Fizkult hi. Taiga history
It was winter in the forest. A team of lumberjacks cutting to mark the end portion rolled sabantuychik that potentially threatens to escalate into a great feast, and the next day had to relocate to the next section at a distance of about 5 km.
So. Evening close, dark, the driver of the tractor - a man healthy and, in principle, sober. Since all were collected and stacked, he figured that if the trailer to the tractor trailer, without distracting the team from the festival, you can save time. He clings cables trailer (trailer on runners - winter), blocks the door in case anyone did not come out for a smoke in the process of moving, gets tractor touching, and - forward, glancing in the rearview mirror on someone's hands, waving him out of the window, seeing it as an encouragement to their actions. Arrives at the proposed location, suppresses diesel, comes to the little wagon. Songs no longer heard only groans and quiet mat. Opens the door for him hating eyes look absolutely sober men, wiping sweat and spitting through his teeth.
It turns out that when the tractor budged wagon primerzshee bottom came off, and the men ran 5 km in the snow inside the trailer
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