Stories in 6 words, which tells the story of a lifetime

The story of the story of 6 words began with Ernest Hemingway, who bet will be able to write a short and touching piece of prose. An American writer has won, and his story was only 6 words. Here they are: "for sale: baby shoes. Unworn" ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn").
Since this "genre", a host of followers, some Website found today for you. Clarification: because of the adaptation of the translation in some stories can change the number of words.

Photos on the preview Рixabay
According to the materials of sixwordstories, 6 word. stories.
See also
20 stories in one line, which I will say more thick novels
The world's shortest stories
Quiz: Who of you famous writers?
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-pisateli/test-kto-vy-iz-izvestnyh-pisatelej-1335515/
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