Post London Underground (55 photos)
Initially, postal Metro was created using the pneumatic system in 1855. After many years of testing, construction of tunnels and use - it became clear that the system is far from perfect. Postal employees were dissatisfied with significant wild costing system maintenance, and delivery within Metro was only 4 minutes faster than on the road. In 1874, decided to no longer use pneumatics and hold elektofikatsiyu lines.
was finished in 1927, February 28th with the updated system delivered the first letter. Despite the initial success of the system okazalalas unprofitable. On November 7, the 2002 Royal Mail announced that they have lost in this venture more than a million pounds, and that line is scheduled to close as soon as there is a suitable alternative.
On March 21, 2003, closed the segment from Mount Pleasant to the West Division, the 29th was closed the remainder. The underground metro was quiet.
was finished in 1927, February 28th with the updated system delivered the first letter. Despite the initial success of the system okazalalas unprofitable. On November 7, the 2002 Royal Mail announced that they have lost in this venture more than a million pounds, and that line is scheduled to close as soon as there is a suitable alternative.
On March 21, 2003, closed the segment from Mount Pleasant to the West Division, the 29th was closed the remainder. The underground metro was quiet.