Most ekologichski clean car

Company Fleethorse, which is based in Dubai, presented a draft of a new cleaner vehicle capacity of only 1 hp And in this case we are talking about is that the machine will really have one horse.

The new vehicle is not some kind of wagon, namely the car with all its attributes - there is a body, the steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, as well as the interior. Feature machine called Naturcar that inside the car is a real live horse. The animal is in a special belt and running on a special treadmill. As a result of running horses produced energy which is stored in batteries. And then the energy will be transferred to the wheels.
According to the developers, the horse will run inside the car for a few hours a day. That's enough to accumulate enough energy to move at a relatively short distance. Maximum speed Naturcar, supposedly, will be more than 60 km / h.
Interestingly, the company has developed several projects Fleethorse "horse" cars. For example, there is an option which can be positioned inside the car of three horses. According to the Fleethorse, these "three" can be used to transport tourists in the center of large cities.