Writing topics

- The evolution of the character John McClane in the series "Die Hard" (parts I-IV)
- The opposition of true and false patriotism in «Commando».
- "Robocop." What is the tragedy of the hero?
- Wealth peace of mind heroes works "Reservoir Dogs" by Quentin Tarantino.
- The nature of the main conflict in the movie "Terminator»
- Similarities and differences in the images of heroes Jackie Chan in the works "Armour of God" and "Rush Hour».
- John Rambo as a type of a Superfluous Man in the tetralogy "Rambo».
- The author, the narrator and protagonist in Peter Weir's "The Truman Show»
- "American Beauty" as the Encyclopedia of American life.
- Socio-historical and universal heroes "Fifth Element" by Luc Besson.
- Past, present and future of America in the works of Robert Zemeckis ("Forrest Gump," "Back to the Future 1, 2, 3»)
- The problem of finding the meaning of life in the movie "Lethal Weapon»
- Picture of the national character in the works of Mel Gibson ("Braveheart," "Passion of the Christ", "Apocalypto»)
- The dramatic fate of the individual in a totalitarian social order
(By Kurt Wimmer film "Equilibrium»)
- Women's images in the works of Rocco Siffredi.
- The problem of choosing the tragedy of "Twilight."