It is worth considering ..
Once a businessman standing on a pier in a small village and watched a fisherman sitting in a fragile boat, as he caught a huge tuna. Businessman congratulated fisherman luck and asked how long it takes to catch a fish.
- A couple of hours, no more, - said the fisherman.
- Why did not you stay at sea longer and did not catch a few of these fish? - Surprised businessman.
- One fish enough to my family lived next day - he replied.
- But what are you doing the rest of the day? - Do not let the businessman.
- I sleep till noon, and then go for a couple of hours of fishing, then play with their children, after my wife to arrange a siesta, and then I go to the village to walk, drink wine in the evening and play with their friends on the guitar. You see - I enjoy life, - explained the fisherman.
- You're a strange, - said businessman - I'll help you, you still do not. You have to fish all day and then buy a bigger boat.
- And then what? - Asked the fisherman.
- Then you'll catch even more fish and you can buy several boats, even ships, and one day you will have a fleet.
- And then?
- Then, instead of selling fish intermediary, you will bring the fish directly to the factory and increase profits, you will discover own factory.
- And then?
- Then you will leave this godforsaken village and you will move to the big city, and maybe one day you'll be able to open a huge office and be there director.
- And how all this take?
- 15-20 years.
- And what then?
- And then - laughed businessman - and then comes the most pleasant. You'll be able to sell his company for a few million and become very rich.
- And then?
- Then you will be able to stop working, you move to a small village on the coast, you'll sleep till noon, a little fishing, play with children, to arrange a siesta with my wife, stroll to the village in the evenings drinking wine and playing with her friends on the guitar