The story of a daughter watching her mother

Tales of treason They always cause resentment of others. Especially if the infidelity of one of the spouses somehow concerns the children. They often become witnesses to the behavior of their parents.


But what if the child caught his mother or father on hot? Editorial "Site" I found an interesting story on this topic. Next, you will find an almost verbatim retelling of a 16-year-old girl, where she tells about her problem.

I always thought we had a happy family and my parents loved each other. They never quarreled seriously and there was peace and prosperity in the house. But just recently, I learned something that turned my life upside down.

This year, I am graduating from school, my mother works in a local history museum, and my father is a programmer. In general, the average family. My parents have been together for almost 20 years, and during that time they have become an example of perfect spouses.

But more recently, I realized that it was all a lie. I went home earlier that day because my last class was canceled. As I was climbing the stairs in the entrance, I saw a man coming out of our apartment. He stopped at the door and his mother came and hugged him. I'm pissed. Then she quickly went down and ran outside.

When the unknown came out of the entrance, I went up to the apartment. My mother met me there and acted as if nothing had happened. I didn't dare ask her anything. When Dad came home from work, everything was as usual. Then I realized that everything was fine between my parents. It's just mom cheating on dad.

I decided to follow my mother and find out everything. So I started listening to my mom's phone calls and checking her cell phone. One day I found a message from an unknown number where the meeting was scheduled. And at our cottage next weekend. On Friday, my mother said that she would go to the dacha on Saturday morning to see if everything was normal.

My mom left on Saturday morning and I went to pick her up. By the time I got there, she was there. And there's a man with her, the same one I saw in the entrance. They were sitting in the yard, drinking and hugging. I was hurt to tears. I took some photos to show them to my dad when I got back. But on the way back, I thought my mom should come clean. It'll be fair and right.

When my mother returned, she said she was very tired. It was a lot of work and all that. It was so bad to listen to her! I locked myself up and couldn't sleep at midnight. Everything was as usual at home the next morning. It's been over a week, but my mom hasn't said anything to my dad. I can't treat her like I used to. She's not just cheating on Dad, she's also hiding it. But she has to tell him everything! That's the only way to be honest.

At the same time, I feel sorry for Dad. This will be a test for him because he loves his mother and cherishes our family. What do I do in this situation? Should I tell my mom I know everything? Let him admit it himself. Or is it better to go to your father and show him a picture?

Love relationships of adults should not affect the condition of children. And even more traumatizing them. Therefore, parents need to solve all their problems without the participation of daughters or sons. It does not matter how old the children are. A single blunder could be forever. Change the attitude of the child to one of the parents. That is exactly what happened in this story.

Agree, our young heroine was not in the best situation. I wonder what advice you can give her and if you know anything. treason? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments!


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