
"The freedom in an unfree country or nearsightedness?»
More and more often I hear "songs" and see the lyrics tell about how it was good before, but now bad. That, they say, the current generation - a lost generation. What is now no morals, no principles that all sold capitalist things-dryuchki no confidence in the future, there is no sense of security, etc. As I was tired of the one-sided view of history, and yet it can never be objective. Here's my version of it nostialgicheskoe nagging.
Part One "Optimus»
I was born in the '70s and found the Soviets, Brezhnev, "Bonzhorno, Signor Pantolone!" Popsicles to 7 cents, bicycles three classes: "Butterfly", "Eaglet" and "Kama", a popular badminton, model aircraft clubs, inserts "Square" and "The American", and many other wonderful (as it seems to the people of our generation) things. We really traveled in cars without airbags and without car seats, thus remained alive and survived until today. We collected katatelnye device from bearing any of the wheels, boards and other crap, and sometimes ran around the streets of Moscow in the garbage cans. We are not riding bicycles with helmets and protection, because they are simply not there. We really undertaken a game with sticks and cans, and if they found an old refrigerator, you know where to use and.
What toxic substances were part of the colors that were painted our beds and other things, we had no idea. In my childhood there was no secret caps on the bottle and there was no special bollards for drawers and doors, I could have gotten anywhere.
We drank water from the tap or all of the speakers (I still remember the column of water on the streets of Moscow, but not in the center, of course, but we on the edge: Strogino, Trinity-Lykovo, Tushino, etc.) We drank carbonated water from a glass of general use for a penny without syrup, and for a penny with syrup, the same glasses used drunks, and then washed and returned them back; no one disdain and did not frown, and his thick glasses were absolutely amazing smell of soda, water and glass.
We ate ice cream and cake, drank lemonade, but no one tolstel because all the time we ran around the yard and on the streets, shaking in FIG all those extra calories.
We walked from the morning until the evening when lights not ignite, and no one knew where we were, because there were no mobile phones. We doused each other with old reusable syringes or all of bryzgalok made of plastic bottles of shampoo and a piece of a ballpoint pen, and then came home wet to the skin. We cut the hands and feet, broke bones and teeth knocked out and no one came to mind to sue the offender because it was the law of the street.
We steal apples in the orchards, maize fields, cherry and even potatoes, and the guard shot at us and shot with salt and lowered dogs.
We did not have any computers and Vidic, no DVD or digital TV, but when I was a cartoon on TV, and someone's mom from the window shouting, "cartoons" in the courtyard was empty. At 15 minutes.
No one came to mind to pay off the cops or the slope of the army. Our parents respected the law.
Part One "pessimus»
Helmets and protection for cycling was simply nowhere to take. And the place for skiing was more. In Moscow today, almost 4 million cars, and in 1991 there were 630,000. Emergency risk increased by almost 6, 5 times. By the way, in 1985 there were about 300 thousand, that is the risk of an accident was mathematically in 13, 5 times lower. Moreover, while the car was longer need to give, and ruled them, those who did not buy the rights, but honestly went through all the thorny path (it is now all in the stream, was then an individual approach) + so much like a car, a few years saving up and I bought a four-wheel friend! Of course, with such ease will take care of a car and nothing not going to ride.
Who is afraid of what parents? Correctly! Maniacs and dangerous cities - cars. The number of cars has increased 13, 5 times (so if in the courtyard of the house of our long standing 15 machines, but now their 200). At the same time vehicles "saved" and not just chasing their cherished. On Friday, all the 15 cars left the country, and they did not exist, only returning on Sunday. Behind the wheel were usually men over 40, and now at the wheel of all those who graduated from high school, so the danger of falling under the wheels is very high. And as maniacs because they then were a dime a dozen: Weaver, Chikatilo, Onopriyenko, Ryakhovskiy, Mihasevich, cream ... And it killed dozens of people, it just did not talk on TV or on the radio. Secrecy was removed, and the data is disclosed only in times of restructuring. By the way, your parents were afraid of pedophiles? I told my mother about it early, "scoop", as they say on the Internet.
Indeed lead and other heavy metals shoved wherever falling, not knowing about their dangers. And what do we have today? And today, all cancer clinics crammed to satiety. People are dying in the hallways. Get a private room, just not to die in front of everyone, it is impossible even for money. They simply do not have! Cancers in Russia are in second place after cardiovascular diseases.
Caps secret on the bottle was not, and that in the end? As a result, statistics on poisonings among children is impressive. Indicators of child injuries per capita from 1985 to 2008 fell by more than 5 times! Despite the fact that the dangerous things in everyday life became much more.
I still drink water from the tap, from the speakers and not ISI, but so what? And what prevents you? Or already want and clean some water? But if you have a choice - I will choose the pure water in bottles. She and tasty. That's the whole difference. Now everyone knew that the glasses may be disposable, so just drink out of public disdain. Where statistics infection spread through the machine with soda?
But statistics lady's finger and suffering from gastrointestinal diseases then was not the most fun. We are all aware that the products used to make lemonade and ice cream, were identical to the more natural, and sometimes even natural, but now technology can do things cheaper, but less natural. So anyone can on lemonade, ice cream, cakes and ... ran into the streets!
We collected katatelnye device. Really. But if they could buy, of course, we would have bought. And it is more reliable and more efficient. I remember my family, our friend Oleg made videos of the skates. These rollers, with four wheels in a row! It was something fantastic, but when I had purchased the real counterparts, once it became clear that those rollers - no more than another patch on the pants of poverty.
Undoubtedly, we walked to freedom on their own. And how casually pogbalo - no one believed. In my eyes and became crippled, and killed. I remember one guy (can not remember his name) from a neighboring yard wire cut off two fingers when he, riding on the elevator, pushed her into the mine, and she's hooked. He then liked to bet on the money, they say, who are deeper in the nose finger thrusts. I remember as a boy Maxim jumped with us from the pier into the water, but that's all luck, and he ran to the valve. Guts out and died instantly. I remember when I throw a stone smashed the skull of the boy Borya, who now suffers from poor vision and a weak mind. I remember the boot Stas broke all the front teeth. Yes, it's all isolated incidents, but people are maimed forever, you know? Forever! And remember that batterers are now? Those who threw stones, who dropped into the water fittings, who kicked, they lived those days and forgot about their actions and how their victims? Spitting?
Yes, we did all the time go wet, drenched in snot. By the way, and now the children poured water. It is normal for a child. Moreover, I still managed to fail three times under the ice of the Moscow River. And once with the snow-cats. And since it cost 35 rubles, and I knew for sure that I will not buy a second, I ducked him until pulled. What result? Very simple. I had a pneumonia (pneumonia) seven times in six years and every year bronchitis and tracheitis. Now I have a weakened respiratory system: just that - as soon as a runny nose, cough, otitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections and colds.
Yes, we did not have all this equipment, but what prevents abandon it now, because this time of rushing? Nobody bothers to throw TV, DVD, computer, and mobilku instead of all this stuff to buy a slide projector and show filmstrips themselves and their children. Only here for three children with their parents will be sent a filmstrip. Gone are the days when there was no technology without it was good. Now well with her.
If the writers of these snotty posts then had an opportunity instead of a stick and banks to buy good toys, then I doubt very much that primitive entertainment would interest those nostalgic author of more colored plastic and electronic devices. I 1985 went to school computer technology, and a monitor with keyboard 2 times a week, I was much more interested in the toys than banks and sticks.
Relationship with the law
It's nice to remember that we steal - shoot at us. Here we are done! And be proud of? I also stole. From poverty. Like to eat, that's stealing. My brother once a fraction of ingrown bone was cut from the legs. Without anesthesia, because allergies.
As for the army. My brother was in the army in the late '80s (lucky, because the slip between Afghanistan and Chechnya, came back from Chita alive, but scurvy) and father served in the Army in the early' 70s. Both in one voice: it is better to never fall, so I went to graduate school - legitimate ways to circumvent the law, by the way, has always existed. But as the cops - perhaps the police and has been ever guard the people ...
Such chewing snot - the lot of people are not very far. There always comes a time when it seems that girls boobs were bigger trees were higher, the food was better fed, books are fun, autumn was red, and the summer - green. Bubnilovo "government bought freedom in exchange for commercials, mobile phones, factory of stars and great crunches" - calls for the poor, and nothing more. When I was little, older people say, "That's when I was little ..." In the same way it was when they were little, and when we were little, those who had not been small when they were young ... Of course, when the ass youthful smoke when everything, everything is still to come, when nothing else to try, when there are no obligations - life seems beautiful and amazing. And then this period passes and the person either knows how to enjoy his present life and the next, or starts to masturbate on her pink-fine "when I was little».
Live in the present! Learn to enjoy what is given now! Be happy today and make others happy now! It was good then, and now!