Elephant Man removed the tumor
China Elephant Man have removed a huge tumor on his face. She weighed 1, 5 kg. From another tumor, which weighed 17 kilograms 5, it spared during two surgeries - in 2007 and 2008. The last operation on behalf of the Chinese Huan Chunkay suffered 25 dekabrya.
December 29 a man turns 36 years old. Huge tumor on his face appeared in childhood. It all started with a small build-up that appeared next to the left eye, the Chinese, when he was only four years old. Having reached adolescence, he was completely blind in that eye. The tumor has become so huge that a man could not stand up straight, causing his spine is deformed. Because of this, its growth is now only 1, 35 metra.
The fact that a farmer from Henan province suffers neurofibromatosis. This is a hereditary disease that causes birth defects - including the huge tumor on the body of the patient. The case of 36-year-old Chinese is considered one of the most serious cases of this disease recorded so far in mire.
After the operations in 2007 and 2008, doctors hoped to save the patient from a tumor, but it reappeared. Over the past six years the tumor has grown so much that it took the new operation. Doctors from Hospital of Guangzhou operated Elephant Man, but his struggles with the tumor is far from over. Doctors believe that their patients need at least another two operatsii.
Source: www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=1173301