. Third, too

What would have an idea in size:

But the fourth was almost dry

In appearance they do not differ. Is that all the metal that could - have cut

One of the inputs to the inside of the hopper, but to it later. Now our main goal - a picnic

Brushwood after all wet winters and honestly, I do not particularly represented as a lit fire. The solution was simple - a gas burner for cutting noodles + (Rollton / Mivina), it is ideal for kindling

Right at the very mine

Glade covered, and all the fried sausage

Eat and clean up the garbage, we look at the site plan and climb inside

First we went through the main entrance, but they all turned out to be drunk and had to go through the place where once stood the oxidizer tanks

Long corridors to the mines themselves. If I am not mistaken, the red shedding on the wall - the boundary of the start floor below underneath the cables have been laid. But since everything is plundered, we go to the full-length



Steep stairs down to the mine

But she was not weak flooded

Surprisingly, we have found we are not part of the sawed metal stairs, perhaps the only thing that remains something of iron among all the abandoned bunkers available in Latvia

Another mine is almost completely flooded. Cover

And just below the water already

Three mask if I'm not mistaken sludge-mask SHMP

And finally, it is not flooded mines. But to go down will not work, because there is an elevator and stairs are long gone

Not far from the mine found a hose, apparently pumped out the water in the hope that you can still make something for scrap

Last look at the mine through the bushes

And last look inside the mine. Depth strikes, threw back a couple of stones - were flying 4 seconds, which means the shaft about 37 meters deep.

And that's actually why the property of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the entrance is strictly vospreschёn - shooting range for

Way back again in a military town. There was a bust you know who

A couple of pictures of the landscape


And waiting at the bus stop

He came late, cost the ticket back to the 6, 95 euros because did not go to the center

In Riga back to 9 o'clock in the evening, and there in our absence has dropped a lot of snow and get a real winter fairy tale. Perhaps everything. Thank you all for your attention.
