The most exotic spa treatments in different countries
Here is the list of the strangest of spa treatments, which you've ever heard. And it is not for the squeamish sovsm. But that just will not go to look for a couple of years younger:
1. Massage cactus
You probably think that this does not happen? However, in Mexico believe that the cactus massage moisturizes the skin and helps to rid the body of toxins. Mexican Resort Punta Mita offers a wonderful massage with warm meringue and cactus or tuna with flowers cactus and tequila.
Cactus needles, of course, is removed so that the massage can be much more enjoyable than I thought. There are many varieties of this massage from massage Hakan using warm mix cactus to more standard procedures with tequila and sage oil.
Also, this resort offers treatments based on local materials: volcanic ash, chocolate, vanilla and honey.
2. Moisturizing snail slime
Sometimes the nastiest things are most useful, such as in the case with a moisturizer of snail slime.
You probably have seen the trace left by a snail. So, believe it or not, but it is unpleasant substance can be used to moisturize the body.
Chilean farmers who breed snails have noticed that the cuts heal faster and the skin on the hands become softer after tinker with snails for several days.
But you do not have to immerse your hands in the tank with snails, because the cream based on snail secretion is sold for only $ 28, 99 for a small jar. Moreover, snail slime is a renewable natural resource, and yet none of the snail was not damaged during cultivation. Sounds just perfect.
4. Leech therapy
Blood-sucking parasites, leeches, have long been known. There are more than six hundred species of leeches, but only fifteen of them are used for medical purposes.
And thanks to actress Demi Moore, leeches began to use a completely new way. Demi swears that uses them as an alternative cosmetic procedure.
Leech therapy helps rid the body of toxins. Once the ancient Egyptians believed treatment with leeches panacea.
Today, more and leeches used in reconstructive surgery for faster healing of tissues. First leeches crawling on you, and then attach themselves and begin to swell, filled with your blood. This therapy is not cheap, the New York Health Center conducts a session for $ 600.
5. Thai facial massage strokes
This procedure offers in its showroom in San Francisco masseuse from Bangkok. Massage consists of pinching, rubbing and light slap, it is believed that it restores the skin. This type of massage reduces wrinkles and pores on the face.
The price for it is $ 350 for 15 minutes. If you find a masochistic tendencies, this procedure is definitely for you!
6. Pedicure fish
Turkish salons were the first to use the tiny fish to remove dead skin. The practice, known as "doctor fish" has become quite common in recent years.
Many believe this procedure soothing, although at first it may be a bit ticklish. The tiny fish have no teeth, they just pinch off the dead skin, they can not bite you, so do not worry, that will hurt. Spa "Yvonne" (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) offers such a procedure at a price of $ 65 per 25 minutes.
7. Placenta Face
It seems that this practice came to us from Singapore. There she was involved in the company carrying out the treatment of a person using the human placenta. It's hard to say how they managed to get it, maybe we better not to know.
There are lots of platsentosoderzhaschih products: soap, tonics, and even facials. Claim that these products stimulate brain activity and purify the skin. To try this procedure, you can visit, such as skin center in Beverly Hills, which offers treatments based on the placenta.
9. Facial via bird droppings
Litter birds really sometimes used in a very unusual order. Japanese geisha once applied to your face white toxic cosmetics. Then they started to use a mask with the nightingale droppings to protect the skin from damage.
Bird droppings contain enzymes that help cleanse the skin of dead cells. It also contains guanine, give a person the freshness and natural color. I must say that before applying for cosmetic purposes litter necessarily treated with ultraviolet light. Even then, not everyone dares to try this procedure.
1. Massage cactus

You probably think that this does not happen? However, in Mexico believe that the cactus massage moisturizes the skin and helps to rid the body of toxins. Mexican Resort Punta Mita offers a wonderful massage with warm meringue and cactus or tuna with flowers cactus and tequila.
Cactus needles, of course, is removed so that the massage can be much more enjoyable than I thought. There are many varieties of this massage from massage Hakan using warm mix cactus to more standard procedures with tequila and sage oil.
Also, this resort offers treatments based on local materials: volcanic ash, chocolate, vanilla and honey.
2. Moisturizing snail slime

Sometimes the nastiest things are most useful, such as in the case with a moisturizer of snail slime.
You probably have seen the trace left by a snail. So, believe it or not, but it is unpleasant substance can be used to moisturize the body.
Chilean farmers who breed snails have noticed that the cuts heal faster and the skin on the hands become softer after tinker with snails for several days.
But you do not have to immerse your hands in the tank with snails, because the cream based on snail secretion is sold for only $ 28, 99 for a small jar. Moreover, snail slime is a renewable natural resource, and yet none of the snail was not damaged during cultivation. Sounds just perfect.
4. Leech therapy

Blood-sucking parasites, leeches, have long been known. There are more than six hundred species of leeches, but only fifteen of them are used for medical purposes.
And thanks to actress Demi Moore, leeches began to use a completely new way. Demi swears that uses them as an alternative cosmetic procedure.
Leech therapy helps rid the body of toxins. Once the ancient Egyptians believed treatment with leeches panacea.
Today, more and leeches used in reconstructive surgery for faster healing of tissues. First leeches crawling on you, and then attach themselves and begin to swell, filled with your blood. This therapy is not cheap, the New York Health Center conducts a session for $ 600.
5. Thai facial massage strokes

This procedure offers in its showroom in San Francisco masseuse from Bangkok. Massage consists of pinching, rubbing and light slap, it is believed that it restores the skin. This type of massage reduces wrinkles and pores on the face.
The price for it is $ 350 for 15 minutes. If you find a masochistic tendencies, this procedure is definitely for you!
6. Pedicure fish

Turkish salons were the first to use the tiny fish to remove dead skin. The practice, known as "doctor fish" has become quite common in recent years.
Many believe this procedure soothing, although at first it may be a bit ticklish. The tiny fish have no teeth, they just pinch off the dead skin, they can not bite you, so do not worry, that will hurt. Spa "Yvonne" (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) offers such a procedure at a price of $ 65 per 25 minutes.
7. Placenta Face

It seems that this practice came to us from Singapore. There she was involved in the company carrying out the treatment of a person using the human placenta. It's hard to say how they managed to get it, maybe we better not to know.
There are lots of platsentosoderzhaschih products: soap, tonics, and even facials. Claim that these products stimulate brain activity and purify the skin. To try this procedure, you can visit, such as skin center in Beverly Hills, which offers treatments based on the placenta.
9. Facial via bird droppings

Litter birds really sometimes used in a very unusual order. Japanese geisha once applied to your face white toxic cosmetics. Then they started to use a mask with the nightingale droppings to protect the skin from damage.
Bird droppings contain enzymes that help cleanse the skin of dead cells. It also contains guanine, give a person the freshness and natural color. I must say that before applying for cosmetic purposes litter necessarily treated with ultraviolet light. Even then, not everyone dares to try this procedure.