8 reasons to be glad you're not in love :)

1. You have plenty of time. This love him forever is not enough, because they should not watch the clock.
2. You do not care about the problems of misunderstanding. Relationship - is work. You do not have to worry about you - on vacation!
3. Happiness - not the money. And how they are distributed. In the journey go hitchhiking, and saved - on shoes that you absolutely can not afford.
4. Plans - to perform! Remember as a child you dreamed of becoming a singer in his youth - to learn Spanish, and start earning heard the call of the jungle? :)
5. Personal space. Decrease or increase the distance between you and the men can be guided not by the laws of intimacy and honesty in relationships, and in its sole discretion.
6. Your appearance - your business. Indeed, as you can make to save the beauty of if not the world, then its individual fan?
7. The ability to "do not fit". To raise the bar, to keep the brand, correct crown or drop dignity - how does all this tiring!
8. sobriety of mind and clarity grade.
9. You understand that this - not forever.
10. Life or Life? In our case - of course, a life! No violence on themselves in a constant struggle with scattered around the apartment things, slap toothpaste mirror and prints from the seven-league boots on scrubbing and shampooing your carpets tenderness. Magical world where everything is arranged as you like. For example, general cleaning once every six months.
11. My favorite work.
12. Do Good. Nevlyublennoy be - in a sense, to be a good man, guided only by their convictions. You can otpaivat girlfriend midnight tea after a personal drama, you can pick up a homeless kitten. And no one will be disapproved hem on this occasion.
13. Appears time trying to fall in love with yourself. Or find yourself better - as you wish. Just like in the song of the "CHajf", whose hero is stuck in the elevator and realized that it was a great opportunity to talk with yourself.
14. Decreases the number of grievances and discontent.
15. Freedom of implementation. This thing will be stronger than the banal lack of domestic responsibilities and opportunities sleep.
16. You are not afraid to lose something. Relatively speaking, because you have nothing to lose. That is, you do not realize what exactly you will be sorry to say goodbye, if you suddenly fall in love. And thank God!
17. You can become the soul of the company, and the darling of the public are always welcome in any home.
18. You can easily deal with their disabilities. Unpleasant word. But if you do not invest in it a critical sense, it is quite acceptable to indicate what you lack. Just not enough. You will be able to answer your queries, not adjusting to the other people. And this is called freedom.