Tower, which is located in San Marino.
San Marino - one of the smallest countries in the world. Located in the Apennine peninsula and surrounded on all sides by the territory of Italy. The main attraction of the local, as well as a symbol of the country and its independence are the three medieval towers of the castle, perched on top of Mount Titano (755m) - Guaita, Cesta and Montale. They are depicted on the national flag and coat of arms.
Guaita or Torre Prima (Prima Torre - The first tower). Of the three towers it is built first, in the XI century. Some time was used as a prison. Many times (1475, 1481, 1502, 1549, 1615, 1623) Tower completed and rebuilt, often serve residents of the country as a fortress. Today the tower - one of the most popular attractions in the country. With it you can watch the spectacular views of San Marino, visible and Italian land.
Honor or second-Torre (second tower). First mentioned in documents in 1253. In 1320 the tower was included in the second set of defensive walls of the city. Despite numerous restructuring, the tower as a whole retains its original medieval appearance. Since 1956, the tower houses the Museum of ancient weapons, containing in its exposure of about 700 samples of armor, weapons and firearms of different times.
Montale or Tertz Torre (Terza Torre - The third tower). Small in volume, has a pentagonal shape. Prior to the construction in 1320 had stenyne messages with the other two towers. Prior to 1479 served as a signal tower to protect troops from attacks Malatesta, who was in a nearby castle Fiorentino. After accession to the castle of San Marino tower lost its role. Currently, unlike other towers, visitor access is limited in Montale. Tower shows
on the coin San Marino 1 euro cent.

Guaita or Torre Prima (Prima Torre - The first tower). Of the three towers it is built first, in the XI century. Some time was used as a prison. Many times (1475, 1481, 1502, 1549, 1615, 1623) Tower completed and rebuilt, often serve residents of the country as a fortress. Today the tower - one of the most popular attractions in the country. With it you can watch the spectacular views of San Marino, visible and Italian land.

Honor or second-Torre (second tower). First mentioned in documents in 1253. In 1320 the tower was included in the second set of defensive walls of the city. Despite numerous restructuring, the tower as a whole retains its original medieval appearance. Since 1956, the tower houses the Museum of ancient weapons, containing in its exposure of about 700 samples of armor, weapons and firearms of different times.

Montale or Tertz Torre (Terza Torre - The third tower). Small in volume, has a pentagonal shape. Prior to the construction in 1320 had stenyne messages with the other two towers. Prior to 1479 served as a signal tower to protect troops from attacks Malatesta, who was in a nearby castle Fiorentino. After accession to the castle of San Marino tower lost its role. Currently, unlike other towers, visitor access is limited in Montale. Tower shows
on the coin San Marino 1 euro cent.