Railway Museum
Looking at this picture, you probably think about a new post about Grand Model Russia. Certainly not! Brayzon City in North Carolina boasts a small but pretty interesting railway museum. In the hall of the museum is a model railway and a display of the various models of locomotives and carriages that ride on the railways USA. I recommend to visit.
I love these models. They are made, usually with incredible detail, representing scenes from the life of a small world, so that they can be considered for hours.
Several trains constantly ply the spaces of the layout:
The museum - in combination also shop - any of the display in the windows of cars or locomotives can be purchased:
The exhibits on display in the display / sale in the shop windows - hundreds:
A very popular method of transportation in the United States - from the semi-trailer truck, mounted on a railway platform. Himself seen this repeatedly:
Wagon postal service USPS:
Source: dmitrychaos.livejournal.com

I love these models. They are made, usually with incredible detail, representing scenes from the life of a small world, so that they can be considered for hours.

Several trains constantly ply the spaces of the layout:

The museum - in combination also shop - any of the display in the windows of cars or locomotives can be purchased:

The exhibits on display in the display / sale in the shop windows - hundreds:

A very popular method of transportation in the United States - from the semi-trailer truck, mounted on a railway platform. Himself seen this repeatedly:

Wagon postal service USPS:

Source: dmitrychaos.livejournal.com