6 concepts that should finally get me to work
I promised to pass the text editor last spring. But, in the best tradition, putting off writing it day after day. During this time I had time to read more than 300,000 news in RSS-reader, view and send about a thousand tweets, layknut couple thousand photos, watch several dozen films, three to finish the series and curse the 9th series of the third season of Game of Thrones (yes, it is it was a long time ago). In general, I was very, very busy.
To describe this condition in psychology there is a term "procrastination", familiar to any Habrazhitelyu. We are well aware that it would be good, damn-it, finally to work, but then dumped on some unnecessary detail - for example, expanded in alphabetical order bags with paper towels which have accumulated in the bottom drawer.
Weekly on any reputable IT-resource publish articles about how to overcome procrastination. It is called the scourge of the 21st century and the authors of the texts long and nice to talk about intrinsic motivation. I must say, this is an excellent article. They are like many and well commented. I've written about ten comments under them, but would not write this text. So, personally I have all these psychological things do not work. So I picked up a few concepts that could motivate good.
1. Clock, erasing list arrow
A group of Chinese designers with an unpronounceable name suggested the concept of hours Delete Clock . The watch dial acts as a whiteboard where the owner writes the list in front of each hour. Over time, a large needle-sponge hours and moves the recording blurs. Fearing that the case would be erased before performing and not being able to defer or postpone some tasks, the employee acts expeditiously. At least trying.
2. Wall button with timer
The concept of Korean designer Kim Sung Min (Kim Sung Min) It's Time To Read Me won the Red Dot Design Award in the "Best Concept ". The idea is to stickers illuminated, lights on a timer. In unusual buttons built tiny LEDs and a timer with a primitive plant - when it comes time reminder sticker on the corresponding lamp lights. The advantage of this method is the clarity and simplicity, in contrast, for example, electronic reminders smartphone. It is assumed that a bright backlit sticker will not get lost among a heap of pop-up messages, letters, and the like, that is just what we are constantly distracting phone and computer.
3. Push-calendar (the one from KDPV)
Continuing the theme of the calendar - Japanese designer Rёhe Yusiyuki придумал Calendar-button Pushpin Calendar, consisting of dated stationery buttons. Designer offers do not fit into ready-made calendar of events and memorable dates, and create your own wall calendar. Yes, this calendar will not know how many Saturdays falls in the next month, or Bastille Day conveniently falls on a Friday. But you'll always know what date the son brought a picture from kindergarten. And, you can distribute the tasks on the board, which are dated to any particular number, and shoot them as they perform.
4. Calendar in the form of matches
Ukrainian designer Yurko Gutsulyak created another calendar Energy calendar, where every day is designed as a match. Having lived the day, the user removes a match and burn it - at this point, according to the author's idea, the realization comes to him irrevocability of time, and hence the desire to use his time more efficiently. In view of what is happening now in Kiev, days with matches beginning to acquire an entirely different meaning.
5. Calendar in the form of garbage bags
The same author belongs to another similar idea - to produce calendars in the form of garbage bags. Motivation is the same - throwing in the trash the next day, inevitably begin to appreciate time.
6. Calendar puzzle DIA
Portuguese designer Gonzalo Campos proposed concept wall calendar in the form of a puzzle, which meets user within one year of the portions of dark (if bad day) and light (if successful day) colors. As emerges infographics lived days weeks and months, that helps a person more conscious approach to time.
The same idea underlies the календаря-футболки, proposed student at Stockholm College of Design Pepper Hanbergera.
Only in this case a calendar hangs on the wall is not, but for themselves. However, it is very much there is a problem washing. Since the unpleasant smell can make any day black.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/211725/

To describe this condition in psychology there is a term "procrastination", familiar to any Habrazhitelyu. We are well aware that it would be good, damn-it, finally to work, but then dumped on some unnecessary detail - for example, expanded in alphabetical order bags with paper towels which have accumulated in the bottom drawer.
Weekly on any reputable IT-resource publish articles about how to overcome procrastination. It is called the scourge of the 21st century and the authors of the texts long and nice to talk about intrinsic motivation. I must say, this is an excellent article. They are like many and well commented. I've written about ten comments under them, but would not write this text. So, personally I have all these psychological things do not work. So I picked up a few concepts that could motivate good.
1. Clock, erasing list arrow
A group of Chinese designers with an unpronounceable name suggested the concept of hours Delete Clock . The watch dial acts as a whiteboard where the owner writes the list in front of each hour. Over time, a large needle-sponge hours and moves the recording blurs. Fearing that the case would be erased before performing and not being able to defer or postpone some tasks, the employee acts expeditiously. At least trying.

2. Wall button with timer
The concept of Korean designer Kim Sung Min (Kim Sung Min) It's Time To Read Me won the Red Dot Design Award in the "Best Concept ". The idea is to stickers illuminated, lights on a timer. In unusual buttons built tiny LEDs and a timer with a primitive plant - when it comes time reminder sticker on the corresponding lamp lights. The advantage of this method is the clarity and simplicity, in contrast, for example, electronic reminders smartphone. It is assumed that a bright backlit sticker will not get lost among a heap of pop-up messages, letters, and the like, that is just what we are constantly distracting phone and computer.

3. Push-calendar (the one from KDPV)
Continuing the theme of the calendar - Japanese designer Rёhe Yusiyuki придумал Calendar-button Pushpin Calendar, consisting of dated stationery buttons. Designer offers do not fit into ready-made calendar of events and memorable dates, and create your own wall calendar. Yes, this calendar will not know how many Saturdays falls in the next month, or Bastille Day conveniently falls on a Friday. But you'll always know what date the son brought a picture from kindergarten. And, you can distribute the tasks on the board, which are dated to any particular number, and shoot them as they perform.

4. Calendar in the form of matches
Ukrainian designer Yurko Gutsulyak created another calendar Energy calendar, where every day is designed as a match. Having lived the day, the user removes a match and burn it - at this point, according to the author's idea, the realization comes to him irrevocability of time, and hence the desire to use his time more efficiently. In view of what is happening now in Kiev, days with matches beginning to acquire an entirely different meaning.

5. Calendar in the form of garbage bags
The same author belongs to another similar idea - to produce calendars in the form of garbage bags. Motivation is the same - throwing in the trash the next day, inevitably begin to appreciate time.

6. Calendar puzzle DIA
Portuguese designer Gonzalo Campos proposed concept wall calendar in the form of a puzzle, which meets user within one year of the portions of dark (if bad day) and light (if successful day) colors. As emerges infographics lived days weeks and months, that helps a person more conscious approach to time.

The same idea underlies the календаря-футболки, proposed student at Stockholm College of Design Pepper Hanbergera.

Only in this case a calendar hangs on the wall is not, but for themselves. However, it is very much there is a problem washing. Since the unpleasant smell can make any day black.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/211725/
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