Russian foreign brands
Details of Russian brands pretending to foreigners ...
Especially for those who can not buy foreign, Russian businessman offering a "European quality at affordable prices" - the production of Chinese, Polish and Russian production with beautiful foreign names. The people of origin guesses, but still takes: foreign-pokrasivshe all our will. So
No shoe master Carlo Pazolinine exist and never existed. Sounds, of course, perfect. Mellifluous any woman who lives with a firm and fair conviction that the best in the world of shoes - the Italian. Carlo Pazolini Group - the name of the Russian company, which has its own shoe factories in Russia and China and a network of branded stores.
President of the company "Golder Electronics" and the owner of the brand Andrew Vitek Derevyanchenko at the start of his career, combined with the technology trade work as a security guard. Five years ago, he registered the trademark in Austria Vitek. The name comes from the words vita (in Latin - life) and tech (in the sense - machinery). Contrary to popular belief no Vitka business is not the same company. The reception area Vitek allows you to write on the box "Manufacturer: Austria". Appliances Mr. Derevyanchenko initially positioned as a quality product at a price 10-15% cheaper than similar, but brands. Later, however, the company could not afford to acquire their own design bureau to develop unique models of equipment. Now Mr. Derevyanchenko proud of this year designed a kettle, a flashing red lights around the perimeter and a luminous blue neon light.
Together with Derevyanchenko started and Yevgeny Nazarov, the founder of a lesser-known brand home appliances Vigor (derived from the English vigorous - brave, strong), it is registered in Hungary. The Moscow office is located in Vigor leased the plant "Vympel" room where 20 people sit, stand all models of household appliances and smells soup from the canteen.
Commercial director Vigor Alexander Nazarov admits that all appliances them like any other Russian companies bought in the countries of Southeast Asia, is going on the same plants and often not just superficially similar, but identical. "We arrive at the factory, see what they offer us, choose your favorite model and agree on the price for which they will put on the tea name of our brand - said on.- Of their own design to engage in no sense: expensive, and still stolen. "
Brand Scarlett (owned by Arima Holding Corp., the joint brainchild of the Chinese and the Russians), the manufacturer of the most purchased in Russia Dummies, incorporated in England in 1996 and named in honor of Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler. Because the target audience of the founders of the brand was seen predominantly female, business, but not alien to the classics of literature and romance.
Rolsen - brand, invented in 1995 by a graduate MIPT Sergei Belousov - used for TV sets, home theater systems, monitors, mobile phones and washing machines. But Rolsen never peddling his name on irons. Start-up companies to build TVs LG, and now manufactures and their own factory in Fryazino (items bought in South-East Asia). In recent years, the most successful at selling Rolsen monitors and televisions, which it produces 150 thousand. And 240 thousand. Units per year respectively. At the same plant in the Moscow region Fryazino do all sold in Russia, 20-, 21- and 25-inch TVs LG.
A minor is not engaged and the trade mark Kaiser, operating in the market as the German company since the mid 90s and invented a founding father of Pavel Loginov. The brand has successfully saturate the market of large kitchen appliances. Mr. Loginov makes it at the same factory in Poland, which produces products under the brand, and Hansa.
Stamps Techno, Trony and Elenberg never too Western. They belong to large retailers "Technosila", "Peace" and "Eldorado", respectively. They are present only in stores these networks. No Elenberga, say, Technosila can not be found.
But Bork, promoting himself as a German technology, has almost all the stores, despite the fact that it is a brand network "Elektroflot." But Bork has an advantage - a very brutal attractive design and mid-price segment, while the above products under three brands are very cheap.
The company Milagro (Spanish - a miracle) operates in the market since 1998 and specializes in instant coffee. As the director of marketing Nikita Morev when they were just starting to work, the credibility of the Western manufacturers invigorating drink our buyer was greater, and therefore had to use a foreign name. Do Milagro in Europe and Russia, the main office is located in Germany.
Another company - Kaffa Industries, known in Russia, its instant coffee, working here for only three years. Its name is coined as the name of a species of coffee Kaffa Elgresso (Kaffa - the name of the province in the east of Africa, where, according to legend, first appeared drink coffee and elgresso - just beautiful coined the word does not mean anything). Kaffa coffee produces at two factories in the suburbs.
Brands Greenfield, Tess, Jardin belong to the St. Petersburg company "Orimi Trade" and Curtis & Patridge - producer "May". "Buyers want to believe that the brand he chooses, is made of a unique water only in the world of the lost glacier in the Pacific Ocean on the accidental discovery of an extinct tribe prescription New Zealand natives. And most importantly, he is willing to pay for this extra money, "- said Kirill Dubinsky, director of strategic planning and business development for creative agency" Aurora »
Tea Greenfield is positioned in the premium price segment as the produced by the order and under the control of Greenfield Tea Ltd., which was established on 10 August 2003 in the UK by the St. Petersburg producer of tea "Orimi Trade". After a couple of weeks of its products appeared in the Russian market. On the sites are designated with British domains and addresses in London. However, information about the history of the company to them is not specified.
Tea Curtis & Patridge (producer - "May Company»)
Famous brand Faberlic began in 1997 and was called the "Russian line". Before that, its founders graduates of Moscow State University Alexey Nechaev Alexander Davankov traded in the securities market. Then he tried to make supplements and household chemicals, but eventually decided to do makeup. Initially, the company even wanted to play on the fact that it is Russian. But studies have shown a paradoxical thing. On the one hand, we appreciate Russian women for natural cosmetics. On the other - they want to see in his dresser stylish package with a cosmopolitan name.
New word for the "Russian line" invented the whole year. As a result, we decided to synthesize the word faber (master) and "face» (lic). And foreign, and to the Russian ear the word new, and it was conceived producer should cause the buyer association with world renowned Faberge.
This year the company Faberlic specially conducted a survey among its buyers, with which found that 30% of take it for the Russian producer, 29% - for foreign language, while 24% believe that it is a co-production. In fact, doing makeup on two plants - in Moscow and Balashikha, using, however, the development of raw materials and foreign firms.
Network of shops of clothes Sela, being a Russian brand in principle does not translate into Russian a slogan Feel The Same, which is about 10 years, nearly as much, and the network itself. In the beginning, when the output of the regions their first franchisee told customers that it is Israel's clothes. Whereas in fact it is made in St. Petersburg.
TJ Collection, which, as they say in the press release, "was created in the UK in 1992," produces shoes under three brand names: TJ Collection, Chester, and Carnaby. Produced they are, again according to the press release, the "family shoe production in Italy and Spain with the use of manual labor." I thought it was all the details. Each brand - its target audience. TJ CollectionChesterCarnaby - youth. Surprised buyers only one thing - they, going on business or on vacation in England, trying to find a store favorite brand, nothing came of it. buy fashion-conscious middle-class; - Fans of good-quality classic footwear;
Rostov businessman Vladimir Melnikov sews jeans, denim clothing, children's and adult knitwear in Rostov and nowhere else. Very proud of the success of his enterprise and generally in favor of domestic producers. Nevertheless, its two brand called Gloria Jeans and Gee Jey. Although it is worth to emphasize, that the origin of the company has never hidden, and not the contrary - strongly emphasized.
St. Petersburg company "August Plus" produces and sells women's clothing under the brand name Oggi - very low-key and simple, but on the other hand, fashionable and elegant. Therefore, it is like to buy, teachers, financiers and other strict woman, who can not very much to experiment with style. The word oggi - Italian ("Today"), so that for the most part women customers find the Italian brand.
Shoes Ralf Ringer traditionally considered whether the German, or Austrian. But in fact it is made in factories in Moscow, Vladimir and Zaraysk. Company executives while willingly give interviews to various business publications, telling enthusiastically about our origins and how they develop and upgrade the production of the factory.
Shoe Tervolina network also does not hide the place of production: they sew shoes in Togliatti factory "Leader". And the name Tervolina they are not specially invented, it remains from the time when his footwear company not sewed, and imported it from the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Camelot, ultramodern youth footwear brand, is also ours. History of the company «Camelot» began in 1996 with the opening of a small shop, where they were presented a collection «Grinders», «Dr.Martens», «Shellys» and others. But not everyone can afford these shoes because of high prices. Since 1999, there was almost the same shoes, but not made in the UK and the US, as in Poland and China under control of the Russian company. And therefore accessible to young people.
As the data survey respondents, such qualities as pedantry, punctuality and accuracy, have the Germans. It is therefore logical to focus on German as releasing stationery, than in Russia just is a Russian company Erich Krauser.
Also, so-called "foreign" brands are:
Technology Akira, Binatone, Polar, car audio and video equipment Prology, household chemicals Frau Schmidt, jeans Motor, clothing Baon, BeFree, Incity, coffee Jardin, tea Maitre de Thy, mayonnaise Mr.Ricco, beer and Altstein Bagbier and countless others .
Especially for those who can not buy foreign, Russian businessman offering a "European quality at affordable prices" - the production of Chinese, Polish and Russian production with beautiful foreign names. The people of origin guesses, but still takes: foreign-pokrasivshe all our will. So

No shoe master Carlo Pazolinine exist and never existed. Sounds, of course, perfect. Mellifluous any woman who lives with a firm and fair conviction that the best in the world of shoes - the Italian. Carlo Pazolini Group - the name of the Russian company, which has its own shoe factories in Russia and China and a network of branded stores.

President of the company "Golder Electronics" and the owner of the brand Andrew Vitek Derevyanchenko at the start of his career, combined with the technology trade work as a security guard. Five years ago, he registered the trademark in Austria Vitek. The name comes from the words vita (in Latin - life) and tech (in the sense - machinery). Contrary to popular belief no Vitka business is not the same company. The reception area Vitek allows you to write on the box "Manufacturer: Austria". Appliances Mr. Derevyanchenko initially positioned as a quality product at a price 10-15% cheaper than similar, but brands. Later, however, the company could not afford to acquire their own design bureau to develop unique models of equipment. Now Mr. Derevyanchenko proud of this year designed a kettle, a flashing red lights around the perimeter and a luminous blue neon light.

Together with Derevyanchenko started and Yevgeny Nazarov, the founder of a lesser-known brand home appliances Vigor (derived from the English vigorous - brave, strong), it is registered in Hungary. The Moscow office is located in Vigor leased the plant "Vympel" room where 20 people sit, stand all models of household appliances and smells soup from the canteen.
Commercial director Vigor Alexander Nazarov admits that all appliances them like any other Russian companies bought in the countries of Southeast Asia, is going on the same plants and often not just superficially similar, but identical. "We arrive at the factory, see what they offer us, choose your favorite model and agree on the price for which they will put on the tea name of our brand - said on.- Of their own design to engage in no sense: expensive, and still stolen. "

Brand Scarlett (owned by Arima Holding Corp., the joint brainchild of the Chinese and the Russians), the manufacturer of the most purchased in Russia Dummies, incorporated in England in 1996 and named in honor of Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler. Because the target audience of the founders of the brand was seen predominantly female, business, but not alien to the classics of literature and romance.

Rolsen - brand, invented in 1995 by a graduate MIPT Sergei Belousov - used for TV sets, home theater systems, monitors, mobile phones and washing machines. But Rolsen never peddling his name on irons. Start-up companies to build TVs LG, and now manufactures and their own factory in Fryazino (items bought in South-East Asia). In recent years, the most successful at selling Rolsen monitors and televisions, which it produces 150 thousand. And 240 thousand. Units per year respectively. At the same plant in the Moscow region Fryazino do all sold in Russia, 20-, 21- and 25-inch TVs LG.

A minor is not engaged and the trade mark Kaiser, operating in the market as the German company since the mid 90s and invented a founding father of Pavel Loginov. The brand has successfully saturate the market of large kitchen appliances. Mr. Loginov makes it at the same factory in Poland, which produces products under the brand, and Hansa.
Stamps Techno, Trony and Elenberg never too Western. They belong to large retailers "Technosila", "Peace" and "Eldorado", respectively. They are present only in stores these networks. No Elenberga, say, Technosila can not be found.

But Bork, promoting himself as a German technology, has almost all the stores, despite the fact that it is a brand network "Elektroflot." But Bork has an advantage - a very brutal attractive design and mid-price segment, while the above products under three brands are very cheap.

The company Milagro (Spanish - a miracle) operates in the market since 1998 and specializes in instant coffee. As the director of marketing Nikita Morev when they were just starting to work, the credibility of the Western manufacturers invigorating drink our buyer was greater, and therefore had to use a foreign name. Do Milagro in Europe and Russia, the main office is located in Germany.

Another company - Kaffa Industries, known in Russia, its instant coffee, working here for only three years. Its name is coined as the name of a species of coffee Kaffa Elgresso (Kaffa - the name of the province in the east of Africa, where, according to legend, first appeared drink coffee and elgresso - just beautiful coined the word does not mean anything). Kaffa coffee produces at two factories in the suburbs.
Brands Greenfield, Tess, Jardin belong to the St. Petersburg company "Orimi Trade" and Curtis & Patridge - producer "May". "Buyers want to believe that the brand he chooses, is made of a unique water only in the world of the lost glacier in the Pacific Ocean on the accidental discovery of an extinct tribe prescription New Zealand natives. And most importantly, he is willing to pay for this extra money, "- said Kirill Dubinsky, director of strategic planning and business development for creative agency" Aurora »

Tea Greenfield is positioned in the premium price segment as the produced by the order and under the control of Greenfield Tea Ltd., which was established on 10 August 2003 in the UK by the St. Petersburg producer of tea "Orimi Trade". After a couple of weeks of its products appeared in the Russian market. On the sites are designated with British domains and addresses in London. However, information about the history of the company to them is not specified.

Tea Curtis & Patridge (producer - "May Company»)

Famous brand Faberlic began in 1997 and was called the "Russian line". Before that, its founders graduates of Moscow State University Alexey Nechaev Alexander Davankov traded in the securities market. Then he tried to make supplements and household chemicals, but eventually decided to do makeup. Initially, the company even wanted to play on the fact that it is Russian. But studies have shown a paradoxical thing. On the one hand, we appreciate Russian women for natural cosmetics. On the other - they want to see in his dresser stylish package with a cosmopolitan name.
New word for the "Russian line" invented the whole year. As a result, we decided to synthesize the word faber (master) and "face» (lic). And foreign, and to the Russian ear the word new, and it was conceived producer should cause the buyer association with world renowned Faberge.
This year the company Faberlic specially conducted a survey among its buyers, with which found that 30% of take it for the Russian producer, 29% - for foreign language, while 24% believe that it is a co-production. In fact, doing makeup on two plants - in Moscow and Balashikha, using, however, the development of raw materials and foreign firms.

Network of shops of clothes Sela, being a Russian brand in principle does not translate into Russian a slogan Feel The Same, which is about 10 years, nearly as much, and the network itself. In the beginning, when the output of the regions their first franchisee told customers that it is Israel's clothes. Whereas in fact it is made in St. Petersburg.

TJ Collection, which, as they say in the press release, "was created in the UK in 1992," produces shoes under three brand names: TJ Collection, Chester, and Carnaby. Produced they are, again according to the press release, the "family shoe production in Italy and Spain with the use of manual labor." I thought it was all the details. Each brand - its target audience. TJ CollectionChesterCarnaby - youth. Surprised buyers only one thing - they, going on business or on vacation in England, trying to find a store favorite brand, nothing came of it. buy fashion-conscious middle-class; - Fans of good-quality classic footwear;

Rostov businessman Vladimir Melnikov sews jeans, denim clothing, children's and adult knitwear in Rostov and nowhere else. Very proud of the success of his enterprise and generally in favor of domestic producers. Nevertheless, its two brand called Gloria Jeans and Gee Jey. Although it is worth to emphasize, that the origin of the company has never hidden, and not the contrary - strongly emphasized.

St. Petersburg company "August Plus" produces and sells women's clothing under the brand name Oggi - very low-key and simple, but on the other hand, fashionable and elegant. Therefore, it is like to buy, teachers, financiers and other strict woman, who can not very much to experiment with style. The word oggi - Italian ("Today"), so that for the most part women customers find the Italian brand.

Shoes Ralf Ringer traditionally considered whether the German, or Austrian. But in fact it is made in factories in Moscow, Vladimir and Zaraysk. Company executives while willingly give interviews to various business publications, telling enthusiastically about our origins and how they develop and upgrade the production of the factory.

Shoe Tervolina network also does not hide the place of production: they sew shoes in Togliatti factory "Leader". And the name Tervolina they are not specially invented, it remains from the time when his footwear company not sewed, and imported it from the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Camelot, ultramodern youth footwear brand, is also ours. History of the company «Camelot» began in 1996 with the opening of a small shop, where they were presented a collection «Grinders», «Dr.Martens», «Shellys» and others. But not everyone can afford these shoes because of high prices. Since 1999, there was almost the same shoes, but not made in the UK and the US, as in Poland and China under control of the Russian company. And therefore accessible to young people.

As the data survey respondents, such qualities as pedantry, punctuality and accuracy, have the Germans. It is therefore logical to focus on German as releasing stationery, than in Russia just is a Russian company Erich Krauser.
Also, so-called "foreign" brands are:

Technology Akira, Binatone, Polar, car audio and video equipment Prology, household chemicals Frau Schmidt, jeans Motor, clothing Baon, BeFree, Incity, coffee Jardin, tea Maitre de Thy, mayonnaise Mr.Ricco, beer and Altstein Bagbier and countless others .
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