How things work: Trading in subway trains (2 pics + text)
Another interesting story about the intricacies of an unusual profession firsthand.
Woman selling in subway trains, anonymously told where traders take the goods, why they were not chasing the police, as pickpockets and help artists who are called Little Red Riding Hood.
How things work: Taster at Distillery (3 pics + text)
Interviewed by the Seller in a subway train, I worked a year, got on the ad on the Internet. Promised to pay 250-300 hryvnia per day, or 4 500-5 000 hryvnia per month. The first meeting was held with the employer on the platform of the metro station "Forest", it turned out to be Victor - a man in his forties with a very high voice. He explained that the Chinese need to sell bags 4 hryvnia apiece and drying shoe 20 hryvnia. Except for me, worked a dozen more. Age - 20 to 70 years, most of the province. Apart from Ukrainians, Belarusians have, Moldovans and Russian. This is mainly working in the crisis were laid off, retired and lost their retail space hawkers. All are divided into teams, schedule free. Process led by the beholder, Victor - one of them. Money At the next meeting, Victor explained that every day I have to give him 300 hryvnia. The remainder of the vytorg - mine. I had to sell 30 dryers and 40 bags per shift. General trade in the metro banned, but my questions about the police Victor waved his hand and said it was his concern: "No you will not touch, and if I had that - call." Indeed, one year of work I communicated with the police all times: once grabbed me by the arm too vigilant citizen in a cap and dragged to a detention order on the "Arsenal". I called Victor and gave the phone a policeman. They are about something to talk about: vigilant citizen explained that we have equality in the country and not to let the subway with two bags dryers - a violation of human rights: "Maybe she carries them as a gift!" The next day, Victor told me to be careful and then fined daily earnings. Goods and route the first day I was sent to the route with an unemployed Vanya. "A strong man, in which case insure" - said Victor. While I was selling, Vanya stood aloof and pretend that we are not familiar with, and dashes between cars induct. Said that Chinese goods on the cheap Victor buys on three points: the market "Youth", near the tram rails in the metro "Chernigov" and the market near "the Station". The range varies depending on the season. In the summer go well mosquito nets, mosquito repellent, fumigators, sunblock EXPIRED or expiring, wet wipes. Winter - cheap gloves, dryers, socks. Always good to take the batteries bactericidal plaster, pens that write on one side, and another wash. Sellers of similar goods not intersect. Everyone has their own schedule and branch. My route took the red line, from "Shulyavska" to "Left-bank". If not sat at your branch, you have no right to work. If you sit down at the same station on a train with other sellers, we obtain from the serial number of the beholder. And if you are second, you should not pass on the car in front of the first one. Between passes sellers should be short pauses, otherwise it starts to annoy passengers and they generally do not buy it. - A if I go first and not the second? - I asked. - Regret - seriously said Vanya. Subtleties of sales for the first day of my vytorg was 161 hryvnia. To sell more and not be distracted by the recollection of the text, Victor advised to write an appeal to the passengers on the paper. I wrote: "Dear passengers, offer you excellent bags made in Ukraine." If you say that the Chinese, said Vanya, the demand will be less. At first, I went to the route in the morning, but the trade did not go. Began to work with 13-14 to 19-20. This is the most profitable time many people, all were awake and subconsciously looking for employment that can brighten up the journey. Eldorado for the seller - Christmas, New Year and Easter holidays. Passengers ride in a good mood, buy a lot. A couple of days you can collect monthly revenue. It is important to learn how to find contact with the person. For example, going guy with a girl, the girl's shoes wet. Came up and said, "Young man, have your feet wet ladies. Buy a dryer. " In 80% of cases are buying. Especially in this store clothes stands on 8-10 hryvnia more expensive. A bag must be sold to women over fifty. Although they, too, are different: sometimes you look at a person and somehow fifth sense realize that it will loop over all the goods and do not buy it. In order not to overstrain the throat, on the advice of colleagues with blue-line bought a headset with a microphone, use such guides. Voice of the evening stopped to disappear, but the hands and feet of what have to carry heavy bags to the goods still fall off. Once any grandmother on the head with kandiboberom asked me for a certificate of quality in the dryer. I was confused. Then Victor taught: Needless to say, a certificate from the foreman and foreman now at another station. If my grandmother too pristavuchaya, it is necessary to hint that it is now fit and talk. Though actually "old chap", which will deal with passengers due to distributors, no. Competitors One time I had to defend himself: I crossed in the car with the wheelchair. They have their own mafia, others watching. And here I am selling my dryer, and two in my car begging. One in a wheelchair, her second lucky. When he saw me, wheelchair started yelling: "On my site you trade!" - And on the mat. I ran to the nearest station - they are for me. Started to call Victor. He said come to Little Red Riding Hood - so called underground workers. Ran, explained the situation, it is for me to join. Beggar obmateril and Little Red Riding Hood, but the next train both left. After the case of one of his colleagues-sellers I bought a stun gun "Wasp" and always wore it to work with him.
More in the subway are three or four teams of pickpockets. Worked on my branch team of five people. One of them - a professional artist. Looks after the crowd pretty girl gets notebook, pencil and begins to draw. "Model" is usually worth it, with downcast eyes and it seemed unaware that her draw. The whole car looks with enthusiasm for this performance. Another hustler meanwhile pulls someone purse and passes it through the chain to the end of the car. At the next stop a team comes out and waiting for the next train. Checks Several times a month through the cars are tested, caught sellers. Victor warns police about this, and he on the phone - us. Sometimes, because of such committees did not work for five days. Losses, of course, no one compensated. By the way, check - one way to punish negligent distributors. If you yulish, saying viewer that you do not buy anything, it sdaёsh per day instead of 300 150 hryvnia, then looking one just did not warn you. And you zametut. A police seller immediately sew articles of the Administrative Code. 160-I - trade with the hands at an undisclosed location. A fine of 17 to 119 hryvnia, with confiscation of objects of trade or without it. If pripishut and breaking the law on consumer protection, Article 156-1, the fine of up to 170 hryvnia. Not so much, but always confiscate goods, and you hold a half-day in the monkey. In recent years, these checks became very much. I quit. Found a job quieter - now trading cards for mobile phones. Finds once worked late into the night, with me in the empty car driver was driving with change. Conversation. He told me that a few years ago found to "Svyatoshino" bag, a simple sack. Looked: there soiled paper and bag. Hung it in a line-item on a nail. Through two or three days coming to Dzyadok machinists and said: "I was driving a couple of days ago in the car and forgot the bag is not found, the sons?" "This?" Father: "Oh, thank you for this!" He takes out a bag of it - folded into eight pieces of paper, unfolds, and there hundreds of dollars. Begins to count - everything is in place, 8 000. "Here, - he says - a hut in the village was sold, I drank to celebrate, and not calculated the forces." Train drivers were angry at his grandfather: "Even beer did not leave a dog».
Source: ibigdan.livejournal.com
Woman selling in subway trains, anonymously told where traders take the goods, why they were not chasing the police, as pickpockets and help artists who are called Little Red Riding Hood.
How things work: Taster at Distillery (3 pics + text)

Interviewed by the Seller in a subway train, I worked a year, got on the ad on the Internet. Promised to pay 250-300 hryvnia per day, or 4 500-5 000 hryvnia per month. The first meeting was held with the employer on the platform of the metro station "Forest", it turned out to be Victor - a man in his forties with a very high voice. He explained that the Chinese need to sell bags 4 hryvnia apiece and drying shoe 20 hryvnia. Except for me, worked a dozen more. Age - 20 to 70 years, most of the province. Apart from Ukrainians, Belarusians have, Moldovans and Russian. This is mainly working in the crisis were laid off, retired and lost their retail space hawkers. All are divided into teams, schedule free. Process led by the beholder, Victor - one of them. Money At the next meeting, Victor explained that every day I have to give him 300 hryvnia. The remainder of the vytorg - mine. I had to sell 30 dryers and 40 bags per shift. General trade in the metro banned, but my questions about the police Victor waved his hand and said it was his concern: "No you will not touch, and if I had that - call." Indeed, one year of work I communicated with the police all times: once grabbed me by the arm too vigilant citizen in a cap and dragged to a detention order on the "Arsenal". I called Victor and gave the phone a policeman. They are about something to talk about: vigilant citizen explained that we have equality in the country and not to let the subway with two bags dryers - a violation of human rights: "Maybe she carries them as a gift!" The next day, Victor told me to be careful and then fined daily earnings. Goods and route the first day I was sent to the route with an unemployed Vanya. "A strong man, in which case insure" - said Victor. While I was selling, Vanya stood aloof and pretend that we are not familiar with, and dashes between cars induct. Said that Chinese goods on the cheap Victor buys on three points: the market "Youth", near the tram rails in the metro "Chernigov" and the market near "the Station". The range varies depending on the season. In the summer go well mosquito nets, mosquito repellent, fumigators, sunblock EXPIRED or expiring, wet wipes. Winter - cheap gloves, dryers, socks. Always good to take the batteries bactericidal plaster, pens that write on one side, and another wash. Sellers of similar goods not intersect. Everyone has their own schedule and branch. My route took the red line, from "Shulyavska" to "Left-bank". If not sat at your branch, you have no right to work. If you sit down at the same station on a train with other sellers, we obtain from the serial number of the beholder. And if you are second, you should not pass on the car in front of the first one. Between passes sellers should be short pauses, otherwise it starts to annoy passengers and they generally do not buy it. - A if I go first and not the second? - I asked. - Regret - seriously said Vanya. Subtleties of sales for the first day of my vytorg was 161 hryvnia. To sell more and not be distracted by the recollection of the text, Victor advised to write an appeal to the passengers on the paper. I wrote: "Dear passengers, offer you excellent bags made in Ukraine." If you say that the Chinese, said Vanya, the demand will be less. At first, I went to the route in the morning, but the trade did not go. Began to work with 13-14 to 19-20. This is the most profitable time many people, all were awake and subconsciously looking for employment that can brighten up the journey. Eldorado for the seller - Christmas, New Year and Easter holidays. Passengers ride in a good mood, buy a lot. A couple of days you can collect monthly revenue. It is important to learn how to find contact with the person. For example, going guy with a girl, the girl's shoes wet. Came up and said, "Young man, have your feet wet ladies. Buy a dryer. " In 80% of cases are buying. Especially in this store clothes stands on 8-10 hryvnia more expensive. A bag must be sold to women over fifty. Although they, too, are different: sometimes you look at a person and somehow fifth sense realize that it will loop over all the goods and do not buy it. In order not to overstrain the throat, on the advice of colleagues with blue-line bought a headset with a microphone, use such guides. Voice of the evening stopped to disappear, but the hands and feet of what have to carry heavy bags to the goods still fall off. Once any grandmother on the head with kandiboberom asked me for a certificate of quality in the dryer. I was confused. Then Victor taught: Needless to say, a certificate from the foreman and foreman now at another station. If my grandmother too pristavuchaya, it is necessary to hint that it is now fit and talk. Though actually "old chap", which will deal with passengers due to distributors, no. Competitors One time I had to defend himself: I crossed in the car with the wheelchair. They have their own mafia, others watching. And here I am selling my dryer, and two in my car begging. One in a wheelchair, her second lucky. When he saw me, wheelchair started yelling: "On my site you trade!" - And on the mat. I ran to the nearest station - they are for me. Started to call Victor. He said come to Little Red Riding Hood - so called underground workers. Ran, explained the situation, it is for me to join. Beggar obmateril and Little Red Riding Hood, but the next train both left. After the case of one of his colleagues-sellers I bought a stun gun "Wasp" and always wore it to work with him.

More in the subway are three or four teams of pickpockets. Worked on my branch team of five people. One of them - a professional artist. Looks after the crowd pretty girl gets notebook, pencil and begins to draw. "Model" is usually worth it, with downcast eyes and it seemed unaware that her draw. The whole car looks with enthusiasm for this performance. Another hustler meanwhile pulls someone purse and passes it through the chain to the end of the car. At the next stop a team comes out and waiting for the next train. Checks Several times a month through the cars are tested, caught sellers. Victor warns police about this, and he on the phone - us. Sometimes, because of such committees did not work for five days. Losses, of course, no one compensated. By the way, check - one way to punish negligent distributors. If you yulish, saying viewer that you do not buy anything, it sdaёsh per day instead of 300 150 hryvnia, then looking one just did not warn you. And you zametut. A police seller immediately sew articles of the Administrative Code. 160-I - trade with the hands at an undisclosed location. A fine of 17 to 119 hryvnia, with confiscation of objects of trade or without it. If pripishut and breaking the law on consumer protection, Article 156-1, the fine of up to 170 hryvnia. Not so much, but always confiscate goods, and you hold a half-day in the monkey. In recent years, these checks became very much. I quit. Found a job quieter - now trading cards for mobile phones. Finds once worked late into the night, with me in the empty car driver was driving with change. Conversation. He told me that a few years ago found to "Svyatoshino" bag, a simple sack. Looked: there soiled paper and bag. Hung it in a line-item on a nail. Through two or three days coming to Dzyadok machinists and said: "I was driving a couple of days ago in the car and forgot the bag is not found, the sons?" "This?" Father: "Oh, thank you for this!" He takes out a bag of it - folded into eight pieces of paper, unfolds, and there hundreds of dollars. Begins to count - everything is in place, 8 000. "Here, - he says - a hut in the village was sold, I drank to celebrate, and not calculated the forces." Train drivers were angry at his grandfather: "Even beer did not leave a dog».
Source: ibigdan.livejournal.com
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The American ignored in solitary confinement (3 photos)