The Moscow Metro
"Do not humiliate yourself whether people descended into hell?"
Moscow Metro, formerly bore the name of Lazar Kaganovich, and then get the name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, except for the military, defense and related national security secrets and secrets that need to be discussed separately, since the design is associated with a number of mystical secrets ...
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One of the main mysteries of the Moscow Metro is the so-called "Underground 2" or as it is indicated in official government documents Object "D-6."
Underground system of government posts, which connects all the strategic assets not only in the city but also far beyond. Tunnels reach the underground city in Ramenki, Pushkin, Friazino, Odintsovo, Krasnoznamensk, Vnukovo to Barvikha. All is now in standby mode, Metro-2 is always ready to take all of our top people of the country and provide them with a decent help in solving global issues.
Creatures of preispodney.
Perhaps the clergy were not so wrong. Eyewitnesses and direct participants of all mystical occurrences in the Moscow metro, metropolitan diggers, with full responsibility claim that "underground" live a myriad of creatures from the underworld. Extremals underground repeatedly came across on the way, not only the spirits and ghosts, but "hohriki" with "sliders". It is so called unidentified underground creatures diggers. In addition to creating mystical, underground teems with creepy devil incarnate, slightly reminiscent of representatives of the terrestrial fauna. It is possible that descended from the platform, and after a few tens of meters, you will be able to consider them in detail - a white woodlice and centipedes especially large sizes; fleshy, the size of a saucer, spiders; rat razdobrevshie underground grub to the average size Shepherd and other such animals.
Trip obhodchik
Among the workers of the Moscow "underground" is rumored that after midnight in the tunnels often appears Trackman. And at this ghost has quite earthly prototype. Just ten years ago a man died, really works underground crawler tracks. The man was industrious and highly positive. It is possible that after the death of an employee subway can not calm down, continuing to work out of habit, despite its "ghostly" state.
Ancient zahoroneniya
After such evidence becomes clear why the bulk of urban myths and legends associated with it Moscow subway station. Well-known fact is the fact that many of the stations of the Moscow "underground" located under the cemeteries. It may be, of course, the ancient burial, but negative energy such places usually remains forever. For example, the station Sokol. Very close to her before a cemetery for soldiers who died in the First World. Staff working station and train drivers vying to repeat the gory phantoms, wandering along the platform in the quiet hours of the morning. By anomalous zones are also Leninka, Arbat, Borovitskaya and Alexander Garden. This node is once again under the burial ground, regularly updated since the 16th century.
Train - prizrak
There are many urban legends associated with underground facilities, including the subway. Among the urban legends about the Moscow metro, in particular, has told in several variants of the legend of the ghost train, who allegedly repeatedly seen on the Circle Line. According to one version, this train "collected desperate to find a way into the world of the living souls of the dead in the construction." Train (sometimes specified - clearly an old design), according to one version is completely empty, on the other - filled with haggard-looking man in a gray dress, the cab driver can be seen in the form of 1940-50's. Composition stops at every station, but only occasionally opens its doors. No go on the train, or even to approach it should not open doors, those who are trying to do, disappear forever. Sometimes the stories of ghostly metro train grows even more grisly details.
Black mashinist
Another classic horror stories about the subway - the legend of the Black Machinist. According to this legend, many years ago, the driver of an emergency burned, saving passengers. Then he died in the hospital, and the management of underground accused him of what had happened. Since then, his ghost walks through the tunnels, and late in the evening and it can be found at the stations.
Ghosts Aviamotornoy
The most frightening story is connected, perhaps, with an escalator accident at the station Aviamotornaja that occurred in 1982. Then eight people were killed and another 30 injured. Cause of the accident began misconfigured emergency brakes and design flaws escalator. Despite the fact that all the dead suffocated under the weight of falling bodies on them (on the escalator at the time of the accident there were a hundred people), went to Moscow rumors that people are sucked into the moving parts of the mechanism and cut into pieces. For nearly three decades of bloody talk about ghosts without hands, which sometimes appear on Aviamotor.
Girl in plate
Considered relatively recent history of the student, to which the night at the station attached drunken men. According to legend, she was trying to escape from unwanted fellow travelers, jumped on the road and disappeared into the tunnel. Since then, sometimes between stations see slim figure in a bright dress.
Finally, on the Internet you can find an incredible amount of absolutely serious stories about how the subway passengers faced with the inhabitants of another time: Muscovites fifties of the XX century, soldiers of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, metrostroevtsy and even horseback riders.

Moscow Metro, formerly bore the name of Lazar Kaganovich, and then get the name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, except for the military, defense and related national security secrets and secrets that need to be discussed separately, since the design is associated with a number of mystical secrets ...

One of the main mysteries of the Moscow Metro is the so-called "Underground 2" or as it is indicated in official government documents Object "D-6."

Underground system of government posts, which connects all the strategic assets not only in the city but also far beyond. Tunnels reach the underground city in Ramenki, Pushkin, Friazino, Odintsovo, Krasnoznamensk, Vnukovo to Barvikha. All is now in standby mode, Metro-2 is always ready to take all of our top people of the country and provide them with a decent help in solving global issues.
Creatures of preispodney.

Perhaps the clergy were not so wrong. Eyewitnesses and direct participants of all mystical occurrences in the Moscow metro, metropolitan diggers, with full responsibility claim that "underground" live a myriad of creatures from the underworld. Extremals underground repeatedly came across on the way, not only the spirits and ghosts, but "hohriki" with "sliders". It is so called unidentified underground creatures diggers. In addition to creating mystical, underground teems with creepy devil incarnate, slightly reminiscent of representatives of the terrestrial fauna. It is possible that descended from the platform, and after a few tens of meters, you will be able to consider them in detail - a white woodlice and centipedes especially large sizes; fleshy, the size of a saucer, spiders; rat razdobrevshie underground grub to the average size Shepherd and other such animals.
Trip obhodchik

Among the workers of the Moscow "underground" is rumored that after midnight in the tunnels often appears Trackman. And at this ghost has quite earthly prototype. Just ten years ago a man died, really works underground crawler tracks. The man was industrious and highly positive. It is possible that after the death of an employee subway can not calm down, continuing to work out of habit, despite its "ghostly" state.
Ancient zahoroneniya

After such evidence becomes clear why the bulk of urban myths and legends associated with it Moscow subway station. Well-known fact is the fact that many of the stations of the Moscow "underground" located under the cemeteries. It may be, of course, the ancient burial, but negative energy such places usually remains forever. For example, the station Sokol. Very close to her before a cemetery for soldiers who died in the First World. Staff working station and train drivers vying to repeat the gory phantoms, wandering along the platform in the quiet hours of the morning. By anomalous zones are also Leninka, Arbat, Borovitskaya and Alexander Garden. This node is once again under the burial ground, regularly updated since the 16th century.
Train - prizrak

There are many urban legends associated with underground facilities, including the subway. Among the urban legends about the Moscow metro, in particular, has told in several variants of the legend of the ghost train, who allegedly repeatedly seen on the Circle Line. According to one version, this train "collected desperate to find a way into the world of the living souls of the dead in the construction." Train (sometimes specified - clearly an old design), according to one version is completely empty, on the other - filled with haggard-looking man in a gray dress, the cab driver can be seen in the form of 1940-50's. Composition stops at every station, but only occasionally opens its doors. No go on the train, or even to approach it should not open doors, those who are trying to do, disappear forever. Sometimes the stories of ghostly metro train grows even more grisly details.
Black mashinist

Another classic horror stories about the subway - the legend of the Black Machinist. According to this legend, many years ago, the driver of an emergency burned, saving passengers. Then he died in the hospital, and the management of underground accused him of what had happened. Since then, his ghost walks through the tunnels, and late in the evening and it can be found at the stations.
Ghosts Aviamotornoy

The most frightening story is connected, perhaps, with an escalator accident at the station Aviamotornaja that occurred in 1982. Then eight people were killed and another 30 injured. Cause of the accident began misconfigured emergency brakes and design flaws escalator. Despite the fact that all the dead suffocated under the weight of falling bodies on them (on the escalator at the time of the accident there were a hundred people), went to Moscow rumors that people are sucked into the moving parts of the mechanism and cut into pieces. For nearly three decades of bloody talk about ghosts without hands, which sometimes appear on Aviamotor.
Girl in plate

Considered relatively recent history of the student, to which the night at the station attached drunken men. According to legend, she was trying to escape from unwanted fellow travelers, jumped on the road and disappeared into the tunnel. Since then, sometimes between stations see slim figure in a bright dress.

Finally, on the Internet you can find an incredible amount of absolutely serious stories about how the subway passengers faced with the inhabitants of another time: Muscovites fifties of the XX century, soldiers of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, metrostroevtsy and even horseback riders.