Mobile phone
Do not believe me? Under the cut explanation
Invented "eternal" mobile phone
Les Miserables technology (12 photos)
Blonde charging the phone (3 photos)
New technology will allow you to print phones and other electronics directly on clothes
Smartphones can determine the level of radiation
Twitter to appear in phones without Internet
Presented backpack that will charge all mobile devices at the same time
A unique phone charger, you only need to twist the battery on your finger
A special bracelet will tell you, clean the hands with Your doctor
Charge your phone using transparencies
Invented "eternal" mobile phone
Les Miserables technology (12 photos)
Blonde charging the phone (3 photos)
New technology will allow you to print phones and other electronics directly on clothes
Smartphones can determine the level of radiation
Twitter to appear in phones without Internet
Presented backpack that will charge all mobile devices at the same time
A unique phone charger, you only need to twist the battery on your finger
A special bracelet will tell you, clean the hands with Your doctor
Charge your phone using transparencies
Children know about Ilyich
Life below the poverty line