Meat and cheese destroy health as well as nicotine

Drinking large amounts of meat and cheese in middle age is the same health risks as smoking, US researchers found in the new study. After reviewing data on the health of thousands of men and women over the age of 50 years, researchers found that those who consume more animal protein, the probability of premature death twice as high as those who do not abuse the protein food. In addition, they are four times more likely to die from cancer - which is comparable to kureniem.Po researchers said the protein found in meat, cheese, eggs and other animal products, contributes to the growth of tumors and accelerates the aging of body cells. They recommend that people aged 50 to 65 years to reduce the consumption of animal protein, and instead get it from fish, beans and lentils. The results are likely to plunge into shock slimming thousands around the world who are on a diet high in protein, such as the Atkins diet and the Dukan. However, the good news is that the restrictions do not last forever. As shown by the same research, a diet rich in animal protein is useful for people after 65 years.

US researchers recommend that people aged 50 to 65 years old, weighing about 57 kilograms, limited to 45 grams of protein per day, equivalent to two pork chops. British experts, however, questioned the results and say that the best way to prevent cancer - to quit smoking, watch your weight, do not abuse alcohol, and lead an active life. Professor Valter Longo of the University of Southern California studied data on the diet of nearly 6,400 Americans, comparing them with data about their health over the last 18 years. As a result, he found a clear link between high protein content, defined as one-fifth of the daily energy intake, and the risk of premature death. The researchers found that excess protein in the diet is fraught with greater likelihood of dying from cancer or diabetes, according to the latest issue of the Mail Online.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/44908-myaso-i-syr-gubyat-zdorove-tak-zhe-kak-nikotin.html
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"To win the Russians Ukraine will not - under them will burn the earth. Understand what the hell "