Funny illustration Nacho Diaz
Spanish illustrator Nacho Diaz has been designing prints for T-shirts. Among the other highlights like the artists of his unique approach to the subject of his work, and original sense of humor. This is my movie!
Perfect balance.
Jurassic Park.
Cirque du Soleil.
Prison Escher.
The hidden part of the iceberg.
Again people?
What Lies Beneath.
Emperor Penguin.
Indiana Mouse.
Bermuda Triangle.
Crispy lunch.
I like it!
Walk to the music.
Ruled the world since the days of ancient Egypt.
Death - it was an accident.
Typical photo cosmo-tourists.
Crime Scene Investigation.
Diet soda, please.
Putting Rubik's Cube.
Secret Love.
Goodbye, cruel world.
Look at life positively!
Source: www.naolito.com

Perfect balance.

Jurassic Park.

Cirque du Soleil.

Prison Escher.

The hidden part of the iceberg.

Again people?

What Lies Beneath.

Emperor Penguin.


Indiana Mouse.

Bermuda Triangle.

Crispy lunch.

I like it!

Walk to the music.

Ruled the world since the days of ancient Egypt.

Death - it was an accident.


Typical photo cosmo-tourists.

Crime Scene Investigation.

Diet soda, please.

Putting Rubik's Cube.


Secret Love.

Goodbye, cruel world.

Look at life positively!

Source: www.naolito.com