Lives in Paris photographer Sacha Goldberger
These funny pictures interesting story. Lives in Paris photographer Sacha Goldberger, and he lives in Hungary 91 year old grandmother. And here's how it Sasha closed his photographic studio at the castle went to visit my grandmother. Having reached my grandmother's house, he found her in a very bad mood. And clearly, age, Jubjub bird ...
In past years, the grandmother of Sasha equaled, envied her pace and rhythm of life, and then came the old age.
But Sasha knew in my heart that my grandmother is still a great adventurer, Sasha and his grandmother offered to take part in a photo shoot ...
Where my grandmother is in the role of the grandmother, but ... as superbabushki. Grandmother long disagreed, but then waved her hand and when the photos were published, and in an instant became popular all over the world. After all, everyone knows Superman, but his grandmother ...
Grandmother Sasha was very hard life during the Second World War, she participated in the anti-Nazi underground, saved the lives of many people and took away dozens of children in a safe place. After the war, she decided that the communist regime as does not fit in with her beliefs, and she went into exile in France. In the early 90s, she returned to Hungary. It has so incredible sense of humor and vitality - which sometimes even envy the young ...
And because in no other way, because it is a real Super Granny!

In past years, the grandmother of Sasha equaled, envied her pace and rhythm of life, and then came the old age.

But Sasha knew in my heart that my grandmother is still a great adventurer, Sasha and his grandmother offered to take part in a photo shoot ...

Where my grandmother is in the role of the grandmother, but ... as superbabushki. Grandmother long disagreed, but then waved her hand and when the photos were published, and in an instant became popular all over the world. After all, everyone knows Superman, but his grandmother ...

Grandmother Sasha was very hard life during the Second World War, she participated in the anti-Nazi underground, saved the lives of many people and took away dozens of children in a safe place. After the war, she decided that the communist regime as does not fit in with her beliefs, and she went into exile in France. In the early 90s, she returned to Hungary. It has so incredible sense of humor and vitality - which sometimes even envy the young ...

And because in no other way, because it is a real Super Granny!