Where the world is heading ...
Xochu share with you one shocking event, which I had to face ...
I'm in 8th grade (no, I'm not a nasty shkolota who smokes and drinks). I study well.
Well duck that's more to the point, the class of a very cultured and polite (so I thought). With all the talk, no one quarrels. Today I learned that my classmates (I will not name names) Periodically stealing gum from a local store, chupachupsy chocolates ...
Well, of course I condemn this supposedly why do it, every kind of like not from a poor family, decently dressed, everyone has a computer, etc. Naturally, they did not listen to me ...
steel Today they decided to call me ssoboy, I refused.
They left with a lesson in boutiques "povorovat" after school they were waiting for me, well, of course shared stolen. I said I was not going to take something stolen and said that they do poorly. Then they called me "ssykunom," I said as a weakling I can not go to the boutiques and steal something ...
Well, I do not know if I just brought up better than they are, or stealing now fashionable ... Where the world is heading ...
I'm in 8th grade (no, I'm not a nasty shkolota who smokes and drinks). I study well.
Well duck that's more to the point, the class of a very cultured and polite (so I thought). With all the talk, no one quarrels. Today I learned that my classmates (I will not name names) Periodically stealing gum from a local store, chupachupsy chocolates ...
Well, of course I condemn this supposedly why do it, every kind of like not from a poor family, decently dressed, everyone has a computer, etc. Naturally, they did not listen to me ...
steel Today they decided to call me ssoboy, I refused.
They left with a lesson in boutiques "povorovat" after school they were waiting for me, well, of course shared stolen. I said I was not going to take something stolen and said that they do poorly. Then they called me "ssykunom," I said as a weakling I can not go to the boutiques and steal something ...
Well, I do not know if I just brought up better than they are, or stealing now fashionable ... Where the world is heading ...
