Here's a razor
Art print advertising
Advertising placed wisely
Advertising in unexpected places
Creative advertising 9
Advertising that nobody understood
Creative category D
How to properly shave your feet
Creative Billboards
Creative advertising magazine spreads
razor blade will be 10 times sharper thanks to the momentary trick!
Outdoor Advertising
Quotes of the great advertisers
Brilliant advertising on buses
21 advertising that sells is not what you think
Such PSAs (38 photos)
Advertising on asphalt
Most billboards World
Best PSAs
The coolest outdoor advertising
33 ideas for packages
The best examples of social advertising
Grandfather, razor and Fritz.
Laser Razor Skarp: the near future or just another hoax?
"Hanlon's Razor" states: "Never attribute to malice what can be explained stupidity"
The best advertising the first half of November 2012
Art print advertising
Advertising placed wisely
Advertising in unexpected places
Creative advertising 9
Advertising that nobody understood
Creative category D
How to properly shave your feet
Creative Billboards
Creative advertising magazine spreads
razor blade will be 10 times sharper thanks to the momentary trick!
Outdoor Advertising
Quotes of the great advertisers
Brilliant advertising on buses
21 advertising that sells is not what you think
Such PSAs (38 photos)
Advertising on asphalt
Most billboards World
Best PSAs
The coolest outdoor advertising
33 ideas for packages
The best examples of social advertising
Grandfather, razor and Fritz.
Laser Razor Skarp: the near future or just another hoax?
"Hanlon's Razor" states: "Never attribute to malice what can be explained stupidity"
The best advertising the first half of November 2012
Photo reproduced in Lego
Cats on koshkosubbotu