Why people in the Union were more engaged in physical education, and amateur sports were developed much better
Physical culture and sports The Soviet Union had a mass character. Not always, of course, but there was such a period. From the positive – these classes did two useful things at once: they strengthened the health and bodies of citizens. They made them stronger and stronger. In addition, they were united by sports interests. Many amateur or even factory clubs eventually grew into something more, acquired real talents and professionals in their field.
Of course, there were downsides. We will talk about them at the end of the article. As they say, sport is good and useful. Only on one condition: if the sport is amateur, not professional. Improving your physical condition, being in the fresh air is one thing. And setting records and exhausting the body with training every day is quite another.
Amateur sports in the Soviet Union for some time was really developed and in demand. There were enough reasons for this, so young and not-so people often spent time skiing, skating or, for example, with a ball in the stadium. Practice in the fresh air strengthened health and positively affected the mood of a person.
Now there are no more skis, but before, 15-20 years ago, almost every balcony had a pair of old skis or, for example, only one ski, which was lazy to throw away. An echo of the past, when almost everyone in the territory of the then Union had an unspeakable love for this sport. But in fact, few people competed with each other. Skiers just went outside and immediately attached themselves to some kind of ski: in the park, in the forest, even in the city.
Skiing at that time was not distinguished by any special convenience or ergonomics. But people did not care about it: smeared the sole with a special ointment - and forward, snow and frost were already waiting. In general, this was a very correct practice, positively affecting immunity and overall health. Now, unfortunately, skiing is an expensive hobby, and it is customary to ride them at special ski resorts. With the right equipment, of course.
This sport has not lagged behind either. In many yards, special mini-platforms were flooded, on which people trained in the cold season. The skates were figurative, running and ordinary. Of course, the latter were the most popular, because they suited almost everyone. Both skaters and hockey players. Training was quite convenient, even without coming to a special rink.
Girls, of course, were more interested in figure skating, because it is still considered a more feminine sport. Spectacular movements, smooth lines. And if you look at the world records, it will immediately become clear that the Soviet figure skating school is rightfully considered one of the strongest.
Swimming pools, sports clubs were opened for swimming. You could come on the next track with some athlete just hang out in the water, especially if the weather was good. In addition, there were towers from which it was very scary to jump. It is noteworthy that the depth in different parts of the pool was different even then. That said, far-reaching plans for such construction.
Peels created special sections for swimming and water sports. There, people actively prepared for competitions from training or labor groups. For example, water polo as a team game was already quite popular. It was even presented in official sports of the USSR. Just like water tourism and water skiing, which athletes often prepared in the pools, developing endurance and lung volumes.
As you can see, physical education and sports were very popular in the USSR. It was one of the few advantages of that time.
Physical culture and sports: a spoonful of tar Unfortunately, the negative aspects of mass sports also brought. And some of them are not obvious at all. To begin with, athletes visually stand out from other people. And the mass love for physical education began to lead to the fact that among the youth began to laugh at ordinary guys and girls who did not stand out for the beauty of the figure. Even if they could not personally influence it.
Now let's think about the same figure skaters. Not only in figure skating, the Union managed to take first places. There were other sports disciplines. But these competitions were not easy. Many children, whom their parents brought to the section with the hope of their bright and strong future, by the age of 25-30 became real ruins, who gave their health in favor of too demanding coaches. To achieve success came out in units. Nobody wanted to pay attention to the others.
Peels Well, besides, everything tends to end. The boom in sports fashion also passed at some point, and a large number of people who are used to this lifestyle simply stopped doing it. But if you are already involved in such a rhythm, your body will require new loads and a stable, high-calorie diet. Abrupt changes in this case are only harmful.
Look at American football coaches or rugby coaches. These are former athletes who did real miracles on the field and in training. Now they are huge, fat-swimming men and women. All because of sudden changes in training. The same fate befell many Soviet citizens after leaving sports sections. They've become obese, obese. You can see them now, too. But now it happens more because of malnutrition, rather than changes in sports life.
We recommend that you exercise at least a couple of times a week. Maybe not too intense. Especially when it comes to newcomers. But some physical activity is required. This is not just a matter of coveted cubes on the stomach. But the usual well-being, moods and opportunities to make plans for the future. Hey, gym!

Of course, there were downsides. We will talk about them at the end of the article. As they say, sport is good and useful. Only on one condition: if the sport is amateur, not professional. Improving your physical condition, being in the fresh air is one thing. And setting records and exhausting the body with training every day is quite another.
Amateur sports in the Soviet Union for some time was really developed and in demand. There were enough reasons for this, so young and not-so people often spent time skiing, skating or, for example, with a ball in the stadium. Practice in the fresh air strengthened health and positively affected the mood of a person.
Now there are no more skis, but before, 15-20 years ago, almost every balcony had a pair of old skis or, for example, only one ski, which was lazy to throw away. An echo of the past, when almost everyone in the territory of the then Union had an unspeakable love for this sport. But in fact, few people competed with each other. Skiers just went outside and immediately attached themselves to some kind of ski: in the park, in the forest, even in the city.

Skiing at that time was not distinguished by any special convenience or ergonomics. But people did not care about it: smeared the sole with a special ointment - and forward, snow and frost were already waiting. In general, this was a very correct practice, positively affecting immunity and overall health. Now, unfortunately, skiing is an expensive hobby, and it is customary to ride them at special ski resorts. With the right equipment, of course.
This sport has not lagged behind either. In many yards, special mini-platforms were flooded, on which people trained in the cold season. The skates were figurative, running and ordinary. Of course, the latter were the most popular, because they suited almost everyone. Both skaters and hockey players. Training was quite convenient, even without coming to a special rink.

Girls, of course, were more interested in figure skating, because it is still considered a more feminine sport. Spectacular movements, smooth lines. And if you look at the world records, it will immediately become clear that the Soviet figure skating school is rightfully considered one of the strongest.
Swimming pools, sports clubs were opened for swimming. You could come on the next track with some athlete just hang out in the water, especially if the weather was good. In addition, there were towers from which it was very scary to jump. It is noteworthy that the depth in different parts of the pool was different even then. That said, far-reaching plans for such construction.

Peels created special sections for swimming and water sports. There, people actively prepared for competitions from training or labor groups. For example, water polo as a team game was already quite popular. It was even presented in official sports of the USSR. Just like water tourism and water skiing, which athletes often prepared in the pools, developing endurance and lung volumes.
As you can see, physical education and sports were very popular in the USSR. It was one of the few advantages of that time.
Physical culture and sports: a spoonful of tar Unfortunately, the negative aspects of mass sports also brought. And some of them are not obvious at all. To begin with, athletes visually stand out from other people. And the mass love for physical education began to lead to the fact that among the youth began to laugh at ordinary guys and girls who did not stand out for the beauty of the figure. Even if they could not personally influence it.
Now let's think about the same figure skaters. Not only in figure skating, the Union managed to take first places. There were other sports disciplines. But these competitions were not easy. Many children, whom their parents brought to the section with the hope of their bright and strong future, by the age of 25-30 became real ruins, who gave their health in favor of too demanding coaches. To achieve success came out in units. Nobody wanted to pay attention to the others.

Peels Well, besides, everything tends to end. The boom in sports fashion also passed at some point, and a large number of people who are used to this lifestyle simply stopped doing it. But if you are already involved in such a rhythm, your body will require new loads and a stable, high-calorie diet. Abrupt changes in this case are only harmful.
Look at American football coaches or rugby coaches. These are former athletes who did real miracles on the field and in training. Now they are huge, fat-swimming men and women. All because of sudden changes in training. The same fate befell many Soviet citizens after leaving sports sections. They've become obese, obese. You can see them now, too. But now it happens more because of malnutrition, rather than changes in sports life.

We recommend that you exercise at least a couple of times a week. Maybe not too intense. Especially when it comes to newcomers. But some physical activity is required. This is not just a matter of coveted cubes on the stomach. But the usual well-being, moods and opportunities to make plans for the future. Hey, gym!
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