Police state Ukraine

VІDTEPER We live in BANDITSKІY DERZHAVІ, DE HEMA J MTIE PRO LAW YAKІS that freedom. Znayomtesya s novatsіyami, of acceptance yakih gang sfalshuvala pid dome of NAS of Ukraine (access in all subtraction odrazu pіdnyattyam hands i nazivannyam "Zi stelі" figures golosіv):
1. For the columns ruh bіlshe 5 cars - viluchennya rights i avtomobіlya 2 Rocky.
2. For dіyalnіst іnformagentstva without derzh.reєstratsії - konfіskatsіya tehnіki i + produktsії great fine.
3. torn down peacefully zіbran order - up to 10 dіb.
4. Participation in the civilian zіbrannyah kastsі, uniform odyazі, s Vaughn - 10 dіb.
5. Vstanovlennya nametіv, Scene chi navіt sound (!) Without Allowed (!) Mіlіtsії (!) - Up to 15 dіb.
6. Nepovaga to court - 15 dіb
7. Nevikonannya vimog about obmezhennya access to іnternetu - a fine of 6800 UAH.
8. Nevikonannya "laws vimog" SBUshnikіv - fine Hope 2 yew. UAH.
9. Protocol about admіn. pravoporushennya mozhna Vzhe not be awarded osobі, yak vvazhayut porushnikom (dostatno t.zv. "svіdkіv»).
10. Presentation of Pіdtverdzhennya povіstki osobі no longer deprivation її pіdpis, and "whether yakі INSHI danі» (!)
11. Blokuvannya access to Zhytlo (tsіlkom krimіnalna new norm) - 6 ROKІV.
12. The work hardening (turn to Krimіnalnogo Code !!!!) - 2 Rocky.
13. Poshirennya ekstremіstskih materіalіv (!!!!) - 3 Rocky.
14. "grupovogo torn down Gromadska order" - 2 Rocky
15. MASOVІ ZAVORUSHENNYA - 10 i 15 navіt ROKІV (!) - Whether yakogo participant Maidan mozhna sadit for tsієyu Statt, Not Saying Vzhe about INSHI ARTICLES (!).
16. Zbirannya іnformatsії about berkutіvtsіv, suddіv that іnshih podіbnih personazhіv - 3 Rocky.
17. wagged mіlіtsіoneru chi podіbnim characters - 7 ROKІV.
18. zbirannya іnformatsії about Sudd - 2 Rocky
19. NGO, yakі otrimuyut Costa h of the cordon - now & quot; іnozemnі agent & quot ;, toil platiti podatok to "Prybutok" i ofіtsіyno nazivatisya & quot; іnozemnimi agents & quot ;.
20. NGO not mozhut zdіysnyuvati "ekstremіstsku dіyalnіst».
21. The Church is not mozhut zdіysnyuvati "ekstremіstsku dіyalnіst»
22. Power Mauger priynyati Reforms about ZABORONU ACCESS TO ІNTERNETU
23. Gromadska ob'єdnannya vvazhaєtsya such scho bere fate in polіtichnіy dіyalnostі, Yakscho vono pragne vplivati on Reforms organіv Vlady (todі on Taku dіyalnіst i її fіnansuvannya Treba prositi zavchasnogo powers permitted).
24. Man of mozhut zasuditi (including in jails to bagatoh rokіv) Correspondence, tobto in її vіdsutnіst on sudі.
25. Before vіdpovіdalnіst torn down rules for the road Ruhu Now you can zamіst vodіya prityagnuti vlasniki cars, Yakscho torn down zafіksovano automaticity zasobom.
26. People's Deputy mozhut pozbaviti nedotorkannostі i dati Zgoda on Yogo aresht without rozglyadu profіlnim komіtetom - odrazu at the plenary zasіdannі BP.
27. "Berkut" she posadovtsі, yakі by bringing zlochini Proti aktivіstіv Maidan zvіlnyayutsya od retribution. Tsey perelіk not povny, Ale th tsogo dostatno, zrozumіti dwellers - In UKRAЇNІ VSTANOVLENO dictatorship. CE - Real felled KONSTITUTSІYNOGO fret. Lachey Masov opіr i usunennya uzurpatorіv Mauger vіdnoviti dіyu Konstitutsії i rule of law i zahistiti ukrainian people od Masov represіy. Tse - not perebіlshennya. Maximum census, whether weasel.
Godin vivchav laws, NAS of Ukraine proshtampovanі chohom without zhodnogo-approved. Naybіlsh reaktsіynі s them - 3879, 3587, 3855, 3883, 2178a, 2179a