"Hanlon's Razor" states: "Never attribute to malice what can be explained stupidity"

The expression "Hanlon's Razor" means that all the bad incidents are not to blame for the evil genius of man, but merely stupid. Fully Hanlon's Razor is as follows:
«Never attribute to malice what can be explained stupidity».
blockquote> For the first time the phrase was used by Robert J.. Hanlon in 1980 as an epigraph to the book of jokes about the laws of Murphy. Hanlon's Razor - a clear analogy with Occam's razor. Earlier, in 1941, the year used a similar phrase American science fiction writer Robert Heinlein in "The logic of empire." His phrase was: "You are trying to explain the malignant intent that is the result of the usual stupidity».
However, similar phrases uttered and other intelligent people - politicians and writers. Napoleon Bonaparte, for example, said: "Never ascribe malice what can be fully explained by incompetence." Bernard Ingham, press secretary, Margaret Thatcher, agreed with him: "Many journalists are very susceptible to the conspiracy theory of government. I assure you, they obtained the materials would be far more credible if they adhere to the theory that the government screwed up ».
Russian writer Victor Pelevin gave a witty play on words on the same subject: "The world is ruled not a secret lodge, and sheer crap».
Whatever it was, many agree on one thing: do not look for a conspiracy where there is none. Perhaps the person (or the government, depending on the circumstances) just made a stupid mistake - one of those who constantly perform without exception.
via factroom.ru