Rules of life from the creator of the social network VKontakte Pavel Durov
1. Do what you like. Learn. Teach. Grow. Change ourselves from within. The golden rule - do what a real pleasure, and then you'll be much happier.
2. Give up the garbage that you eat, you drink and smoke every day.
3. Learn a foreign language. Russian-speaking Internet users 60 million. English language - a billion. English - it is not just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.
4. Read the book. The golden rule - read / listen to at least one book a week. This 50 books a year, which will turn thy life.
5. Spend sensibly every weekend.
6. to set goals, fix them on paper in Word or blog. The main thing is that they are clear, concise and measurable. If you set a goal, you can achieve it, or, or not. If you do not deliver, then the options for achieving non-existent.
7. Learn to type on the keyboard blindly. Time - is one of the few treasures that you have, and you should be able to print almost as quickly as thought. And I think you should not that where the desired letter, and that you write.
8. Ride time. Learn how to manage their affairs so that they worked almost without Your participation. To start Honour Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Archangel. To make decisions quickly, act immediately, not to procrastinate. All matters to do anything, or delegates to someone.
9. Give up computer games, sitting aimlessly in social networks and blunt surfing the Internet. Minimizes communication in social networks, leave one account. Destroy the apartment Television.
10. Stop reading the news. All the same, the key events will be talking all around.
11. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have time more than in the evening. Man enough to 7 hours of sleep, provided quality physical activity and normal diet.
12. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, intelligent and successful people.
13. Work out. Rock climbing, biking, horizontal bar, parallel bars, soccer, running, plyometrics, swimming, functional training - man's best friend, who wants to return to tone your body and get a surge of endorphins. And forget about the fact that such a lift.
14. do unusual things. Go to where never was ezdi to work the other way, deal with the problem, about which you know nothing. Get out of the "comfort zone", enhance their knowledge and outlook. Rearrange the furniture at home, change the appearance, hairstyle, image.
15. Get rid of junk.
16. Forget about what happened in the past. Take with you there is only the experience, knowledge, good relations and a positive experience.
17. Do not be afraid. No insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. Not have to be a warrior, you just see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a chance to experience failure.