Service dogs
Russia's first nursery police detective dogs appeared in St. Petersburg in 1909, he later became a canine unit of the Interior Ministry. I was also invited to the Moscow Region ZTSKS Interior Ministry.
The kennel 240 aviaries are now contained 120 dogs. The questions about the design and the two-storey Head said:
- So the designers decided it all to him.
The most stylish canine is considered the center of Donetsk. The truth is there are only fifty cages, but there is a kitchen, recreation room, office veterinarian, the room for growing puppies and even a maternity ward, a lawn decorated with statues of the four-legged sleuths.
I got the impression that girls canine much more than men. In fact, forty percent of them.
It turns out that the shape at the dog handlers are not according to the ordinance.
- Just imagine, a policeman gets into the car, which makes the dog? Correctly! He puts his face to where? And she is drooling! It turns out to fellow citizens, and at the very causal place on a wet spot and wool stuck. Therefore go to the spotted, like, they approved it, but the order has not yet been.
Aviary is very decent and clean. I met a dog hotel, which was much worse. In winter closed overcoat cloth and straw dimmed.
The main breed - German Shepherd, they are the majority. It is most adapted to our climate.
But there are Labradors and Rottweilers
On each dog per day is allocated one kilogram of offal (usually frozen tripe) and six hundred grams of cereal. That is, if a dog requires a special diet. Basically American use dry food PRO PAS.
- And why is it?
- This year, they won the tender and offered the best price.
Two-month puppies! Mom in the neighboring cage.
One hero was always trying to stick her head in the bars. This time it turned out to.
But then only with the help of "mother».
The most interesting part for me - demonstrations.
Not impressed nifiga. Dogs do not bite mouth full, do not jump from afar, snack, switching from one hand to another, tearing up the team.
- At what rate are trained dog? OKD / PCL, IPO?
- According to the internal regulations.
- But you understand that after this arrest the person will be injured?
- This is the legacy of the Soviet era ...
I have been unable to cite a single example of a dog is a criminal detention. The story about how the canine walked on the trail and came stotyschkilomerov, about drugs, but remember the case of working dogs to apprehend in the city could not. I will not draw conclusions, I think, just the presence of animal and man in uniform is enough to paralyze the criminal. By the way, there is practically no purpose dogs. Or dope-explosives or trail or patrols. When I asked what practical sense in dogs during the March of Dissent, will they be able to work the crowd, I was told:
- Explosives. To people they are charming little establishment, however, as to the cats - they do so in the Dog Training Centre feel themselves masters. The dog must not be distracted by them.
- There were instances when the dog bit her innocent?
- In my experience - no.
- And what to do in such a case?
Question and remained unanswered. Indeed, I asked stupid - a demand with a dog, even if the "pearl ensign" can afford almost the same.
Machinery service dog - a special pride. Six cells of five employees, air conditioning, hood ...
- And why one cell inside?
- Well, imagine a dog injured, then pat it and you can make and prick.
These machines are in each district. In Moscow, are serving about six dogs, except for four-legged friends of air, rail and water transport, they relate to other agencies.
Search drugs. One day, on the Iraqi-Turkish border, I had to go through this on personal experience. Then the car we hired a taxi driver suspected in a dog sick. After going around and sniffing every crevice in a wheelbarrow, she whimpered at the first front wing and then another, and chose my bag. Two hours after the X-ray cars scattered on the asphalt dirty panties (sorry, but there was nowhere to wash) and gutted cigarette packs, I realized how much people with special equipment and the inscription on the back "NARKOTIK" trust dogs.
However, there are no Bobby crawled under the car here. Raised hand indicates the job.
- Hashish, he is accountable to us. How many grams? Now look on the package.
Search explosives
outside explosive dog just takes the sign. She was not trying to show legs place. This is not to not scratch the car - can trigger the explosives.
TNT blocks. Difficult for a dog event - next alkaline batteries, gasoline and strong wind.
Dragged the dog to determine his guns on the smell of gunpowder or gun oil.
Again raised hand
Dobermusik. Forgive me my weakness to this breed. Naturally, I learned it from a nursery.
It is a pity that the ear has not risen.
Theoretically, the dog can work with any cynologist, but in practice it works only with the owner. This dog - personal, is also permitted.
I was told that in Germany, the dogs are rewarded with medals. We also are listed as non-lethal weapons, not involving promotions. Well, except maybe cynologist something perepadet, and he had to share with the dog. The same garbage and pension. German dog leaving the service, providing for their old age, our same Bobby we can only hope that someone from the staff would take them into his house.

The kennel 240 aviaries are now contained 120 dogs. The questions about the design and the two-storey Head said:
- So the designers decided it all to him.
The most stylish canine is considered the center of Donetsk. The truth is there are only fifty cages, but there is a kitchen, recreation room, office veterinarian, the room for growing puppies and even a maternity ward, a lawn decorated with statues of the four-legged sleuths.

I got the impression that girls canine much more than men. In fact, forty percent of them.

It turns out that the shape at the dog handlers are not according to the ordinance.
- Just imagine, a policeman gets into the car, which makes the dog? Correctly! He puts his face to where? And she is drooling! It turns out to fellow citizens, and at the very causal place on a wet spot and wool stuck. Therefore go to the spotted, like, they approved it, but the order has not yet been.

Aviary is very decent and clean. I met a dog hotel, which was much worse. In winter closed overcoat cloth and straw dimmed.

The main breed - German Shepherd, they are the majority. It is most adapted to our climate.

But there are Labradors and Rottweilers

On each dog per day is allocated one kilogram of offal (usually frozen tripe) and six hundred grams of cereal. That is, if a dog requires a special diet. Basically American use dry food PRO PAS.
- And why is it?
- This year, they won the tender and offered the best price.

Two-month puppies! Mom in the neighboring cage.

One hero was always trying to stick her head in the bars. This time it turned out to.

But then only with the help of "mother».

The most interesting part for me - demonstrations.

Not impressed nifiga. Dogs do not bite mouth full, do not jump from afar, snack, switching from one hand to another, tearing up the team.

- At what rate are trained dog? OKD / PCL, IPO?
- According to the internal regulations.

- But you understand that after this arrest the person will be injured?
- This is the legacy of the Soviet era ...

I have been unable to cite a single example of a dog is a criminal detention. The story about how the canine walked on the trail and came stotyschkilomerov, about drugs, but remember the case of working dogs to apprehend in the city could not. I will not draw conclusions, I think, just the presence of animal and man in uniform is enough to paralyze the criminal. By the way, there is practically no purpose dogs. Or dope-explosives or trail or patrols. When I asked what practical sense in dogs during the March of Dissent, will they be able to work the crowd, I was told:
- Explosives. To people they are charming little establishment, however, as to the cats - they do so in the Dog Training Centre feel themselves masters. The dog must not be distracted by them.
- There were instances when the dog bit her innocent?
- In my experience - no.
- And what to do in such a case?
Question and remained unanswered. Indeed, I asked stupid - a demand with a dog, even if the "pearl ensign" can afford almost the same.

Machinery service dog - a special pride. Six cells of five employees, air conditioning, hood ...

- And why one cell inside?
- Well, imagine a dog injured, then pat it and you can make and prick.
These machines are in each district. In Moscow, are serving about six dogs, except for four-legged friends of air, rail and water transport, they relate to other agencies.

Search drugs. One day, on the Iraqi-Turkish border, I had to go through this on personal experience. Then the car we hired a taxi driver suspected in a dog sick. After going around and sniffing every crevice in a wheelbarrow, she whimpered at the first front wing and then another, and chose my bag. Two hours after the X-ray cars scattered on the asphalt dirty panties (sorry, but there was nowhere to wash) and gutted cigarette packs, I realized how much people with special equipment and the inscription on the back "NARKOTIK" trust dogs.
However, there are no Bobby crawled under the car here. Raised hand indicates the job.

- Hashish, he is accountable to us. How many grams? Now look on the package.

Search explosives

outside explosive dog just takes the sign. She was not trying to show legs place. This is not to not scratch the car - can trigger the explosives.

TNT blocks. Difficult for a dog event - next alkaline batteries, gasoline and strong wind.

Dragged the dog to determine his guns on the smell of gunpowder or gun oil.

Again raised hand

Dobermusik. Forgive me my weakness to this breed. Naturally, I learned it from a nursery.

It is a pity that the ear has not risen.

Theoretically, the dog can work with any cynologist, but in practice it works only with the owner. This dog - personal, is also permitted.

I was told that in Germany, the dogs are rewarded with medals. We also are listed as non-lethal weapons, not involving promotions. Well, except maybe cynologist something perepadet, and he had to share with the dog. The same garbage and pension. German dog leaving the service, providing for their old age, our same Bobby we can only hope that someone from the staff would take them into his house.