A few words, which, unfortunately, not in Russian. And, perhaps, for the better. :)

1. Cafune (Brazilian Portuguese) - gentle fingers through his hair to hold the one you love.
2. Myötähäpeä (Finnish) - when somebody did something stupid and ashamed of it for some reason, you.
3. 侘 寂 (Wabi-Sabi) (Japanese) - a chance to see something beautiful in imperfection. For example, in the crack at the King Bell.
4. Rwhe (language Tsonga, a variety of Bantu, South Africa) - fall down drunk and naked on the floor and sleep.
5. Tartle (Scotch) - panic disorder, you should get to know someone a person, and the name can not remember it.
6. Fond de l'air (French) - literally translated as "the bottom of the air." In general, the expression means: outside the summer and the sun is shining, and like to get dressed easy, but in fact - very cold.
7. Lagom (Swedish) - not too much, not too little, and so at the time.
8. Iktsuarpok (the Inuit language) - imagine that you are at home waiting for someone, and that someone is not talking, and now you're starting to look out of the window to run out the door to see whether there is a guest .
9. Yuputka (Ulvi language, the Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua) - the feeling when you walk through the woods, and you think that your skin to someone touches. For example, the ghosts.
10. Desenrascanco (Portuguese) - an opportunity to get out of trouble, not having to do any deliberate decision, nor do any of the features. Approximate analogue - "born under a lucky star».
11. バ ッ ク シ ャ ン (bakku-shan) (Japanese) - when the lady from the back seems attractive, and at the sight of her face, you get scared.
12. Ilunga (South African Congo) - a person who can forgive and forget the first time, an indulgent treat in the second, but the third time, if you set him up, will kick your ass.
13. Mamihlapinatapai (Yiganskiy, the language of the nomadic tribes of Tierra del Fuego) - non-verbal understanding, where people exchange views and understand that both want the same.
14. Oka (language Ndonga, Nigeria) - difficulty urinating caused by the fact that stuffed frogs, before the rainy season.
15. Kaelling (Danish) - have seen women who are in the courtyard (restaurant, park, supermarket) and yelling as undermined, their own children? Well, the Danes call them that way.
16. Kummerspeck (German) - literally translated as "bacon grief." Generally it refers to the action when you start binge eat everything to drown their depression.
17. Glaswen (Wales) - insincere smile when a person smiles, and it is no fun.
18. Koyaanisqatsi (the language of the Hopi Indians, USA) - "nature, lost balance and lost harmony».
19. Tingo (paskualsky, Oceania) - to borrow money from a friend or thing until that nothing is left but the bare walls.
20. Sgiomlaireachd (Scottish Gaelic) - irritation that cause people distracting you from eating when you're fucking hungry.
21. Nakakahinayang (Tagalog, Philippines) - feeling of regret that feel of not being able to exploit the situation, or to provide access, because it was afraid to take a chance, and someone all happened,
22. L'esprit d'escalier (French) - the feeling one experiences after a conversation when he could have said a lot, but remember, or cool formulated just now.
23. חוצפה (chucpe) (Hebrew) - a shocking, cynical and impudent behavior that formally indisputable. Well, let's say, as if the child soaked both his parents, and now asks the judge for leniency, because it left an orphan.
24. Backpfeifengesicht (German) - a person for whom it is necessary to punch his fist. The closest analogue of the Russian "asks bricks." However, in one floor.
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