What will happen to your body if you drink Coca-Cola?
In 10 minutes. 10 teaspoons of sugar "hit" on your system (this is the recommended daily rate). You do not pull tear because phosphoric acid suppresses effect of sugar.
In 20 minutes. There will be a leap of insulin in the blood. The liver converts the sugar into fat.
In 40 minutes. Absorption caffeine completed. Your pupils are dilated. Blood pressure increase, because the liver throws more sugar in the blood. Blocked adenosine receptors, thereby preventing drowsiness.
After 45 min. Your body will increase production of the hormone dopamine, which stimulates the brain's pleasure center. The same principle of the heroine.
After an hour. Phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your intestines, accelerating metabolism. Increased calcium excretion in the urine.
More than one hour. Diuretic action comes into play. Output calcium, magnesium and zinc, which are in your bones, as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
More than one hour. You become irritable or lethargic. All the water contained in the Coke, appears in the urine.