5 signs of a good illustration for kids

Being a father inspired dreamer, illustrator would like to share with parents and fellow shop some thoughts and observations about children's picture books for the very young. And although the book illustration is difficult to attribute to IT, though, this article will describe the important principles that can be useful for all developers of visual products for young audiences.
A book for children - it is a way to know the world. Selection of books for parents of the child, it is a critical part of his upbringing, as a children's book takes on an important cognitive, ethical and aesthetic functions. Poets and artists directly involved in the upbringing of the child. His illustrations, he develops the aesthetic taste of the child, affects the formation of his outlook.
Help parents select a book for a child, and it will help illustrators create the following 5 main signs good illustration for kids.
1. The items depicted in the illustration, to be expressive and easily recognizable. B> It's all good methods. For example, the exaggeration of some properties of objects, emphasizing their main features and simplification of the secondary.

Bear, Brown Bear, who is there to come? Author: Martin ml. Bill, illustrator Carl Erik i>
2. Characters should easily convey emotions. Facial expressions and body posture of the character should be well-defined. B> Do not use complex emotions: sad smiles or tears of happiness. The child understands only one kind of tears - crying one who is bad. A smiling one who is good.

If you give a little mouse a cookie. Author: Laura Joffe Numeroff, Illustrator: Felicia Bond i>
3. Color illustration of a child has an important information function. B> Bright, contrasting colors define the emotional mood and color accents manage the child's attention.

The Cat in the Hat. Theodor Geisel i>
4. The characters are revealed through their actions and phrases. B> The child perceives the action of the image, so the illustration should seek to "tell" the story of unaccompanied text. Artist in the children's book is not simply a book illustrator, stage reversal. He became director of the narrative, the narrator of history.

SHH! WE HAVE A PLAN. Chris Haughton i>
5. In all illustrations should be logical and thought out. B> in the rapidly developing thinking child build mental connections "cause-effect" play a very important role. The investigation should try as much as possible to connect with the cause through the "why?" It is important to remember that the book is a textbook for the baby, because you should pay attention to what she can teach.

by the thousand. Author: Valery Ordinartseva, illustrator: Bakhtin Pauline i>
English illustrator Martin Salisbury (Martin Salisbury) in one interview said: "... picture book serves as a mobile personal art gallery, which you can hold in their hands, and visit again and again».
The child will be "re-read" the book hundreds of times. And later, in adulthood remember what I read in my childhood. All he would take from the book, on a subconscious level will affect his relationship to the world and others. Therefore, I ask parents to be mindful of what your kids are reading, and not to spare money for good children's books.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/231405/
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