50 ways to learn a foreign language with pleasure

American writer Shannon Kennedy admits that for her to learn a new language in the present conditions proved to be much easier than a few years ago. If you have free access to a computer and high-speed Internet from you only need the desire, and everything will turn out.
Nowadays there are plenty of online resources and applications to help language learners. And even have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers, without leaving your home.
Website publish ways to enhance their knowledge that can benefit everyone. They can be divided into subgroups, depending on the skills, the development of which they are directed.
Duolingo bit of everything - a free platform for language learning. Service is designed so that as you progress through the lessons of users simultaneously help translate web sites, articles and other documents conference or meeting polyglots interesting task , related to the study of language. How, for example, Lindsay Dow, which each month to learn new words and maintains a blog. When you visit museums and exhibitions , you can select the group you're interested in speaking the language, and learn foreign pamphlets. Watch video tutorials on YouTube. There are a large number of channels to help you, here are some: Puzzle English, Rachel's English, Learn English with Let's Talk. Search for and find new! Use the language program , such as: Busuu, LANGMaster, Pod101 Series, Rosetta Stone. Try teach someone other languages , this will improve your own knowledge of grammar and pronunciation. Use the service FluentU. It offers a large selection of video in different languages , watching where you can replenish your knowledge and have fun. Play games , no matter what. It can be board games in a foreign language or computer online games among the speakers of your language. Visit lessons , but not for show, and try to really show interest. Restocking phrases, is a much more useful than teaching individual words. For those whose level is higher than average, it is useful to try to lessons online is not in the native and foreign language. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Coursera offers free lessons in various subjects. Knowledge of the history and culture of the country in which you speak in the target language, helps feel the learning process and well motivated. Learn cooking national dishes , is especially great to do it on prescription in a foreign language. Now you can find a large number of culinary blogs in different languages: inspiring Lucy Dodds, a sweet tooth David Leibovitz, a hedonist and simply clever Matt Baits and many others lead their blogs about food.
Reading and pravopisanieChitayte literary adaptation , the initial stage is a great option. You can choose any book, no matter it is "Forrest Gump" Winston Groom or "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome, the main thing - to make you wonder. Upon receipt of a sufficient amount of knowledge will be useful to read original literature memory interval card to memorize words. They can do it yourself, or you can use ready-made from Antosch & Lin, Anki or other sources. Sign all of the objects in your home, using the stickers or cards the language for writing blog most impressed you learned. After a while it will be interesting to go back a few months and to follow the development. Select the text in a foreign language and enjoy a good old translation with the dictionary language settings on your devices: on the phone, computer, and even in the car, you can set the language you want. Yes, and in many applications, such as, for example, Twitter or Facebook, you can select another language. Become a member of the forum or online group in a foreign language. They can also be found in many social networks. Even at the grocery store, you can expand your knowledge. Just read formulations label of imported goods. The same applies to instructions and trains on all the things that you acquire. Try to read the compositions, labels, manuals in a foreign language. Go to the Library Newspapers and magazines in the target language, if not immediately, but when you get home, you honor them precisely. Make friends with the dictionary. You can open it to any page and learn a new word, you can make lists of words and learn them. And you can take advice Language Surfer, which offers a read (or listen to the text), write down unfamiliar words and learn them fix native speakers comic also contributes to the learning of new words, not only have to read the book. Do not forget the Grammar , it is required to spend time. In bookstores you can find a variety of textbooks and workbooks.
Speaking and listening Pimsleur offers free test lessons. Use Skype for learning languages. Many people through social networks offer free communication, the benefit of which can not be underestimated. You speak in the target language with its media Read aloud - it develops as your reading ability and speech. Subscribe to the podcast - a lot of them, and most abolyutno free. Here are some of them: ESL, TED Talks, Grammar Girl. Talk to yourself , even if it sounds silly. It's a great way to practice before you carry on a conversation with native speakers. Audiobooks - a very useful thing, listen to them, for example, in the car or on long journeys. Record your speech to the recorder - so you can hear yourself from the outside and may notice errors that previously passed. This technique helps to improve pronunciation. Visit cultural event , dedicated to the country whose language you are learning. It may be some festival or a week, for example, Italian food at your favorite restaurant. You will be able to communicate in a foreign language and to join the culture of another country. Start a video diary and share your videos via Instagram or YouTube. Browse infomercials on YouTube, they are short and some of them even with subtitles. This is a good opportunity to get new knowledge, without wasting a lot of time watching. But the next step you can make watching movies or TV series in a foreign language caption music in the target language. Singing along to your favorite artist, you learn to accept the language by ear and tighten pronunciation. Try working on your accent , Train, repeating the alphabet, or some combination of sounds. This is especially true of sounds that are not in your native language.
Materials: Shannon Kennedy
Translation and adaptation of the Website
See also:
10 inspiring lectures TED with Russian voice acting
150 expressions of English slang
100 books in English, from simple to complex
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