Voroshilov battery
About Voroshilov battery on the island of Russian is written much like the Internet, and in the literature. There is no need to repeat it. Confine myself to a brief description of the course of the story and a link to the most complete article group of authors: 305 mm / 52 cal. coastal artillery battery turret number 981 ... in the book "Fortress Russia 3" for 2008. I strongly recommend prochitat.vsem read this article. About Voroshilov battery I knew for a long time, but especially the burning desire to visit this monument fortification art emerged after a detailed acquaintance with her half-sister - 30th batteries in Sevastopol.
Anyway, a frosty January morning, I suddenly found himself on the island in the company of Russian counterpart Vladimir Kalinin hospitable and Denis Nikiforov. Defeating the dusty road, we finally reached the battery. Inspection grand structure of course started with unit number 1, but the report I will lead in a slightly different order.
First, explain and show you how to look like the tower of the former royal battleship "Poltava" outside. Yes, I misspoke, that this battleship guns (tower №№ 2 and 3, the other two went to the restoration of the 30th battery after the war) went into service this coastal battery, indisputable one of the boldest and most interesting projects of the USSR early 30's the last century. If Sevastopol Soviet tower 12 & quot; coastal batteries were zadozheny before the revolution and continue to the genesis of tower 305 mm coastal batteries Tsarist Russia, the 981-th battery is built entirely on the original project.
The battery is located in the closed position in the Russian inland. The plan consists of two three-level artillery unit, spaced approximately 200 meters apart, soedinnennye inspection gallery with technical facilities and power plants. Each assembly is installed on the tower of the former battleship "Poltava" with three guns caliber 12 & quot; (305 mm). Construction of battery began in 1932, she was commissioned in record time in 1934, after 2, 5 years after the start of proektirvoaniya. Subsequently, the battery lasted for completion. In 1997, as a military battery unit was disbanded in 1998 on its base was established branch of the Military Historical Museum of the Pacific Fleet "Voroshilov battery." Unlike the 30th Battery in Sevastopol or more combat-ready shooting Finnish batteries, "Voroshilov" is now no longer able to make a single, even salute shot. Necessary equipment and parts guns lost (scrapped) or inoperable. Not revived battery as a unique historic amusement carousel and the most expensive in the world and the last APEC summit 2012.
Firing positions coastal battery № 981. The scheme of the above article.
General view of the coastal battery number 981 on satellite imagery Google Earth
Incisions battery from the above article.
We drove straight to the firing position battery, between the two towers. Once it was parked truck duty shift. The photographs show replacement gun barrels, leynirovannye in 1941.
Tower No. 2, or "feed." Note the clamps on the trunks.
But these "naboldashniki" on the muzzle - a distinctive feature of the guns "Voroshilovki." Constructive solution after the guns were perestvoleny in 1939-1940.
General view of the tower number 2 from the front. Vertical thickness of the armor of each tower is 305 mm, horizontal - 203 mm, which can withstand projectiles 12 & quot; the caliber of the enemy fleet.
Note the white coating inside the barrel of the second gun across Vilim his castle and opened in the trunk, frost is formed. The second tower is in worse shape than the first, and access to it is closed.
Cracks in the turret. That is, casting defects or signs of fire on the battleship "Poltava" and attempts to extinguish? But armor plates tower underwent replacement to enhance the reservation. In the same place is crack on the first tower. Or feed the sheets still left the original, because were 305 mm thickness? Feed the second tower was located just over the hearth fire, but the third at a considerable distance.
Shelter for gantry crane behind the tower. Traces from now dismantled crane runways.
Fungus hour and remnants of barbed wire
Go to the side of the tower number 1
The muzzle of the barrel reserve leynirovannogo different from what is now found in the towers
Interestingly, the trunks are painted in different colors. Maybe it depends on what background they are or what paint was at hand? Under the barrel ceiling power station located in the middle of connecting blocks gun postern
Spare barrel first tower and landscaped fountain a few years ago. Now abandoned.
View toward the first tower. Are the ruins of crane tracks and the entrance to the first gun unit
View from the first to the second turret
In the foreground are two spare guns
Entrance to the first gun unit
The aft portion of the first turret. Note that a defect in the same location as that of the second tower.
Well, she could not so rust?
It is clear now why were necessary clamps on the gun barrel?
45-mm gun 21-K is fixed on the gun for training purposes. not to spend expensive ammunition and unmask position
Pay attention to the mounting chemical protection. In his absence, the tower walk Skvoznik. And again a strange hole in the recess of your armor.
View of the main direktrissu shooting. Somewhere behind the mountain views. The trees on the left vineetsya "gift" from the organizers of the APEC summit - treatment facilities.
Two guns of the tower №№ 73 and 93 (middle and right) were originally installed on the battleship "Empress Maria", after his death in Sevastopol Bay in 1915, in 1930 were raised EPRON and repaired.
Bronezakrytie for reticle turret commander. Here, this element was almost not needed. The battery was placed in the closed position.
Source: ru-travel.livejournal.com
Anyway, a frosty January morning, I suddenly found himself on the island in the company of Russian counterpart Vladimir Kalinin hospitable and Denis Nikiforov. Defeating the dusty road, we finally reached the battery. Inspection grand structure of course started with unit number 1, but the report I will lead in a slightly different order.
First, explain and show you how to look like the tower of the former royal battleship "Poltava" outside. Yes, I misspoke, that this battleship guns (tower №№ 2 and 3, the other two went to the restoration of the 30th battery after the war) went into service this coastal battery, indisputable one of the boldest and most interesting projects of the USSR early 30's the last century. If Sevastopol Soviet tower 12 & quot; coastal batteries were zadozheny before the revolution and continue to the genesis of tower 305 mm coastal batteries Tsarist Russia, the 981-th battery is built entirely on the original project.

The battery is located in the closed position in the Russian inland. The plan consists of two three-level artillery unit, spaced approximately 200 meters apart, soedinnennye inspection gallery with technical facilities and power plants. Each assembly is installed on the tower of the former battleship "Poltava" with three guns caliber 12 & quot; (305 mm). Construction of battery began in 1932, she was commissioned in record time in 1934, after 2, 5 years after the start of proektirvoaniya. Subsequently, the battery lasted for completion. In 1997, as a military battery unit was disbanded in 1998 on its base was established branch of the Military Historical Museum of the Pacific Fleet "Voroshilov battery." Unlike the 30th Battery in Sevastopol or more combat-ready shooting Finnish batteries, "Voroshilov" is now no longer able to make a single, even salute shot. Necessary equipment and parts guns lost (scrapped) or inoperable. Not revived battery as a unique historic amusement carousel and the most expensive in the world and the last APEC summit 2012.
Firing positions coastal battery № 981. The scheme of the above article.

General view of the coastal battery number 981 on satellite imagery Google Earth

Incisions battery from the above article.

We drove straight to the firing position battery, between the two towers. Once it was parked truck duty shift. The photographs show replacement gun barrels, leynirovannye in 1941.

Tower No. 2, or "feed." Note the clamps on the trunks.

But these "naboldashniki" on the muzzle - a distinctive feature of the guns "Voroshilovki." Constructive solution after the guns were perestvoleny in 1939-1940.

General view of the tower number 2 from the front. Vertical thickness of the armor of each tower is 305 mm, horizontal - 203 mm, which can withstand projectiles 12 & quot; the caliber of the enemy fleet.

Note the white coating inside the barrel of the second gun across Vilim his castle and opened in the trunk, frost is formed. The second tower is in worse shape than the first, and access to it is closed.

Cracks in the turret. That is, casting defects or signs of fire on the battleship "Poltava" and attempts to extinguish? But armor plates tower underwent replacement to enhance the reservation. In the same place is crack on the first tower. Or feed the sheets still left the original, because were 305 mm thickness? Feed the second tower was located just over the hearth fire, but the third at a considerable distance.

Shelter for gantry crane behind the tower. Traces from now dismantled crane runways.

Fungus hour and remnants of barbed wire

Go to the side of the tower number 1

The muzzle of the barrel reserve leynirovannogo different from what is now found in the towers

Interestingly, the trunks are painted in different colors. Maybe it depends on what background they are or what paint was at hand? Under the barrel ceiling power station located in the middle of connecting blocks gun postern

Spare barrel first tower and landscaped fountain a few years ago. Now abandoned.

View toward the first tower. Are the ruins of crane tracks and the entrance to the first gun unit

View from the first to the second turret

In the foreground are two spare guns

Entrance to the first gun unit

The aft portion of the first turret. Note that a defect in the same location as that of the second tower.

Well, she could not so rust?

It is clear now why were necessary clamps on the gun barrel?

45-mm gun 21-K is fixed on the gun for training purposes. not to spend expensive ammunition and unmask position

Pay attention to the mounting chemical protection. In his absence, the tower walk Skvoznik. And again a strange hole in the recess of your armor.

View of the main direktrissu shooting. Somewhere behind the mountain views. The trees on the left vineetsya "gift" from the organizers of the APEC summit - treatment facilities.

Two guns of the tower №№ 73 and 93 (middle and right) were originally installed on the battleship "Empress Maria", after his death in Sevastopol Bay in 1915, in 1930 were raised EPRON and repaired.

Bronezakrytie for reticle turret commander. Here, this element was almost not needed. The battery was placed in the closed position.

Source: ru-travel.livejournal.com