Kazan legend
Retired from Kazan Asgat Galimzyanov - a true legend of Kazan. During his long life, he managed to help the victims of the earthquake in Spitak, Chernobyl, and orphanages, he presented 80 buses. Now Asgat Galimzyanov lives in rotten hut as his apartment in the city center, he gave the family returned from Kazakhstan. History wonderful and holy man reading under the cut.
The man in the life of a monument in the heart of Kazan, near the Kremlin. Bronze sculpture composition produced by the personal funds of the family of the first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. They Asgat Galimzyanov long time "you". But even at the monument that symbolizes kindness and charity, there were enemies: this year, vandals ruined sculpture, sawed off the hand of one of the children.
Holy or crazy
In the central market of the city of Kazan House Asgata-Babai (grandfather Tatar - approx.'s) Know everything. A two-storey wooden hut - almost the only survivor of the many local old buildings - is located on Martin Mezhlauk previously adjacent to the shopping pavilions.
The dusty path leading to the shelter, is strewn with the remnants of packaging and products. To Barack Asgata Galimzyanova difficult to approach - it is guarded by a dozen dogs. Men eastern nationality, unloading goods close to home, it is advised to press the bell, tacked on the fence - it rings so loudly that you could hear the whole district.
Going into planks cluttered porch and up the stairs skewed, think, hardly anyone would be able to change a cozy accommodation on a ... A Asgat Galimzyanov could. He moved here in 2010, when a well-organized one-bedroom apartment in the exclusive area of the city has presented a family of refugees from Kazakhstan Akberova. Prior to this large family of seven people, including bedridden grandmother huddled in a communal apartment.
Recent migrants to leave the apartment in the acquired property. However, even after this philanthropist is in no hurry to return to his apartment. "I grew up in the village, and in the four walls close me" - he says.
Asgat Galimzyanov occupies two rooms on the second floor of the barracks. In a small "living room" is a table on which darkened with soot pan, a plate of sweets. Nearby, on the bench, a ball sleeping kittens. The entire wall hung with certificates of honor, letters of thanks and congratulations, and on the floor of the packaging of carbonated water. Above the door hangs a portrait, according Asgata Galimzyanova, on it depicted the president, though his features barely discern. In another room, pictures on the walls, painted children's homes. On the floor - cut boots, called the Tatars "kata". Such shoes are the old houses in the cold weather. Here nearby - heater. Asgat-bogeyman says he does not freezes, because the home gas heating. But it is clear that in the winter old windows windswept.
This 77-year-old man referred to as "Slumdog Millionaire", an eccentric and the first Tatar capitalist. About Asgata Galimzyanova written many books and articles. Probably, many people refer to him as a saint, some say almost crazy city. One thing is clear - those people on the ground on the fingers.
Asgat-bogeyman says in a low voice, muddled and often repeating "Dores eytkende" ("honest" Tatar - approx.'s). His pale blue eyes. Apparently, a man accustomed to the attention of guests of all ranks and titles takes home clothes. Only occasionally pulls out of the closet and put on a jacket with medals and almost the only blue shirt.
Hungry childhood
Asgat Galimzyanov was born and raised in the village: a child caring for cattle, fished, mowed hay, worked on the farm. At night the whole family and burns Galimzyanova molded bricks for sale.
"With the war my father came without both legs. There were times when we are five days have not seen a piece of bread. Mother sent me for nettles, cooked from her soup and bread baked from quinoa. Now people live in paradise. Do you see how much food, Senlis (sister Tatar - approx.'s) "- Shows Galimzyanov on several loaves stacked in piles.
After graduating from eighth grade Asgat served in the army in Vladivostok. Back in the village, I decided to go to Kazan to work: in a big city to find a job was not a problem.
He worked at the police station, at the chemical plant, and at the end of the 70s got a carter on the collective farm market. For days he is a horse harness products were transported to the shops. With this sled he was captured on the monument at the Kremlin wall.
Farm underground
"I suddenly saw that the others did not notice - the market disappeared tons of food waste: watermelon and melon peel, vegetables and fruits," - says the man. Then head a country boy, from childhood accustomed to caring for animals, got the idea to have pigs and feed them these wastes.
Keeping cattle population was strictly prohibited, so Asgat designed for their subterranean dwelling in the barn next door to his horse Orlik. Work on the basement had a lot: Asgat dug cellar holds back the water, set the light came up mechanisms for supplying feed and manure. Every day the man was carrying waste from the market to the barn and fed them pigs. The manure is cleaned at night, harnessed to the sled dogs that could be heard the sound of hooves. He would get up every day at three in the morning.
Grown cattle man handed over to the state. So Galimzyanov earned for 12 years, and on his farm, no one knew for six years due to the fact that all farming man kept spotlessly clean.
Patron admits that in his life he did not have any vacation. In the market it is transported to the morning shopping products, and guarded night shopping arcade, courting in the barn for their cattle. Find and free time in order to repair the pavilions sellers.
Money deposited in the basin under the bed
He lived with his wife and son of a modest, leaving himself only the most necessary. The rest of the money is kept in an enamel basin under the bed.
Tesza Asgata often scolded him for what he holds such a large amount at home. Then Galimzyanov remembered his father's words: "If there is a possibility - to help people." Then Asgat bought an entire cart of fruit and went to the city orphanage. Oranges, pears and apples can not afford all the family, and the children from the orphanage got them for free.
Since then it has become a regular Asgat help other orphanages Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Ivanovo region, Ukraine. Chernobyl radiation poisoning, the earthquake in Armenia, avalanches in Georgia, the tragedy of the submarine "Kursk", the taking of hostages in South Ossetia - Asgat Galimzyanov helped survivors of the tragedy. In his native village, he restored at his own expense a dried lake, built a building for kindergarten, students bought a bus and helped with the construction of the mosque.
Only a rough estimate, philanthropist spent on orphans, the elderly and disabled more than 600 thousand Soviet rubles, transferred to different agencies, more than 80 buses, purchased and donated hundreds of needy televisions, clothes, plenty of food. These figures raises some doubts: it seems that the amount of such a simple man can not earn. But when asked about the money Galimzyanov noticeable changes in the face and fatigue in his voice from multiple repetitions begins to explain: "I bought this abandoned shack near the market, friendly environment and obtained permission of the authorities to increase the number of cattle and 300 bulls. The work helped me a son and a brother. Every grown animal I handed over to the state and received several thousand rubles for it. Money from family, we hardly spent and bought buses produced domestically. Then they cost is not as expensive as it is now. "
Asgat soon lost his wife Rose and son Radhika. An elderly man was difficult to farm, so he came up with another way to earn money. On rented from the city arranged a vacant lot paved parking for visitors to the Cooperative Market trucks. Here, in the garages, visitors could unload goods, and for $ 100 a day is not to worry about its safety.
Come and fraudsters
Thus Galimzyanov earns today. In one room of the barracks sometimes stop seasonal merchants - workers who help him in this. In another room are two live hens and two roosters in the third live dog named Lada.
Asgat Galimzyanov gets up at three in the morning, feeding their pets, their cooking, watching TV, reading the newspaper, and then walks on the market. For six years, several times a week he visits Raushaniya - the daughter of one of the old ladies, whom he helped.
For assistance to the 77-year-old man comes to the present day. "Among them are many scammers who want to beg my apartment," - he says. Now Galimzyanov afraid of strangers and trying not to let them into the house. "Once arrived, seven people who spend hours sitting in my apartment and asked to give - recognized the man. - I think they are also spoiled the monument near the Kremlin ».
Asgat-bogeyman says that none of those to whom he extended a helping hand, it has not come. Although noticeable that a pensioner waiting for this, and very kind to the manifestations of warmth. For example, now wants to make the two mares and ride them orphans, as in former times.
Proudly he shows the letter of thanks from the President and the mayor, certificate of honorary citizen of the city of Kazan. He pulls out of the closet a gold medal named after Lev Tolstoy (awarded by the International Association of Children's Funds for outstanding contribution to the protection of children - approx.'s) And complains that it can not be worn on the chest. "Tell Putin, thank you for that good living, - he says. - How in heaven, everything in abundance: food and clothing ».
He recognized that to do good to the people of his father taught.
"He was respected by all in the village, and for any help he did not take money - he says. - And I was taught not to touch someone else, to support the weak. Today some boast a wealth of others - can not earn. But money is always lying on the ground, you only need to lift their Divorced cattle work - and all will be - he explains. - And I do not need gold, I was not used to it ».
Asgat-bogeyman takes harmony and sits in an old chair. Playing Tatar folk melodies and thoughtfully looks away. He considers himself a happy man, because "only fulfilled its mission - to help people».
Source: www.aif.ru

The man in the life of a monument in the heart of Kazan, near the Kremlin. Bronze sculpture composition produced by the personal funds of the family of the first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. They Asgat Galimzyanov long time "you". But even at the monument that symbolizes kindness and charity, there were enemies: this year, vandals ruined sculpture, sawed off the hand of one of the children.

Holy or crazy
In the central market of the city of Kazan House Asgata-Babai (grandfather Tatar - approx.'s) Know everything. A two-storey wooden hut - almost the only survivor of the many local old buildings - is located on Martin Mezhlauk previously adjacent to the shopping pavilions.

The dusty path leading to the shelter, is strewn with the remnants of packaging and products. To Barack Asgata Galimzyanova difficult to approach - it is guarded by a dozen dogs. Men eastern nationality, unloading goods close to home, it is advised to press the bell, tacked on the fence - it rings so loudly that you could hear the whole district.

Going into planks cluttered porch and up the stairs skewed, think, hardly anyone would be able to change a cozy accommodation on a ... A Asgat Galimzyanov could. He moved here in 2010, when a well-organized one-bedroom apartment in the exclusive area of the city has presented a family of refugees from Kazakhstan Akberova. Prior to this large family of seven people, including bedridden grandmother huddled in a communal apartment.
Recent migrants to leave the apartment in the acquired property. However, even after this philanthropist is in no hurry to return to his apartment. "I grew up in the village, and in the four walls close me" - he says.

Asgat Galimzyanov occupies two rooms on the second floor of the barracks. In a small "living room" is a table on which darkened with soot pan, a plate of sweets. Nearby, on the bench, a ball sleeping kittens. The entire wall hung with certificates of honor, letters of thanks and congratulations, and on the floor of the packaging of carbonated water. Above the door hangs a portrait, according Asgata Galimzyanova, on it depicted the president, though his features barely discern. In another room, pictures on the walls, painted children's homes. On the floor - cut boots, called the Tatars "kata". Such shoes are the old houses in the cold weather. Here nearby - heater. Asgat-bogeyman says he does not freezes, because the home gas heating. But it is clear that in the winter old windows windswept.
This 77-year-old man referred to as "Slumdog Millionaire", an eccentric and the first Tatar capitalist. About Asgata Galimzyanova written many books and articles. Probably, many people refer to him as a saint, some say almost crazy city. One thing is clear - those people on the ground on the fingers.
Asgat-bogeyman says in a low voice, muddled and often repeating "Dores eytkende" ("honest" Tatar - approx.'s). His pale blue eyes. Apparently, a man accustomed to the attention of guests of all ranks and titles takes home clothes. Only occasionally pulls out of the closet and put on a jacket with medals and almost the only blue shirt.

Hungry childhood
Asgat Galimzyanov was born and raised in the village: a child caring for cattle, fished, mowed hay, worked on the farm. At night the whole family and burns Galimzyanova molded bricks for sale.
"With the war my father came without both legs. There were times when we are five days have not seen a piece of bread. Mother sent me for nettles, cooked from her soup and bread baked from quinoa. Now people live in paradise. Do you see how much food, Senlis (sister Tatar - approx.'s) "- Shows Galimzyanov on several loaves stacked in piles.
After graduating from eighth grade Asgat served in the army in Vladivostok. Back in the village, I decided to go to Kazan to work: in a big city to find a job was not a problem.
He worked at the police station, at the chemical plant, and at the end of the 70s got a carter on the collective farm market. For days he is a horse harness products were transported to the shops. With this sled he was captured on the monument at the Kremlin wall.

Farm underground
"I suddenly saw that the others did not notice - the market disappeared tons of food waste: watermelon and melon peel, vegetables and fruits," - says the man. Then head a country boy, from childhood accustomed to caring for animals, got the idea to have pigs and feed them these wastes.
Keeping cattle population was strictly prohibited, so Asgat designed for their subterranean dwelling in the barn next door to his horse Orlik. Work on the basement had a lot: Asgat dug cellar holds back the water, set the light came up mechanisms for supplying feed and manure. Every day the man was carrying waste from the market to the barn and fed them pigs. The manure is cleaned at night, harnessed to the sled dogs that could be heard the sound of hooves. He would get up every day at three in the morning.
Grown cattle man handed over to the state. So Galimzyanov earned for 12 years, and on his farm, no one knew for six years due to the fact that all farming man kept spotlessly clean.

Patron admits that in his life he did not have any vacation. In the market it is transported to the morning shopping products, and guarded night shopping arcade, courting in the barn for their cattle. Find and free time in order to repair the pavilions sellers.
Money deposited in the basin under the bed
He lived with his wife and son of a modest, leaving himself only the most necessary. The rest of the money is kept in an enamel basin under the bed.
Tesza Asgata often scolded him for what he holds such a large amount at home. Then Galimzyanov remembered his father's words: "If there is a possibility - to help people." Then Asgat bought an entire cart of fruit and went to the city orphanage. Oranges, pears and apples can not afford all the family, and the children from the orphanage got them for free.
Since then it has become a regular Asgat help other orphanages Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Ivanovo region, Ukraine. Chernobyl radiation poisoning, the earthquake in Armenia, avalanches in Georgia, the tragedy of the submarine "Kursk", the taking of hostages in South Ossetia - Asgat Galimzyanov helped survivors of the tragedy. In his native village, he restored at his own expense a dried lake, built a building for kindergarten, students bought a bus and helped with the construction of the mosque.
Only a rough estimate, philanthropist spent on orphans, the elderly and disabled more than 600 thousand Soviet rubles, transferred to different agencies, more than 80 buses, purchased and donated hundreds of needy televisions, clothes, plenty of food. These figures raises some doubts: it seems that the amount of such a simple man can not earn. But when asked about the money Galimzyanov noticeable changes in the face and fatigue in his voice from multiple repetitions begins to explain: "I bought this abandoned shack near the market, friendly environment and obtained permission of the authorities to increase the number of cattle and 300 bulls. The work helped me a son and a brother. Every grown animal I handed over to the state and received several thousand rubles for it. Money from family, we hardly spent and bought buses produced domestically. Then they cost is not as expensive as it is now. "

Asgat soon lost his wife Rose and son Radhika. An elderly man was difficult to farm, so he came up with another way to earn money. On rented from the city arranged a vacant lot paved parking for visitors to the Cooperative Market trucks. Here, in the garages, visitors could unload goods, and for $ 100 a day is not to worry about its safety.
Come and fraudsters
Thus Galimzyanov earns today. In one room of the barracks sometimes stop seasonal merchants - workers who help him in this. In another room are two live hens and two roosters in the third live dog named Lada.
Asgat Galimzyanov gets up at three in the morning, feeding their pets, their cooking, watching TV, reading the newspaper, and then walks on the market. For six years, several times a week he visits Raushaniya - the daughter of one of the old ladies, whom he helped.
For assistance to the 77-year-old man comes to the present day. "Among them are many scammers who want to beg my apartment," - he says. Now Galimzyanov afraid of strangers and trying not to let them into the house. "Once arrived, seven people who spend hours sitting in my apartment and asked to give - recognized the man. - I think they are also spoiled the monument near the Kremlin ».

Asgat-bogeyman says that none of those to whom he extended a helping hand, it has not come. Although noticeable that a pensioner waiting for this, and very kind to the manifestations of warmth. For example, now wants to make the two mares and ride them orphans, as in former times.
Proudly he shows the letter of thanks from the President and the mayor, certificate of honorary citizen of the city of Kazan. He pulls out of the closet a gold medal named after Lev Tolstoy (awarded by the International Association of Children's Funds for outstanding contribution to the protection of children - approx.'s) And complains that it can not be worn on the chest. "Tell Putin, thank you for that good living, - he says. - How in heaven, everything in abundance: food and clothing ».
He recognized that to do good to the people of his father taught.
"He was respected by all in the village, and for any help he did not take money - he says. - And I was taught not to touch someone else, to support the weak. Today some boast a wealth of others - can not earn. But money is always lying on the ground, you only need to lift their Divorced cattle work - and all will be - he explains. - And I do not need gold, I was not used to it ».
Asgat-bogeyman takes harmony and sits in an old chair. Playing Tatar folk melodies and thoughtfully looks away. He considers himself a happy man, because "only fulfilled its mission - to help people».

Source: www.aif.ru