Chalk mine. Belgorod.
Shiloh in one place to push us in the abandoned mines. Mines should become a repository of products, but either sawed or psihanuli and did not build them in full. I think all the same sawed.
1.Lyubaya mine should begin with a long corridor into the darkness. Gray concrete walls, the absence of sound and light. This is the first mine, the entrance to it was closed on the wire, and a guard there.
2.Ostatki working people. Construction was carried out, but do not know why?
3.Pervaya fork.
4.POMNI !!! Did not pick up, let it lie as the surroundings of mines.
5.A is a second exit from the mine, he was locked up and we decided to go deeper and see what is there.
6.Ostatki builders of life, well, once it becomes clear how they work here))
7.Periodicheski found a niche in the main drifting, probably for storage of penetration and technology in the tunnel junction. Niches are empty ...
8. ... and there are also full.
9.Tunnel deadlock ended with two rooms. They began to grow roots.
10. In the same room were shelves of unknown purpose. But going into the second room once it became clear what they are.
11.VESHANKA! There were grown oyster, and then abandoned. But the oyster and continues to grow itself.
12.Yaschiki for finished products.
13.Vyhod from the first shaft.
14.A it is near the second shaft.
15.Moya wife Tatiana.
16.Vhod second mine, if the first was all lined with concrete, this is mainly cut down in the Cretaceous.
19.Nalevo or right? Left!
20.Anus hell! A wrong turn.
21.Anus view closer.
22. ... I would like to.
24.A Now this is the discovery for which we were there, burned VAZ-2101.
25.Nemnozhko pampered with backlight.
28.Nu and final self. I'm a bearded Left)))
Taken from here shuraly.livejournal.com/2129.html
1.Lyubaya mine should begin with a long corridor into the darkness. Gray concrete walls, the absence of sound and light. This is the first mine, the entrance to it was closed on the wire, and a guard there.

2.Ostatki working people. Construction was carried out, but do not know why?

3.Pervaya fork.

4.POMNI !!! Did not pick up, let it lie as the surroundings of mines.

5.A is a second exit from the mine, he was locked up and we decided to go deeper and see what is there.

6.Ostatki builders of life, well, once it becomes clear how they work here))

7.Periodicheski found a niche in the main drifting, probably for storage of penetration and technology in the tunnel junction. Niches are empty ...

8. ... and there are also full.

9.Tunnel deadlock ended with two rooms. They began to grow roots.

10. In the same room were shelves of unknown purpose. But going into the second room once it became clear what they are.

11.VESHANKA! There were grown oyster, and then abandoned. But the oyster and continues to grow itself.

12.Yaschiki for finished products.

13.Vyhod from the first shaft.

14.A it is near the second shaft.

15.Moya wife Tatiana.

16.Vhod second mine, if the first was all lined with concrete, this is mainly cut down in the Cretaceous.



19.Nalevo or right? Left!

20.Anus hell! A wrong turn.

21.Anus view closer.

22. ... I would like to.


24.A Now this is the discovery for which we were there, burned VAZ-2101.

25.Nemnozhko pampered with backlight.



28.Nu and final self. I'm a bearded Left)))
Taken from here shuraly.livejournal.com/2129.html