10 Laws of Attraction Wealth:

1. Your every action or deed has consequences. In wealth there are reasons that people do to succeed? Learn from other people and do what they did.
2. The reality is that for you, what you do truly believe. You always act according to your beliefs. Your beliefs act as filters that do not pass the information is not consistent with your beliefs ... So, worst of all to believe that you can not accomplish anything. In this case, you advance to limit their options and thus depriving yourself of the future.
3. If you are expecting a negative, it often happens. If waiting for good, often happens is good. Rich in hope and believe that will continue the rich and the poor believe that it is impossible to become rich.
4. You can change your life as much as you can change the way of his thinking. You always attract people, situations and circumstances in your life ... And what do you think?
5. You will never achieve any result in reality, while the first will not experience it within themselves. You have to mentally simulate everything what you want to achieve in reality. Your mental images attract reality.
6. People are getting rich, because they so decide.
Around us enough money. Need to want to believe and consistently perform all the necessary steps ... As long as you do not decide to become rich, you will remain poor ... Write down all the reasons why you are not rich, and then show this list to a friend or loved one and ask his opinion ... Chances are you find that all of the reasons it's just an excuse or justification, for which you are hiding.
7. In order to get more money, you have to increase the productivity and efficiency of their work. Need to improve their knowledge. You need to be a valuable, indispensable employee. You will increase, and the salary increase.
8. Time and money can be wasted, and can be nested - remember the laws of attraction money, invest time and money to become more successful and wealthy. The best investment is an investment in their own education (meaning not an institution or crust diploma, namely knowledge of how to make money). All the rich, sooner or later realized this, but the poor are either already "knows everything" or they did not before.
9. People who are focused on the future, willing to pay the price of success long before they reached it, they always try to predict what the consequences will present their financial decisions in 5, 10, 15 and even 20 years!
People from the lower classes of society have the shortest time perspective, they think primarily of short-term rewards and are taken only for the work that promises immediate reward. As a rule, such a strategy inevitably leads to eternal poverty and lack of money.
10. Everyone will be able to achieve financial well-being if lifelong will save 10 percent or more of their income. You need to separate each month 10% and put it in the bank at interest. Savings today, tomorrow is a guarantee of safety.
A few words, which, unfortunately, not in Russian. And, perhaps, for the better. :)
Rid yourself of these dangerous words: