Of eggs ...
What can be done from an egg? Well, except for eggs, of course ...
You can, for example, that such beauty ...
How is it done? Record ... First is a tiny hole through it erases all contents with a syringe. Then a special solution is washed inside the egg to prevent drying of egg residues and odors. After drying, you can proceed to the creative stage of the process, for which you need a magnifying glass with a hinged stanochek (miniature work ...), a drill, a scalpel and needle. To get the hand, do preliminary drawings on tracing paper, paste it the egg, and then cut out. Cutting takes place in several stages: first, equidistant holes are made, and then they are connected to the line. Do not try to do at once finely carved monogram, and then you have not learned the proper technique. As practice shows, get hand, if desired, can be in two weeks - a month. Cut can shell as chicken eggs and quail and ostrich. They differ in hardness and layering. For example, the hardest - ostrich egg, which consists of three layers. Of each layer, you can create your composition, and are difficult to obtain, multi-pattern. Quail shell is also quite strong, but because of the small size it is difficult to work with. In most fragile egg shells, but from it we can create real masterpieces. In that case, if it is correct to make incisions ...
The next stage - the color change. This is also a piece of work. You will need a very thin brush and resistant paint. You can still use paint in cans. Before spraying dye must close those parts of the egg, which should be a different color. The disadvantage of this method is that the inner part of the eggshell is also colored. The highest level - when in color pattern closely follows the outside. It is very difficult to achieve, t. To. Need special curved brushes, which are made independently at home from a thin wire. Good Luck !!! Do not forget to put on the site, the results of his work ...