7 simple rules that add 10 years of life
1. Be active
Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle is stealing from you a minimum of 4 years of life? In addition, these people increase their risk of developing heart disease and stroke in half. If you stay physically active, your mind will also be more alive (exercise not less important than crossword puzzles). This does not mean that everyone should at once get up and run up for a gym membership (which would still be a good idea). Do not get stuck in place, even if a lot of work and all around lights. Work is not the meaning of your life. Especially because once you go haywire and fails for some time, no one will be waiting for your recovery. You simply replaced by the newer item. Do not forget about yourself, a lot of walk, walk, run, ride a bike, go hiking.
2. Follow and controls your cholesterol
High cholesterol leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Now the big question is - do you know your cholesterol levels? When you do the last time was at the doctor (dentist does not count) and blood tests?
3. eat a healthy diet
Fortunately, we have the products that fall under the category of a healthy diet, you can easily find on the market grandmothers for a very sane prices. To do this, it is not necessary to go to an expensive boutique with organic products. Only grandmother must also be checked (especially when it comes to dairy and meat products). Again, we have shown that healthy food can be delicious. Less fried and fatty, more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes!
4. FOLLOW blood pressure
High blood pressure is often called the "silent killer" - it often makes no symptoms, but the results of careless attitude to health can be very sad. Knowing your pressure and consult with your doctor will allow you to adjust it in the right direction.
5. Try to stick to a healthy weight
Obesity is another common cause of cardiovascular disease (or more!). Determine how much weight is normal for you, you can use the tables that are defined ratio of height and weight (plus you need to consider bone mass, percentage of body fat in your body, etc.). These systems are many and you can choose for themselves exactly the one that suits you best. In general, a healthy weight is one in which you feel good, both physically and psychologically.
6. Monitor your blood sugar levels
Diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke. On the other, no less "pleasant" risk factors that adds diabetes, we will not remember. Do not forget about the second type of diabetes (acquired).
7. Give up smoking
The fact that smoking is harmful to health, everyone knows. On all packs in huge letters written that smoking can cause lung cancer, but from it still will not refuse. More than 37,000 Canadians die prematurely each year from smoking. In Russia every year from smoking kills about 332,000 people in Ukraine - 37 000. It is possible that the actual numbers may be even greater. Add to this figure a couple of thousands of deaths from passive smoking and the picture becomes even less rosy. It is not known what terrible - slowly killing yourself, knowing this, or realize that behind them you can pick up a few more people who shared with you your "hobby", inhaling cigarette smoke.