Chikara Nagata
At age 16, the Japanese Chikara Nagata (Chicara Nagata) was a motorcycle accident that nearly cost him his life. After a long rehabilitation course it is not simply separated from his love of motorcycles, but decided to devote her life.
Master of Japan is so scrupulous in his work, that for all the time he collected a total of 13 motorcycles, which are a work of art rather than transport.
For a long time he studied graphic design and then opened his own design studio, and then custom-shop Chicara Motorcycles. Now Chikara Nagata (Chicara Nagata) 46 years old and he is considered one of the best in customizing.
Master of Japan is so scrupulous in his work, that for all the time he collected a total of 13 motorcycles, which are a work of art rather than transport.
For a long time he studied graphic design and then opened his own design studio, and then custom-shop Chicara Motorcycles. Now Chikara Nagata (Chicara Nagata) 46 years old and he is considered one of the best in customizing.