Reconstruction of Leninsky Prospekt - the proposal urban project (9 photos + video)
You probably know that in Moscow, under the pretext of combating congestion, started a large-scale reconstruction of almost all radial highways where some construction work is already underway, and where else just finished project. On TV screens and information centers officials told Muscovites that expand the existing roads and build new interchanges and overpasses imperative. Disgruntled immediately silenced the arguments that we have an area of roads in two times less than in Europe, so we must not be indignant, and faster to build. Muscovites reconstruction portrayed as a panacea: cork disappear, public transport will start to go better, the sun will shine brighter and the nightingales will learn the new tunes.
The confusion introduced Muscovites, of course, not out of malice. Today, there are three problems: the backwardness of transportation science, misunderstanding level officials and their excessive zeal kompetenosti. All this leads to dorogushchim urban planning mistake. Now the errors are made all over Moscow, but the situation with Leninsky Prospekt most blatant, example on her best to try to change all of this practice in the transformation of streets highways. Unless, of course, we do not want to Moscow at some point began to look so:
The issue of reconstruction of Lenin Avenue includes the following items:
How do we find a solution?
What tools can be used to solve the problem?
What are the consequences of those or other solutions to the problem will come in the short, medium and long term?
What is the problem? In short - not cope with the highway traffic flow during peak hours.
It seems that the issue is resolved quickly and simply - if you have a headache, it should be cut off. Instead of a thorough analysis of the situation, to invite experts and think it is a question of the transport of persons (no cars!), Moscow Mayor's Office immediately decided to build. Ask most people, far removed from the transport science that needs to be done to get rid of traffic jams? It is necessary to widen the road and build new interchanges! The fact that a year later the wide road will rise again in traffic, very few people care about. The most important thing here - the construction equipment will not be idle, we will build and build ... until we arrive at the image with which I started this post.
However, experts point to the transporters, the senselessness of the project. They urge to stop and think what we really need from the Leninsky Prospekt and how people will live along it. What's authors suggest the project of reconstruction? With public transport no changes are planned, "everything will remain as it is", which means that the reconstruction project is aimed at accelerating just private vehicles. Motorists will improve there life? Not really. Now the lights somehow metered flow of cars and allows you to make it uniform. Instead, the car will reach the outskirts of bullet Gagarin Square, and there for a long time to get up to a new tube.
If the project is implemented, the flow is already nothing will deter and quickly score all the entrances to the center. Look at the huge traffic jams on Leningradsky bessvetofornoy - they have not gone after the reconstruction, and have become even greater. Thousands of Leningradka got under their windows noisy flyover - and the same will be on Lenin. Construction for the construction. A huge waste of money, time and effort.
At this time, hastily created Municipality Information Centre continues to explain to the public that bessvetofornogo Leninsky Prospekt some advantages and no significant disadvantages. Should we just start Leninsky "new way", as certainly all will be fine.
Experts "urban projects" in favor of the abolition of the reconstruction of the prospectus for the proposed plan. We believe that the reconstruction of Lenin Avenue is needed, but it should not be to the construction of new overpasses and tunnels, and in the creation of high-speed tram lines, bike paths and walking areas. Let's see what you can do:
What are the prerequisites for the emergence of such a decision?
Total traffic situation in Moscow to travel to work: according to the Department of Transport, 88% of labor is made by public transport trips.
Areas along the Lenin very often densely populated, have a striking architectural features, a special atmosphere, wonderful landscaping and generally are an attractive and comfortable place to stay. Prospect carries the many features of the urban boulevard and has the potential to become a zone of high public attraction that requires disclosure.
Besides, Leninsky Prospect - the most important centripetal corridor Moscow, providing a link between the Center, the Southwest, the airport "Vnukovo" and new Moscow. Significant growth of traffic congestion in this area is inevitable.
New Territories will gravitate to the subway under construction "Salaryevo" is extended to Kiev highway Sokolniki subway lines. In this branch serious infrastructure constraints (seven wagons in the composition, the maximum amount of motion 34-35 pairs of trains per hour) to the station "Salaryevo" laid ridership 140,000 chel.v day, with the achievement of 15-year figure of 240,000 people. per day. This is more than the infamous station "Vykhino"! Meanwhile, a significant number of residents of the Leninsky Prospekt forced to use the same line Sokolniki that in the medium term, it adds unnecessary stress.
We propose to build on the Leninist line light rail!
What is the speed tram line?
At 12, 8 kilometers from the Kaluga area is being built up to now the metro station "Troparevo" posted 14 stops covering all the major components of the Leninsky Prospekt.
The required width of the tram line on the stretch is 9, 6 m (width against existing separation lawn 8, 0 m). To start up the center of the tram, will be sufficient to narrow down each lane with 3, 5, 3, 3 m. Such a measure is, by the way, only increase traffic safety. Necessary bandwidth tramline zone stops is 10, 4 m (vs. width on the stretch of 9, 6 m) that require shear major roadways in the same area at 0, 4 m away from the axis Avenue as shown below:
Average speed - 24-28 km / h (depending on traffic management), journey time from end to end - from 32 to 27 minutes, respectively. Rolling stock - trёhsektsionnye low-floor tram cars of domestic or foreign production of about 30 m long and with a capacity of 250 people. with the possibility of operating in the coupling.
Carrying capacity - 18,000 people. / Hour in one direction.
The cost of the line "turn-key" (including depot overpass at the intersection of Vernadsky Prospekt and trams themselves) will be about 9 billion. Rubles.
Who needs a quick and convenient tram to the center with the ability to give free transplants on the subway? All residents of the Leninsky Prospekt! In addition, at an average speed of 24 km / h and above, the tram is a real competitor to the subway from the point of view of time travel to the center.
Tram can easily use the low-mobility groups: pensioners, disabled people and others. Infirm people. Between any entrance door and wagon organized barrier-free environment. Unfortunately, our subway today can not provide access for people.
Residents of neighborhoods, concluded between Leninsky Prospekt and Vernadsky Prospekt, will be able to choose between the subway and tram. It will be convenient to plan their routes.
Residents of neighborhoods adjacent to Lenin Avenue on the south-eastern side it will be able to quickly get to the center
Extending the tram line outside Moscow has an obvious great potential. There are many options where to divert the tram branch. The tram can take the flows from Solntseva, Moscow, Pihtin and reverse flows in the direction established in new areas of jobs, many of which are ready to prefer people of the south-west of Moscow, including - Leninsky Prospekt.
It is clear that in the first year will be a bit of passengers. People need time to rasprobovat new routes and get used to them. Since many quarters, especially in the south-eastern side of the Lenin, remains relatively inaccessible subway, tram intercept on these people and become popular until the exhaustion of carrying capacity of 18,000 people. / Hr.
The layout of this story, we showed more urban projects at the exhibition.
It is clear that we do not design institute and all these thoughts need a long time to finalize, but if you work in this direction can result in a useful project. Or you can work in the other direction, which is now running the mayoralty, but then probably it is necessary to explain why it decided to do so.
Now there is a feeling that the Mayor aims to make anything, or elders do not understand. This involves a multi-billion dollar projects, causing great damage to the urban environment and in general the city if constructed properly.
You say that you are offering the right thing? Well, you is not a public organization, the mayor's office, you have a lot of design institutes and the people working on it. Enough talk about the slogans "Well we have the same plug, if you do not build roads do not go" - show the results of the simulation, shall describe the effect of the proposed activities for each year of the next 15 years - with much reduced journey time? the impact will be on the environment? In an accident? How will ekspluotatsionnye costs? Explain normal, why did you build it together.
Or are you going to build without explanation and without proper understanding of why, if only to build?
Source: zyalt.livejournal.com

The confusion introduced Muscovites, of course, not out of malice. Today, there are three problems: the backwardness of transportation science, misunderstanding level officials and their excessive zeal kompetenosti. All this leads to dorogushchim urban planning mistake. Now the errors are made all over Moscow, but the situation with Leninsky Prospekt most blatant, example on her best to try to change all of this practice in the transformation of streets highways. Unless, of course, we do not want to Moscow at some point began to look so:
The issue of reconstruction of Lenin Avenue includes the following items:
How do we find a solution?
What tools can be used to solve the problem?
What are the consequences of those or other solutions to the problem will come in the short, medium and long term?
What is the problem? In short - not cope with the highway traffic flow during peak hours.
It seems that the issue is resolved quickly and simply - if you have a headache, it should be cut off. Instead of a thorough analysis of the situation, to invite experts and think it is a question of the transport of persons (no cars!), Moscow Mayor's Office immediately decided to build. Ask most people, far removed from the transport science that needs to be done to get rid of traffic jams? It is necessary to widen the road and build new interchanges! The fact that a year later the wide road will rise again in traffic, very few people care about. The most important thing here - the construction equipment will not be idle, we will build and build ... until we arrive at the image with which I started this post.
However, experts point to the transporters, the senselessness of the project. They urge to stop and think what we really need from the Leninsky Prospekt and how people will live along it. What's authors suggest the project of reconstruction? With public transport no changes are planned, "everything will remain as it is", which means that the reconstruction project is aimed at accelerating just private vehicles. Motorists will improve there life? Not really. Now the lights somehow metered flow of cars and allows you to make it uniform. Instead, the car will reach the outskirts of bullet Gagarin Square, and there for a long time to get up to a new tube.
If the project is implemented, the flow is already nothing will deter and quickly score all the entrances to the center. Look at the huge traffic jams on Leningradsky bessvetofornoy - they have not gone after the reconstruction, and have become even greater. Thousands of Leningradka got under their windows noisy flyover - and the same will be on Lenin. Construction for the construction. A huge waste of money, time and effort.
At this time, hastily created Municipality Information Centre continues to explain to the public that bessvetofornogo Leninsky Prospekt some advantages and no significant disadvantages. Should we just start Leninsky "new way", as certainly all will be fine.
Experts "urban projects" in favor of the abolition of the reconstruction of the prospectus for the proposed plan. We believe that the reconstruction of Lenin Avenue is needed, but it should not be to the construction of new overpasses and tunnels, and in the creation of high-speed tram lines, bike paths and walking areas. Let's see what you can do:

What are the prerequisites for the emergence of such a decision?
Total traffic situation in Moscow to travel to work: according to the Department of Transport, 88% of labor is made by public transport trips.
Areas along the Lenin very often densely populated, have a striking architectural features, a special atmosphere, wonderful landscaping and generally are an attractive and comfortable place to stay. Prospect carries the many features of the urban boulevard and has the potential to become a zone of high public attraction that requires disclosure.
Besides, Leninsky Prospect - the most important centripetal corridor Moscow, providing a link between the Center, the Southwest, the airport "Vnukovo" and new Moscow. Significant growth of traffic congestion in this area is inevitable.
New Territories will gravitate to the subway under construction "Salaryevo" is extended to Kiev highway Sokolniki subway lines. In this branch serious infrastructure constraints (seven wagons in the composition, the maximum amount of motion 34-35 pairs of trains per hour) to the station "Salaryevo" laid ridership 140,000 chel.v day, with the achievement of 15-year figure of 240,000 people. per day. This is more than the infamous station "Vykhino"! Meanwhile, a significant number of residents of the Leninsky Prospekt forced to use the same line Sokolniki that in the medium term, it adds unnecessary stress.
We propose to build on the Leninist line light rail!
What is the speed tram line?
At 12, 8 kilometers from the Kaluga area is being built up to now the metro station "Troparevo" posted 14 stops covering all the major components of the Leninsky Prospekt.

The required width of the tram line on the stretch is 9, 6 m (width against existing separation lawn 8, 0 m). To start up the center of the tram, will be sufficient to narrow down each lane with 3, 5, 3, 3 m. Such a measure is, by the way, only increase traffic safety. Necessary bandwidth tramline zone stops is 10, 4 m (vs. width on the stretch of 9, 6 m) that require shear major roadways in the same area at 0, 4 m away from the axis Avenue as shown below:

Average speed - 24-28 km / h (depending on traffic management), journey time from end to end - from 32 to 27 minutes, respectively. Rolling stock - trёhsektsionnye low-floor tram cars of domestic or foreign production of about 30 m long and with a capacity of 250 people. with the possibility of operating in the coupling.

Carrying capacity - 18,000 people. / Hour in one direction.
The cost of the line "turn-key" (including depot overpass at the intersection of Vernadsky Prospekt and trams themselves) will be about 9 billion. Rubles.
Who needs a quick and convenient tram to the center with the ability to give free transplants on the subway? All residents of the Leninsky Prospekt! In addition, at an average speed of 24 km / h and above, the tram is a real competitor to the subway from the point of view of time travel to the center.
Tram can easily use the low-mobility groups: pensioners, disabled people and others. Infirm people. Between any entrance door and wagon organized barrier-free environment. Unfortunately, our subway today can not provide access for people.

Residents of neighborhoods, concluded between Leninsky Prospekt and Vernadsky Prospekt, will be able to choose between the subway and tram. It will be convenient to plan their routes.

Residents of neighborhoods adjacent to Lenin Avenue on the south-eastern side it will be able to quickly get to the center
Extending the tram line outside Moscow has an obvious great potential. There are many options where to divert the tram branch. The tram can take the flows from Solntseva, Moscow, Pihtin and reverse flows in the direction established in new areas of jobs, many of which are ready to prefer people of the south-west of Moscow, including - Leninsky Prospekt.

It is clear that in the first year will be a bit of passengers. People need time to rasprobovat new routes and get used to them. Since many quarters, especially in the south-eastern side of the Lenin, remains relatively inaccessible subway, tram intercept on these people and become popular until the exhaustion of carrying capacity of 18,000 people. / Hr.
The layout of this story, we showed more urban projects at the exhibition.
It is clear that we do not design institute and all these thoughts need a long time to finalize, but if you work in this direction can result in a useful project. Or you can work in the other direction, which is now running the mayoralty, but then probably it is necessary to explain why it decided to do so.
Now there is a feeling that the Mayor aims to make anything, or elders do not understand. This involves a multi-billion dollar projects, causing great damage to the urban environment and in general the city if constructed properly.
You say that you are offering the right thing? Well, you is not a public organization, the mayor's office, you have a lot of design institutes and the people working on it. Enough talk about the slogans "Well we have the same plug, if you do not build roads do not go" - show the results of the simulation, shall describe the effect of the proposed activities for each year of the next 15 years - with much reduced journey time? the impact will be on the environment? In an accident? How will ekspluotatsionnye costs? Explain normal, why did you build it together.
Or are you going to build without explanation and without proper understanding of why, if only to build?

Source: zyalt.livejournal.com