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Russian perspective. There is an opinion

The economic collapse of Putinism moved from the category of predictions into reality. Now she and formally (through the mouth of the Ministry of Economy) recognized that the front - "ten lean years." Putin repeated a degraded version of the Brezhnev model. Like 30 years ago, eating up the country and "doing nothing" led to the collapse, says a well-known critic of Putinism in Russia Maksim Kalashnikov, and continues:
- I find it funny forecasts that installed now in the order of the Russian Federation - is almost all that Putin can reign forever that world oil road, etc. The same thing I've heard in Brezhnev's USSR (1964-1982 gg.), Where he was living, and in conscious age. But after only three and a half years after the death of Brezhnev he struck Chernobyl, and five - a massacre in Sumgait and blood in Karabakh.
I putinschiny reality is painfully reminiscent of the reality of Brezhnev's Soviet Union - especially after 1979. I am sure that Putin - if not the last, the penultimate ruler of the Russian Federation in its usual form.
Putin's (or rather Yelets-Putin) mode has deteriorated, driven to grotesque model Brezhnev oil "goulash socialism».
But amid Yelets-Putin Erefii Soviet Union Brezhnev era - a highly power. If Putin has created a complete tracing of Brezhnev's model, the current Russian Federation, for example, have built roads in the year seven times more than now. The stocks of aircraft factories would have gone ten times more. With some lag from the West, but the Russian Federation would produce its own tablet devices and "umnofony" vengeance pulling fiber optic link to the entire domestic production (of plans this autumn of 1987, I told the director of the Research Institute of the Cable Industry Izyaslav Peshkov).

The country would have to produce their machines-robots (machining centers), its flat LCD televisions, etc. Yes, you remember the shelves of consumer electronics in the USSR 1983-1984 years: there was the same as in the West. Except for CD players (the first in the USSR "lazernik" - 1987 minutes), but the Voronezh recorders that fall into the category of a persistent deficit.

Putin deliberately copied Brezhnev. Up until the repetition of idiocy with the Olympic games. Like Brezhnev, the Soviet Union plunged into unnecessary costs to the Summer Olympics in 1980 and Putin hung on the neck is much more frail Russian astronomical cost to the Winter Olympics in Sochi. With the same way, the serial number - XXII. So the match here downright mystical.

What Yelets-putinschina? It - Brezhnev's model, which is cut off from all its advantages, but to limit its hypertrophied ulcers and vices. And ingloriously, ended disastrously model Brezhnev, just collapse and Yelets-Putin its reincarnation. It does not prevent.

And all this is done by eating through the country, the loss of her future.

Under Putin, the orgy of imports and almost complete abolition of their production reached its zenith. Earning for raw materials around 600 billion. Dollars a year to pay for Russian imports of finished products (rather than hardware!) Gives up 450 billion. Annually. Eating away the country is in its pure form and at full speed. Since 2000, the ruble actually (due to an increase in domestic prices) has appreciated four. After the course of his stay at the same thirty rubles to the dollar (with minor fluctuations up and down).

This means that expensive raseyane live undeservedly well, and to return the situation in 2000 have to devalue the ruble to 120 per dollar.

As under Brezhnev, eltseputinskaya system assumes that anything it is not necessary to develop his. No need to think and create on their own. Everything must borrow in the West. All: the theory and methods of management and technology. All - only buy there. What clearly condemns us to an overwhelming backlog, which only increases due to the de-industrialization of the country.

As under Brezhnev, today the country's problems (economy, society) are not solved, and smeared with the help of petrodollars and masked crackling-pompous propaganda. That does not eliminate the problem, and turns them into ripening "bomb" the terrible destructive power.

As with Leonid Brezhnev, the system, like a brainless dinosaur rushing on the rut, not wanting to change anything. She is powerless before the abrupt change in the external environment and to the unexpected challenges. And if the Soviet Union after the death of Brezhnev faced a temporary drop in world oil prices, the Eltseputiya also face the global systemic crisis. And also - to call home (demographic crisis Migration wear infrastructure).

As under Brezhnev, the system fell into insanity and is not willing to change their behavior. In the USSR, then the economy gubilas dominance of communist ideological dogmas, in Russia today - domination over the life of the neoliberal monetarist dogma (in the degenerate version of the late 1980s). Under Brezhnev elite furiously pearl on the extensive way of economic development, taking the quantity but not quality. She stepped up uncontrollably the armed forces (dropping their quality) and as uncontrollably increased material costs in support of allies around the world.

Today, the "elite" as rampant stealing and can not stop (although it was the theft of dangerous even for herself!) She also is extensively resource course, showing complete inability to move on the rails of new industrialization and innovation. We, who lived at Brovenostse, it all resembles Brezhnev spells like "The economy must be economical." And then no one believed in the incarnation of the Kremlin's spell, and now the mantra of the rulers of "innovation growth" are perceived as verbiage.

As under Brezhnev, there is degradation of the administrative staff, "nepotism" and cronyism, and the nomenclature became untouchables and impunity. Only now - everything is seen in its most extreme form. What leads to the collapse of Management.

As under Brezhnev, the economy drive in snares bureaucratic overregulation. Only a much larger scale. Under Brezhnev, the KGB and the Interior Ministry did not destroy the footage producers, and did not lead to the collapse of entire companies.

In today's Russian "siloviki" and bureaucrats has bred so much that destroy all life. They take any profitable business, destroying all disagreeable business person. Monstrously overgrown car from the secret police and the state apparatus is literally drowning economy.

As under Brezhnev, it was time to caricature the "cult of personality" and odious officialdom, trumpeting about the "unprecedented accomplishments." But if the Soviet Union under Brezhnev had actually been achievements, but now you have to play with the consciousness ('positive perception of the world "), cheat with statistics and its interpretation, and also infinitely remember the Soviet victory. (For a real lack of his).

Particularly heavy proportion of protective publicists. They are fed - but they need any tyranny himself, his idiocy to declare any higher wisdom, and in every way to justify these things. If, contrary to expectation, a bunch impose himself in the church - and then it will have to explain to the electorate as a kind of act of supreme sacredness. Or, if you climb up himself in the head to make the Prime Minister of this (not biped) ass, the guardians will be required to explain signified a step higher personnel maneuvers.

Parallels can be continued. But it is hardly necessary. One thing is clear: this system is doomed to fail. And so, that the end of Brezhnev's model may seem in comparison with the soft landing.

We are not just talking about Putin, namely Yelets-Putin reincarnation brezhnevschiny in its worst features. For Yeltsin tried to do and did the same as Putin.

Just EBN-have no luck with the world oil prices. And Putin - a direct continuation of Yeltsin. For it was in the last presidential address in 1994 called for the strengthening of statehood and strengthening of government influence on the economy. Yeltsin in 1995 went to the policy of "currency corridor" (retention rate of the ruble to the dollar at a constant level), that for three years has killed the remnants of the domestic industry and threw the country of import of finished products. Moreover, Yeltsin sincerely thought of himself as a benefactor of the people. After all, panmaesh at me in the store - one overseas, beer and vodka - even drown, and the great socialist construction sites do not need to plow, and I raise my pension. Putin has just brought these "neobrezhnevskie" tendency to the absurd, and it is because of the rise in oil prices.

What's in common brezhnevschinu and eltseputinschinu? The feeling that nothing in principle to change with this power can not be. We, who lived and formed in the Brezhnev era, the feeling is familiar to the pain. We have the year that way in 1981 looked at what is happening and bitterly realized: while they are sitting in power - all will be paralyzed. What this power is useless to offer some reform plans, scientific and technological and social breakthroughs.

No, I foresaw the death of the Soviet Union, waiting for more severe economic crisis. However, now that you realize the full senselessness offer something reasonable is already present power and realize that the "elite" is nothing, in principle, does not want to change, we already have bitter historical experience. Yes, now we are not talking about raskhvatyvanii public property, but on the agenda becomes a struggle for power in the privatized state and redistribution of the loot before the wild. Togo profitable, what remains - and that not enough at all. And it is - guaranteed shooting and a huge danger of separatism.

That is, the Russian flew ... No, not a vicious circle (because reality has changed dramatically), and the same downward loop as in 1971. And it allows you to make unflattering conclusions not only on the ruling elite, but also the people. For any "elite" or he did not understand that repeat past mistakes. That means that the current Russian brains and passionarity - really bad.

What a disaster "second brezhnevschiny" will be much harder than the first crash, I do not have even a shadow of a doubt. Unlike the Soviet Union of the 1980s, from the Russian (and Ukrainian) do not have "clearance»
Author: 4eJloBe4uLLle