Police in Georgia
In March, Russia should enter into force on the federal law "On Police". Look photo essay about the work of police in Georgia.
It is not necessary to pay attention to politics. Rate essence.
In 2004, immediately after his victory in the elections Saakashvili, were fired the heads of all power structures of Georgia - and, as usual, the main target of the reformers was the traffic police. Saakashvili delivered an ultimatum if for a week on the road will not stop extortion, then followed by the Minister of Internal Affairs will lay off all the police.
After the reform in the first months of patrols air was filled with leading broadcasters personnel bribery new "traffic cop" who filmed with a hidden camera intelligence agents. Caught on a bribe of $ 50 went to prison for 10 years. It was not until as long as their colleagues do not understand what can not be taken. During the first day of the Law "On patrol police" work lost about 15 thousand policemen. Then the same amount. Georgia three months lived without traffic police. At this time, recruit and train new employees, and, as a rule, young and without experience in the "old" police: the state has been updated to 85%! (In Russia, by 2012, will be dismissed only 20% of police officers).
For new employees "patrols" were purchased by thousands of new Volkswagen Passat, Opel and Skoda in which they have become quite successful chasing criminals on the streets.
It is clear that not only planted servicemen, but the crooks of all kinds, from thieves to small pickpockets. The Result? Near grocery store stopped Honda - and the driver went shopping, leaving open the doors and windows. In the ignition key stuck ...
Throughout Georgia Police Department moved: part - luxury villa thieves, who fled the country after the adoption of legislation to combat organized crime, and the rest of the state has built new buildings. Moreover, Saakashvili ordered, their main feature - complete transparency.
Bribery is gone immediately. Head of Department of the Georgian Interior Ministry Shota Utiashvili of the reform:
"The main consequence of the reforms was the real fight against corruption in the country. In the field of combating bribery we warned police that bribes we put them. As a result, in 2005 alone, more than 200 police officers have been planted for bribery. In 2006, there were more, and only after that the number of police officers arrested for bribery, began to decline.
The second important aspect of the fight against corruption is the sharp increase of salaries to all employees of the Interior Ministry. For example, in 2004, my salary was only 100 GEL (about 70 US dollars), and now in 2300 GEL (about 1610 US dollars). That is, my salary for this period increased by 23 times.
Third, the chiefs no longer demanded tribute from his subordinates, some of which they had allowed themselves, and some passed up.
In addition, many had to dismiss. In particular, if Shevardnadze in the Interior Ministry, there were about 70 thousand employees, now in police and security services, members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are 16 thousand employees. In place of the dismissed take new people - younger and more motivated.
One of the consequences of reforming the Interior Ministry was a new system of recruiting personnel. So, if Shevardnadze young employee for employment in the Ministry of Interior had to pay a bribe, but now it is gone. Currently, there are 4-stage selection system MUP, consisting of numerous tests. »
In addition to monitoring the traffic police patrol is obliged to respond to any signal - whether it's missing cell phone, a fight. At the same time in Tbilisi on duty about a hundred patrol crews, each of which is assigned a sector of the city, and in such a way that the "flight time" no more than two or three minutes. If you are getting an alarm "local" crew is busy or turned in a remote area, jump from a nearby patrol car "square": for an excuse like "it's not my field" can lose their jobs.
Author photos and text: Dmitry Chistoprudov
It is not necessary to pay attention to politics. Rate essence.

In 2004, immediately after his victory in the elections Saakashvili, were fired the heads of all power structures of Georgia - and, as usual, the main target of the reformers was the traffic police. Saakashvili delivered an ultimatum if for a week on the road will not stop extortion, then followed by the Minister of Internal Affairs will lay off all the police.

After the reform in the first months of patrols air was filled with leading broadcasters personnel bribery new "traffic cop" who filmed with a hidden camera intelligence agents. Caught on a bribe of $ 50 went to prison for 10 years. It was not until as long as their colleagues do not understand what can not be taken. During the first day of the Law "On patrol police" work lost about 15 thousand policemen. Then the same amount. Georgia three months lived without traffic police. At this time, recruit and train new employees, and, as a rule, young and without experience in the "old" police: the state has been updated to 85%! (In Russia, by 2012, will be dismissed only 20% of police officers).

For new employees "patrols" were purchased by thousands of new Volkswagen Passat, Opel and Skoda in which they have become quite successful chasing criminals on the streets.
It is clear that not only planted servicemen, but the crooks of all kinds, from thieves to small pickpockets. The Result? Near grocery store stopped Honda - and the driver went shopping, leaving open the doors and windows. In the ignition key stuck ...

Throughout Georgia Police Department moved: part - luxury villa thieves, who fled the country after the adoption of legislation to combat organized crime, and the rest of the state has built new buildings. Moreover, Saakashvili ordered, their main feature - complete transparency.

Bribery is gone immediately. Head of Department of the Georgian Interior Ministry Shota Utiashvili of the reform:
"The main consequence of the reforms was the real fight against corruption in the country. In the field of combating bribery we warned police that bribes we put them. As a result, in 2005 alone, more than 200 police officers have been planted for bribery. In 2006, there were more, and only after that the number of police officers arrested for bribery, began to decline.

The second important aspect of the fight against corruption is the sharp increase of salaries to all employees of the Interior Ministry. For example, in 2004, my salary was only 100 GEL (about 70 US dollars), and now in 2300 GEL (about 1610 US dollars). That is, my salary for this period increased by 23 times.

Third, the chiefs no longer demanded tribute from his subordinates, some of which they had allowed themselves, and some passed up.
In addition, many had to dismiss. In particular, if Shevardnadze in the Interior Ministry, there were about 70 thousand employees, now in police and security services, members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are 16 thousand employees. In place of the dismissed take new people - younger and more motivated.

One of the consequences of reforming the Interior Ministry was a new system of recruiting personnel. So, if Shevardnadze young employee for employment in the Ministry of Interior had to pay a bribe, but now it is gone. Currently, there are 4-stage selection system MUP, consisting of numerous tests. »

In addition to monitoring the traffic police patrol is obliged to respond to any signal - whether it's missing cell phone, a fight. At the same time in Tbilisi on duty about a hundred patrol crews, each of which is assigned a sector of the city, and in such a way that the "flight time" no more than two or three minutes. If you are getting an alarm "local" crew is busy or turned in a remote area, jump from a nearby patrol car "square": for an excuse like "it's not my field" can lose their jobs.

Author photos and text: Dmitry Chistoprudov