15 simple stories that make you think ..

Today is one of the patrons of the cafe - the usual middle-aged man, who has been for over 5 years, as we walk to breakfast, left me a $ 500 tip and a note: "Thank you, Cheryl. Your sweet smile and friendly service for many years already lifted me up every morning. I'm moving to live with her son and his family to another area and no longer be able to have breakfast with you. Let your life be magic. "
- Today is a special day. Ten years ago, my best friend was ill and she urgently needed a kidney transplant. I decided to become a donor for her. Today her wedding. She marries a man she met 10 years ago in the hospital. And I - a bridesmaid.
- A few months ago, I unexpectedly lost his job and I could not pay for the rented apartment. When I came to his landlord to inform him about the move, he said: "For 10 years, you've been a good tenant. I know you have a difficult time, so do not hurry ... find another job, and only then pay me. "
- I always wear your seat behind the wheel, but today I had to get a map from the glove compartment and I unbuckled his seat belt at the moment. When I leaned out of the truck, who was standing at a traffic light in front of me had the long aluminum tube. She broke the windshield and crashed straight into the driver's seat, right in the place where a second ago was my head. Police officers arrived on the scene for a long time were surprised that I was still alive, and how much I was lucky.
- I work as an accountant in a small chain of restaurants. Apart from me in our company employs several hundred people. The crisis has significantly affected the number of customers and revenue, but none of our employees has been dismissed. And none of them does not know that the owner of the network for six months does not get his salary.
- Today, when I was sitting on a bench in the park, not far, I saw an elderly couple. They stopped the car under the old oak tree, included jazz music and danced a slow dance. They were holding hands and not take their eyes off each other. Then they got back into the car and drove away ...
- Six months after his brother's death, I flew back to his apartment, which is located in another city to parse things. In his weekly on the table I saw the note "a trip to the sea," crossed out and marked with a comment: "Maybe next month.
- Three weeks ago I donated a portion of her clothes for the homeless. Today, walking in the park, I saw a woman, which was wearing my shirt. I smiled and told her: "Great shirt!" She smiled and agreed, "Yes, I like it too!"
- Today happened to me a remarkable story. I lost my purse which contained $ 200, and most importantly my documents. About an hour after that, my door knocked the man who found it. Everything was in place, lay in exactly two hundred dollars. I offered a reward to a stranger and he agreed to take half of the amount, explaining that he, too, was gone in the morning purse, which contained exactly $ 200 and take half of it will be fair. He left, but after a while he returned. He brought me back my $ 100, because some woman returned him his wallet intact.
- Today I first returned to work after a year, I was on vacation disability. At the factory where I work, an explosion, in which I was deaf in both ears. My return was a real treat for me. I was greeted with posters "We are glad to see you!", "Welcome!", "We missed you," and nine of my colleagues even learned during my absence sign language, that they should be easier to communicate with me and understand me.
- Today, the boy from the football team in the middle of the match burst into tears of joy and exclaimed, "Daddy," ran into the arms of his father, who had just returned from Afghanistan and immediately came to the school to see his son.
- Today I read a suicide note that I wrote 2 September 1996 for two minutes before I called my friend to tell me that she is pregnant. Then it was the only reason to keep me from irreversible step. Today, she is my wife, we are happily married for many years. Sometimes I read this note as a reminder that there are no hopeless situations and I have to be thankful for what she gave me a second chance.
- Today, I woke up, my daughter called me by name when I was sleeping in her hospital room, where she spent 98 days in a coma.
- Today I saw in the supermarket the young guy. He had two gift cards and he bought them a few video games. When he was about to leave, the cashier told him that he had left on the map another $ 12 in stock. Then he returned to the store and choose a bouquet of flowers and a card paying for it at the checkout, the cashier gave. She still has not been able to wipe the smile off his face even after he was gone.
- I'm a florist. Today in my store come soldiers. He leaves to serve for one year, but not before he decided to order according to which his wife every Friday during the year will receive a bouquet of flowers from him. I did it for a discount of 50%, because it made my day happy!