The realities of Russian medicine (34 photos)
I - Electrical engineering in the Merchant Navy. "Our office and the dangerous and difficult": Many years ago I was on the right foot fell under the weight of the motor 80 (?) Pounds. The result - a crack bones, pinched nerve, from time to time phalanx three fingers korezhit and almost out of their sockets kicks ... I can not sit for over an hour - aching right foot, get up, hands reduce a three toe - to crunch, then another ten minutes walk the room.
already once to take away the right foot: Native caused "fast" and the doctor gave me an injection, followed by a half-day general I was paralyzed from the waist down.
A medical examination to work in the sea, I'm still going through - tell the surgeon that no matter what I do not complain. The benefit of the fact of injury (the one when I fell to the feet of the motor) is not recorded anywhere. But one of the doctors still asleep, that my right stupnёy something wrong with grief in half I put in printing medknizhki and strongly recommend to do the surgery.
Cousins, sisters also insist that I went for treatment in China - there he is, immediately after Cupid, and someone from the friends there already cured.
Imperast, Nashi, a loyalist and any guardian would say: "Do not drive, do operations in the country, our medicine - in, to match our missiles, planes and tanks, a country with knees raised, a country with useless doctors would not trust in the Olympics Sochi to spend, because there sure someone skiing or skating pouroduetsya, we hope that this will amerikosovsky athletes, bu-bu-bu-bu-bu! .. »
And I still listen more to the advice of the sisters: firstly, their (and maybe if I have "his" or even close imperast ?!) not bad advice, and secondly - no matter how behind China from Western Europe, China Medicine still podrevnee ponadezhnee and European (!!!) will, in the third - I do not have a policy, and since I'm in between contracts (and sometimes contracts) official number of the unemployed - the new law I have it may not appear never, well, fourthly - Russian hospital completely discourage the desire to be operated. You know, I fawn:
To individual or at least double rooms with a salary of electrical count stupid, so in all its glory and in a non-stop will have to contemplate different Guro by neighbors in the department:
On physicians, you see, has no hope.
Pokoshmaryu you, perhaps, mattresses:
Hospital yummy - this alone will make a choice in favor of China:
And my favorite topic - Hospital bucket and otmyvalki:
Hospitals action! Photos are fresh! I tell you. Residents Zamkadye (and especially far where I reside) do not give lie.
Treated exactly will be in China. Adiós

already once to take away the right foot: Native caused "fast" and the doctor gave me an injection, followed by a half-day general I was paralyzed from the waist down.
A medical examination to work in the sea, I'm still going through - tell the surgeon that no matter what I do not complain. The benefit of the fact of injury (the one when I fell to the feet of the motor) is not recorded anywhere. But one of the doctors still asleep, that my right stupnёy something wrong with grief in half I put in printing medknizhki and strongly recommend to do the surgery.
Cousins, sisters also insist that I went for treatment in China - there he is, immediately after Cupid, and someone from the friends there already cured.
Imperast, Nashi, a loyalist and any guardian would say: "Do not drive, do operations in the country, our medicine - in, to match our missiles, planes and tanks, a country with knees raised, a country with useless doctors would not trust in the Olympics Sochi to spend, because there sure someone skiing or skating pouroduetsya, we hope that this will amerikosovsky athletes, bu-bu-bu-bu-bu! .. »
And I still listen more to the advice of the sisters: firstly, their (and maybe if I have "his" or even close imperast ?!) not bad advice, and secondly - no matter how behind China from Western Europe, China Medicine still podrevnee ponadezhnee and European (!!!) will, in the third - I do not have a policy, and since I'm in between contracts (and sometimes contracts) official number of the unemployed - the new law I have it may not appear never, well, fourthly - Russian hospital completely discourage the desire to be operated. You know, I fawn:

To individual or at least double rooms with a salary of electrical count stupid, so in all its glory and in a non-stop will have to contemplate different Guro by neighbors in the department:

On physicians, you see, has no hope.

Pokoshmaryu you, perhaps, mattresses:

Hospital yummy - this alone will make a choice in favor of China:

And my favorite topic - Hospital bucket and otmyvalki:

Hospitals action! Photos are fresh! I tell you. Residents Zamkadye (and especially far where I reside) do not give lie.

Treated exactly will be in China. Adiós
The most famous photos of National Geographic (8 photos)
He likes to be photographed with grusno muzzle against the background of the kissing couple